Installing custom modules

You can extend your Developer Portal site by installing custom modules that you created, and also installing contributed modules from the Drupal community.

Before you begin

You must have administrator access to the Developer Portal to complete this task.

About this task

You can add extra functions to your site by installing new custom or contributed modules. For more information on creating custom modules, see Custom module development: background and prerequisites. Contributed modules are modules that are contributed by Drupal community members. To search for contributed modules, go to Drupal Download & Extend. You can install both types of modules into your Developer Portal site by using the following instructions.
Note: The following modules are unsupported and their installation is blocked in the Developer Portal:
  • advagg
  • advagg_bundler
  • advagg_css_minify
  • advagg_ext_minify
  • advagg_js_minify
  • advagg_mod
  • advagg_validator
  • backup_migrate
  • content_sync
  • delete_all
  • devel_themer
  • domain
  • php
  • simple_html_mail
  • statistics
  • swiftmailer
  • tfa
  • theme_editor


  1. If the administrator dashboard is not displayed, click Manage to display it.
  2. In the administrator dashboard, click Extend.
    The List tab for the Extend page opens, and the list of installed modules is displayed. The list shows all the modules that are installed. The modules that are displayed with a selected checkbox are enabled, the modules that are displayed without a selected checkbox are not enabled.
  3. Click + Install new module, and either complete the Install from a URL field, or click Choose file to upload a filename.tar.gz module file from your local computer.
  4. Click Install.
    The Update manager confirms that the module was installed successfully.
  5. Click Enable newly added modules to return to the List tab for the Extend page.
  6. Find your newly added module in the list of modules, select its checkbox, and click Enable.
    Your newly added module is now enabled and available for you to use in the Developer Portal.