Setting the locale for API Designer

How to set one of the supported locales when you start the API Designer application.

About this task

If you want to use a different locale than your current operating system (OS) locale, you can set a locale code by using the --lang argument when you start the API Designer application. This locale is then effective for the duration that the application is open. If no --lang argument is set, then the current OS locale is used.


To change the locale for API Designer, complete the following instructions.

From the command line, run the following command to start the API Designer application with the --lang argument:
[Icon indicating that this applies on Mac
OS X platforms]Mac:
open "API" --args --lang=locale_code
[Icon indicating that this applies on Windows platforms]Windows:
"API Designer".exe --args --lang=locale_code
Where locale_code is one of the following supported locale codes:
Table 1. List of supported locale codes and their associated language
Locale code Language
cs Czech
de German (Standard)
en-US English (United States)
es Spanish
fr French (Standard)
it Italian (Standard)
ja Japanese
ko Korean
nl Dutch (Standard)
pl Polish
pt-br Portuguese (Brazil)
ru Russian
tr Turkish
zh-cn Chinese (PRC)
zh-tw Chinese (Taiwan)
For example, running the following command on a Mac:
open "API" --args --lang=es
sets the API Designer language to Spanish.