Preparing for disaster recovery on OpenShift

Back up data and essential deployment information from each API Connect subsystem so that you can use it to recover your deployment after a disaster.

About this task

To prepare your deployment for disaster, complete this task to copy the API Connect deployment settings, and then proceed to the following tasks to backup additional information for each subsystem.


Complete the following steps to copy the API Connect deployment settings for use when you recover the deployment.

  1. Find the API Connect cluster's name by running the following command and looking for the value in the NAME column:
    oc get APIConnectCluster
    The response looks like the following example:
    apic-cluster   7/7     Running   10.0.3   10.0.3-149         6d4h
  2. Create a back-up copy of the installation CR for each subsystem, as well as the top-level APIConnectCluster CR, with the following commands:
    1. oc -n <APIC_namespace> get apiconnectcluster apic-cluster-name -o yaml > apic-cluster-cr.yaml
    2. oc -n <APIC_namespace>> get mgmt apic-cluster-name-mgmt -o yaml > mgmt-susbsystem-cr.yaml
    3. oc -n <APIC_namespace> get a7s apic-cluster-name-a7s -o yaml > a7s-susbsystem-cr.yaml
    4. oc -n <APIC_namespace> get ptl apic-cluster-name-ptl -o yaml > ptl-susbsystem-cr.yaml

What to do next

Proceed to Preparing the Management subsystem for disaster recovery on OpenShift.