Removing a two data center deployment

Convert your 2DCDR deployment to a stand-alone deployment on Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Cloud Pak for Integration.

Ensure that you have read and understand the concepts of 2DCDR. See Two data center deployment strategy on Kubernetes and OpenShift and Key concepts of 2DCDR and failure scenarios.
Note: For OpenShift users: The steps that are detailed in this topic use the Kubernetes kubectl command. On OpenShift, use the equivalent oc command in its place. If you are using a top-level CR you must edit the multiSiteHA section for the subsystem in the top-level CR, instead of directly in the subsystem CRs. If the subsystem section is not included in the top-level CR, copy and paste the section from the subsystem CR to the top-level CR.
If you want to revert to a single data center topology:
  1. Decide which data center you want to keep. If this data center is not the current active data center, then complete the failover operation to make it the active: How to failover API Connect from the active to the warm-standby data center.
  2. Remove the spec.multiSiteHA section from the management subsystem CR on the active data center.
    1. Run:
      kubectl edit mgmt -n <namespace>
    2. Delete the spec.multiSiteHA section.
  3. Remove the spec.multiSiteHA section from the portal subsystem CR on the active data center.
    1. Run:
      kubectl edit ptl <ptl-cluster-name> -n <namespace>
      Where <ptl-cluster-name> is the name of your portal cluster if you have more than one. To see a list of your portal clusters, run:
      kubectl get PortalCluster -n <namespace>
    2. Delete the spec.multiSiteHA section.
    3. Repeat for each portal cluster if you have more than one.
  4. If you want to permanently revert to a single data center topology, then uninstall API Connect on the warm-standby data center. See: Uninstalling API Connect.

    If you plan to restore your 2DCDR deployment in the future with the same warm-standby data center, then you do not need to uninstall API Connect on the warm-standby. Instead, remove the spec.multiSiteHA sections from the management and portal CRs, as you did on the active data center. When the spec.multiSiteHA section is removed from the CR of the warm-standby data center, all API Connect data is deleted from it, and it remains in an unconfigured state.