Tracking API volume for auditing and compliance

For client security reasons, IBM entrusts its clients with monitoring their own API volume and ensuring that it is within the limits of the contract.

If you purchased IBM API Connect with a license metric of "API Calls", the count of total API Calls must be collected and archived by the client for audit and compliance. This includes, but is not limited to, licensed programs: "IBM API Connect Hybrid Entitlement" and "IBM Cloud Pak for Integration - API Calls".

Usage archiving

You are required to regularly record the number of your API calls from the Analytics system to maintain a record of monthly usage. To ensure the most accurate results, capture the counts of API Calls daily. For information about viewing API call counts and creating a query that counts API calls for all response status codes and for a specified time range, see Counting total API calls for your Analytics service.

Overage charging

If you exceed your allotted usage, it is your responsibility to report this to IBM in the form of a CSV file so that the correct overage charge can be applied. IBM has the right to audit customer usage data at any time. If unreported overages are found, there are severe penalties.

Overage is based on the measurement period. For example, overage for a contract might be measured by the year. If your API volume exceeds the entitlement after 6 months, you must either pay overages for the remaining period or purchase additional volume.