Preparing the environment

Install all of the required applications before attempting to migrate v5-compatible APIs to the DataPower API Gateway.

About this task

Migrating v5-compatible APIs to the DataPower API Gateway requires the following applications:
  • API Connect v10.0.5.4 or later
  • API Connect operations (apicops) tool, latest v10 release
  • API Connect migration utility (AMU), release v10.0.5.5-R0 or later
  • Node version 18.20.4 or later

Complete the following steps to set up your environment with the required applications:


  1. Upgrade to API Connect v10.0.5.4 or later.

    Your API Connect deployment must be at, or a later version of Refer to the upgrade instructions in the Installing and maintaining IBM API Connect section.

  2. Download and configure the latest release of the apicops tool.

    Download the apicops binary for your operating system from GitHub at latest release and rename the file to apicops.

    Review the associated README for requirements and instructions for using the tool.

  3. Download the migration utility v10.0.5.5-R0 or later.

    The API Connect migration utility (AMU) is available from IBM Fix Central. On Fix Central, set the Install version to (or a later version of 10.0.5.x) and search for the text "migration" to locate the AMU.

  4. Install Node version 18.20.4 or later.

What to do next

After you have installed the required applications for your environment, complete the following tasks to migrate your vv5c-compatible APIs.