Overview of the Developer Portal backup resources

How to manage your Developer Portal remote backup resources.

Note: This information is relevant only if you're taking remote Developer Portal backups.

The Developer Portal uses two types of portal backup resources. When you run the command kubectl get portalbackup, you see a list of backups, for example:

NAME                  ID                TASK ID      STATUS   TYPE     CR TYPE   CLUSTER   AGE     COMMENT
my-backup-f91ms       n/a               20b47fe090f5 Ready    system   create    portal    78m
portal-record-222cg   20220108.010033                Ready    system   record    portal    94m
portal-record-22xdc   20220702.010339                Ready    site     record    portal    9m49s
portal-record-245j7   20221002.010340                Ready    site     record    portal    5m
portal-record-246hm   20221218.010103                Ready    site     record    portal    32m
portal-record-24h44   20220509.010037                Ready    site     record    portal    68m
portal-record-24wb4   20221003.010029                Ready    site     record    portal    60m
portal-record-264mh   20221119.010453                Ready    system   record    portal    78m
There are two types of resources listed, and these are denoted by the CR TYPE column; create or record types.
  1. create: This resource is a representation of a portalbackup task that was created manually. See Backing up and restoring the Developer Portal in a Kubernetes environment, Backing up Developer Portal on OpenShift and Cloud Pak for Integration, or Backing up the Developer Portal subsystem on VMware, for information about how to create a manual portal backup.
  2. record: This resource is generated by the operator, and it's a representation of a backup file that's stored on the remote backup server. A record listing can be modified only to add a comment to it. You can describe each record to understand which file it is referring to by running the following command:
    kubectl describe portalbackup portal-record-name
    For example:
    kubectl describe portalbackup portal-record-zmmfw
    Name:         portal-record-zmmfw
    Namespace:    apic
    Labels:       createdBy
    Full Backup Name:        my-portal-s3-hostname@my-porg@catal-20220604.010302.tar.gz

Record rows are generated and updated on a schedule, according to the backups that exist on your remote backup server. If you have 10 backup files stored on your remote server, then there will be 10 record rows; one row for each file.

The Developer Portal doesn't have a retention policy for remote backups. Therefore, it's your responsibility to ensure that you're keeping the number of backups that are stored remotely under control. An excessive number of portal backups results in delays administrating and upgrading the Developer Portal. This is due to the operator needing to maintain the excessive number of record rows that correspond to each remote portal backup.