Adding a SOAP API by importing a zip file

You can use an OpenAPI definition file to import a SOAP API into IBM® API Connect.

Before you begin

The format of the file must be .zip, and the file must contain the WSDL definition and the YAML file that defines the API. The YAML file must conform to version 2.0 of the OpenAPI specification.

Note: Products that contain an API with a Swagger property using regex that include lookahead assertions, such as "(?" cannot be validated or published. An error message is returned. For example:
Product has not been published!
The multipart 'openapi' field contains an OpenAPI definition with validation errors. Does not match format 'regex' (context: (root), line: 0, col: 0)

About this task

You can complete this task either by using the API Designer UI application, or by using the browser-based API Manager UI.

API Manager UI only: To complete this task, you must be assigned a role that has the Api-Drafts:Edit, Settings:View, and App:View permissions. The pre-supplied Developer role has these permissions by default; if you are assigned a custom role it must have these permissions. For more information, see Creating custom roles.

If you are using the API Designer UI and you want to use an OpenAPI definition file from elsewhere, downloaded from an external website for example, rather than created by using API Connect, use the import mechanism that is described here rather than copying the file into your local API Designer directory; the import operation adds API Connect specific sections that are required by API Designer.

For more information on how to create a .zip file, see Downloading an API definition.


To add a SOAP API by importing a .zip file, complete the following steps:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Develop icon in the API UI navigation pane Develop, select the APIs tab, then click Add > API (from REST, GraphQL or SOAP).
    The Select API type screen is displayed.
  2. Select OpenAPI 2.0; this API type does not support OpenAPI 3.0.
  3. In the Import section, select Existing OpenAPI, then click Next.
  4. To import a file from your local file system, you can either drag and drop the file or click the link to select the file from your local file system.
    The wizard checks the validity of the WSDL and YAML, and displays a message that indicates a successful validation.
    • If you are using the API Manager UI, the import operation fails if the file defines an API that has the same name and version as an existing API definition. However, if you are using the API Designer UI, API definitions are uniquely identified by the file name in your local file system; therefore, if you import two different files that define the same API name and version, two API definitions with the same name and version are created in API Connect, with no error.
    • Any validation error messages are displayed in English only, and are not translated.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Optional: Select Activate API if you want to immediately use the API for further development and testing.
    • When you select the Activate API option, API Connect automatically completes the following actions:
      • Creates a draft Product, adds the API to the Product, and publishes the Product to the Sandbox Catalog so that the API is available to be called. The Product has the title api_title auto product. This Product is not visible in the Develop view and you cannot delete it directly. However, if you delete the API the draft Product is deleted together with the API; see Deleting an API definition. The Product is visible in any Catalogs to which it is published. If you want to remove the Product from a Catalog, you must do this separately; see Removing a Product from a Catalog
      • Subscribes the Sandbox test application to the Product so that you can immediately test the API in the test environment. For information on testing an API, see Testing an API.
    • You cannot use the Activate API option if lifecycle approval is enabled in the Sandbox Catalog for the Stage, Publish, or Replace actions. If any such lifecycle approvals are enabled, then to be able to use the Activate API option they must be disabled; for information on lifecycle approval settings, see Creating and configuring Catalogs.
    • To use the Activate API option, you must be assigned a role that has the Product:Manage and Subscription:Manage permissions. The pre-supplied Developer role has these permissions by default; if you are assigned a custom role it must have these permissions. For more information, see Creating custom roles.
  7. Click Next. The Import API Summary panel indicates that the file is loaded and valid.

    If you selected Activate API, the wizard populates an API Endpoint URL, and displays a Client ID and Client Secret that you can use.

  8. Select one of the following options:
    • To further configure your API, click Edit API. For details, see Editing an API definition.
    • If you do not want to configure your API further at this time, click the Develop link in the breadcrumb trail to return to the welcome page; you can then move on immediately to another task. For details on how to configure your API later, see Editing an API definition.


When the API definition has been imported, it is shown in the list of API definitions in the Develop page. For API Designer, the specifications for the APIs and Products are stored in the directory that you specified when you logged in. For API Manager, the specifications for the APIs and Products are stored on the management server.

What to do next

APIs are made available to application developers by including them in a Product, and then publishing that Product to a Catalog. For more information, see Working with Products and Working with Catalogs.