Enabling Insights for Test Suites

The following details are required in order to enable insights-driven test generation for a new or existing test suite:


To configure the Jaeger connection details the following values are required:

To obtain the service names used to identify the Jaeger traces from the API Gateway, review the options under the service dropdown on the Jaeger UI; the service name will be apiconnect by default.

The test service name is for the Jaeger instance deployed in the same environment as test APIs; source is the remote Jaeger instance.

  • Service in test: Test API Gateway Jaeger service name for the local system defined Jaeger instance
  • Service in production: Source API Gateway Jaeger service name for the remote system defined in the Data service section
  • Time range: Select the date range from which to obtain OpenTelemetry traces
  • Results limit: Sets the number of OpenTelemetry traces that are to be retrieved from the source environment for use to build the training model

Data Service Connection Details

Define the connection details of the remote data service to enable connection to the source environment to retrieve OpenTelemetry and analytics data:

  • Endpoint: The route created for the insights data service
  • API key: The key can be found in the ai-data-service-api-key secret mounted to the data service, this may need to be retrieved by your administrator
  • TLS certificate: The certificate presented on the endpoint - if signed by an internal certificate authority or uses a self-signed certificate then please provide the full certificate

API Management Connection Details

Provide the definitions for the source API Management deployment to enable the retrieval of analytics data.

  • Provider organization: The name of your API Management organization
  • Catalog: Name of the catalog in the above organization that you wish to use
  • Analytics service: The name of the deployed analytics service that you wish to use
  • Username: The username of the user created to retrieve analytics data from the source API Management instance
  • Password: Password for the above user
  • Realm: The user realm which the user authenticates against, should be in this format: provider/idp
  • OpenAPI document: The OpenAPI spec document describing the set of APIs to be used for insights generation
  • Client ID: The id of the application registered for use with the API Management REST API - No longer required as of CP4I 2021.3.1
  • Client secret: The secret of the application registered for use with the API Management REST API - No longer required as of CP4I 2021.3.1

If a client application has not been created, then you may use a local user registry and create a new user for analytics.