Downloading and extracting the data to migrate

Use apicops to download data from API Connect, and then use the AMU to extract the data from the downloaded archive.


  1. Use apicops to extract and download data from API Connect as a .pgdmp archive file.

    Run the following command:

    apicops postgres:pg_dump -e <archive_name>.pgdmp

    where <archive_name>.pgdmp is a name that you create for the archive file that will contain the downloaded data; for example, v10_backup.pgdmp.

  2. Copy the .pgdmp archive file to the location where you installed the AMU, storing it in the same directory as the AMU.

  3. Use the AMU to unpack the archive stored in the .pgdmp archive file.

    Run the following command in the same directory where you stored the downloaded .pgdmp archive file (see Table 1 for available the parameters):

    On Windows: open a command window with Administrator privileges, and omit the "./" from the command.

    ./apicm archive:unpack-v10 <archive_name>.pgdmp

    The first time you use the AMU, you are prompted to accept the license. You must accept the license to continue.

    Table 1. AMU archive:unpack-v10 parameters
    Parameter Description
    <archive_name>.pgdmp Required. The .pgdmp archive file created containing the data downloaded from API Connect.
    --provider-orgs Optional. A comma-separated list containing one or more provider organization names. Use this parameter to unpack only the data for the specified provider organizations instead of unpacking the entire archive.
    ./apicm archive:unpack-v10 <archive_name>.pgdmp --provider-orgs=<pOrg1_name>,<pOrg2_name>,<pOrg3_name>

    When the command completes, the data is unpacked to the /cloud-v10 directory, which is located in the same directory as the AMU, and is populated with YAML files representing the configuration objects in the .pgdmp file.

    Important: The unpack directory must be named /cloud-v10. Do not rename the directory.