Restoring the Analytics database on OpenShift and Cloud Pak for Integration

Deploy the AnalyticsRestore CR to initiate restoration of a backup of the IBM® API Connect Analytics database on OpenShift or Cloud Pak for Integration.

Before you begin

Create a backup. If you intend to restore from a recent backup, ensure that the backup is finished before you start the restore operation.

About this task

A restore operation is triggered by creating the AnalyticsRestore CR. The new CR is detected by the ibm-apiconnect operator, which requests a restore of the specified backup.

Note: You can only run one backup or restore process at a time.


  1. Find the backup that you want to restore.
    1. Get a list of available backups by running the following command:
      oc get analyticsbackup -n <APIC_namespace>

      where <APIC_namespace> is the namespace where the Analytics subsystem is deployed. The response looks like the following example. Note down the ID of the backup that you want to restore.

      NAME                  STATUS   ID                                     CR TYPE   INDICES                 AGE   COMMENT
      a7s-bup-266p8         Ready                                           create    [all]                   20h   y
      a7s-bup-pffdh         Ready                                           create    [all]                   34h   y
      analytics-bup-kxwq5   Ready    analytics-all-2020-09-07t03:49:15utc   record    [all]                   34h
      analytics-bup-p29z8   Ready    analytics-all-2020-09-07t18:04:03utc   record    [all]                   20h
      Note: You can only restore the Analytics subsystem from backups where the CR TYPE is record.
  2. Create the AnalyticsRestore CR using either the IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI, the OpenShift web console, or the CLI.

    In the CR, specify the ID of the backup that you want to restore. For example:

    kind: AnalyticsRestore
      generateName: a7s-restore-
      - all
      backupID: analytics-all-2022-07-01t03:49:15utc
      enableIgnoreUnavailable: true
      enableOverride: false
    • indices - A list of index names or keywords, indicating which indices you want to restore. Options are: all|apievents|ui, or the names of individual indices. If no indices are specified, then all indices are restored. The default of 'all' is specified explicitly in the above sample.
    • backupID - The ID of the backup to be restored. In the example, the backup ID is analytics-all-2022-07-01t03:49:15utc.
    • enableIgnoreUnavailable - Default value is false. If set to false, the restore fails if a specified index is not present in the backup identified by the backupID. If set to true, missing indices are skipped and the restore continues.
    • enableOverride - Default value is false. If set to true, then the restore overrides existing indices. This might result in a loss of data from the current database.

      When enableOverride is set to false and you specified indices that already exist in the database that you are restoring, then the restore fails. The failure prevents you from accidentally replacing or losing data that exists in the current database.

  3. Trigger the restore operation by clicking Create in the UI, or by running the following command to deploy the CR in the namespace for your Analytics subsystem:
    oc create -f analyticsrestore_cr.yaml -n <APIC_namespace>

    The restore's name is generated when the restore operation runs.

  4. To get a list of restores, run the following command:
    oc get analyticsrestore -n <APIC_namespace>

    The response looks like the following example.

    NAME             STATUS    ID                                     AGE
    a7s-restore-01   Running   analytics-all-2026-07-01t12:48:49utc   11s
  5. Display the details for a particular restore by running the following command:

    Use the restore name from the results in the previous step.

    oc get analyticsrestore <restore_NAME> -n <APIC_namespace> -o yaml

    The result looks like the following example,:

      kind: AnalyticsRestore
        generateName: a7s-restore-
        selfLink: >-
        resourceVersion: '11267266'
        name: a7s-restore-01
        uid: e772c6c9-754a-45da-a7c7-507a56cbb94a
        creationTimestamp: '2022-07-01T12:48:50Z'
        generation: 1
        namespace: apic
        backupID: 'analytics-all-2026-07-01t12:48:49utc'
        enableIgnoreUnavailable: false
        enableOverride: true
          - all
        backupID: ''
        commentLeft: ''
      - lastTransitionTime: "2022-07-01T14:08:03Z"
        message: WARNING
        status: Warning
        type: Ready
      details: |
      id: analytics-all-2022-07-01t14:49:15utc

    When the restore is successfully started, the status: condition section displays Running. If the restore does not start correctly, the status: condition section displays Failed.

    The restore process is successful when the storage cluster status is green, there are no unassigned shards, and there are no initializing shards. At that time the status: condition section displays Complete. If status: Complete is not achieved after 3 hours, the status changes to Warning and the details are no longer updated.

    Attention: For deployment profiles with fewer than 3 storage nodes, the restore process is never marked as Complete. The storage cluster status is expected to be yellow and to have more than 0 unassigned shards. In this situation, the restore process is likely to be complete when there are 0 initializing shards.