API event record fields
An API event is logged each time an API operation is invoked, and an event record is generated for each API event in the Gateway server. The API event record contains information about the API call and the content of the record depends on the logging policy that is set for the operation.
- To include details about the request body or response body in the API event record for a
successful API call, you can add an activity-log policy to the associated API operation and set the
content type to
. - To include details about the HTTP request headers or HTTP response headers in the API event
record for a successful API call, you can add an activity-log policy to the associated API operation
and set the content type to either
. - To ensure the value in the
field is accurate, the gateway must receive theX-Forwarded-For
header in all API calls. Check with the administrator of your deployment environment to ensure that theX-Forwarded-For
header is passed to your gateways. For example, in a Kubernetes environment where NINGX ingresses are used, configure the NGINX ingress that is used by your gateway to use theX-Forwarded-For
header: NGINX Configuration "use-forwarded-headers".
The following table lists the static set of fields that are displayed in an API event record.
Field name | Type | Description |
@timestamp | Date | A timestamp that records when the record was written by the Logstash data collection engine that feeds data into OpenSearch. |
api_id | String | The API identifier. |
api_name | String | The name of the API. |
api_resource_id | String | Field format is: api_name:api_version:method:path . Only available on API
Gateway v10.5.0.8 or higher. |
api_version | String | The version number of the API. |
app_id | String | The identifier for the registered application. |
app_name | String | The name of the registered application. Note: The data indicates
N/A when a
client ID is not used or is invalid on the API. The gateway needs a client id to determine which app
was invoking the API. From this app, the gateway can determine what plan the app is subscribed to on
the product that contains the API. Without a client ID, the gateway is unable to determine what
plan, product, or app was invoked because a single API can belong to multiple products (each of
which have multiple plans and apps subscribed to those plans with client IDs). |
app_type | String | The application type, with a value of Production or
Development . |
bytes_received | Number | The number of bytes received from the consumer in the request. |
bytes_sent | Number | The number of bytes sent to the consumer in the response. |
client_id | String | The unique ID of the client that is attached to the API request. |
client_geoip.area_code | Number | The public switched telephone network (PSTN) area code of the client, as identified from its IP address. |
client_geoip.city_name | String | The city name of the client, as identified from its IP address. |
client_geoip.continent_code | String | The two-letter continent code of the client, as identified from its IP address. |
client_geoip.country_code2 | String | The two-letter country code of the client, as identified from its IP address. |
client_geoip.country_code3 | String | The three-letter country code of the client, as identified from its IP address. |
client_geoip.country_name | String | The country name of the client, as identified from its IP address. |
client_geoip.dma_code | Number | The Designated Market Area (DMA) code of the client, as identified from its IP address. |
client_geoip.ip | String | The IP address of the client. |
client_geoip.latitude | Number | The latitude of the client location, as identified from its IP address. |
client_geoip.location | String | The longitude and latitude of the client location (separated by a comma), as identified from its IP address. |
client_geoip.longitude | Number | The longitude of the client location, as identified from its IP address. |
client_geoip.postal_code | String | The postal code of the client, as identified from its IP address. |
client_geoip.real_region_name | String | The full name of the region that corresponds to the IP address of the client. |
client_geoip.region_name | String | The abbreviated form of the region that corresponds to the IP address of the client. |
client_geoip.timezone | String | The time zone of the client, as identified from its IP address. |
custom_data | Array map | Custom data can be added to this field. |
datetime | Date | A time stamp that records when the API was executed. The time stamp is always shown in coordinated universal time UTC. |
developer_org_id | String | The identifier for the consumer organization that owns the application. |
endpoint_url | String | When the request failed, identifies the proxy or invoke target URL on which the request failed. It is not included with a successful request. |
developer_org_name | String | The name of the consumer organization that owns the application. |
env_id | String | The Catalog identifier. |
env_name | String | The name of the Catalog. |
event_id | String | Unique ID assigned to the event by the gateway. Generated based on a hashed version of the
gateway_geoip.area_code | Number | The public switched telephone network (PSTN) area code of the gateway, as identified from its IP address. |
gateway_geoip.city_name | String | The city name of the gateway, as identified from its IP address. |
gateway_geoip.continent_code | String | The two-letter continent code of the gateway, as identified from its IP address. |
gateway_geoip.country_code2 | String | The two-letter country code of the gateway, as identified from its IP address. |
gateway_geoip.country_code3 | String | The three-letter country code of the gateway, as identified from its IP address. |
gateway_geoip.country_name | String | The country name of the gateway, as identified from its IP address. |
gateway_geoip.dma_code | Number | The Designated Market Area (DMA) code of the gateway, as identified from its IP address. |
gateway_geoip.ip | String | The IP address of the gateway. |
gateway_geoip.latitude | Number | The latitude of the gateway location, as identified from its IP address. |
gateway_geoip.location | String | The longitude and latitude of the gateway location (separated by a comma), as identified from its IP address. |
gateway_geoip.longitude | Number | The longitude of the gateway location, as identified from its IP address. |
gateway_geoip.postal_code | String | The postal code of the gateway, as identified from its IP address. |
gateway_geoip.real_region_name | String | The full name of the region that corresponds to the IP address of the gateway. |
gateway_geoip.region_name | String | The abbreviated form of the region that corresponds to the IP address of the gateway. |
gateway_geoip.timezone | String | The time zone of the gateway, as identified from its IP address. |
gateway_ip | String | The IP address of the gateway. |
gateway_service_name | String | The name of the API Connect gateway service. Configured by the cloud admin user when registering the gateway service. Only available on API Gateway v10.5.0.8 or higher. |
global_transaction_id | String | The DataPower global transaction ID. See https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/datapower-gateway/latest?topic=variables-varserviceglobal-transaction-id-servicevarsglobaltransactionid. |
graphql_request_field_cost | Number | GraphQL APIs only. The maximum cost of all fields accessed in the query. The cost of each field access is configured in the schema. |
graphql_request_type_cost | Number | GraphQL APIs only. The maximum cost of all types retrieved in the query. The cost of each type is configured in the schema. |
graphql_request_max_nesting | Number | GraphQL APIs only. The maximum nesting depth found in the query by the assembly validate action. The schema configuration is used to determined which types are nested, so this value might be less than the nesting depth found by the assembly parse action. |
graphql_response_field_cost | Number | GraphQL APIs only. The cost of all fields accessed in the query. The cost of each field access is configured in the schema. |
graphql_response_type_cost | Number | GraphQL APIs only. The cost of all types that were retrieved in the query. The cost of each type is configured in the schema. |
graphql_response_max_nesting | Number | GraphQL APIs only. The nesting depth found in the query by the assembly validate action. The schema configuration is used to determine which types are considered nested, so this value might be less than the nesting depth found by the assembly parse action. |
graphql_request_top_field_counts | Object | GraphQL APIs only. The maximum number of times that each field can be retrieved by the given
query. This number is equal to the number of times that the resolver is required to run. This field is stored in JSON format and is not indexed, so it is not available for visualizations. A limited number of query requests and responses are stored for each entry, based on the amount of data that each contains. The maximum amount of data that can be stored is subject to change. |
graphql_request_top_type_counts | Object | GraphQL APIs only. The maximum number of times that an object of each type can be retrieved
by the given query. This field is stored in JSON format and is not indexed, so it is not available for visualizations. A limited number of query requests and responses are stored for each entry, based on the amount of data that each contains. The maximum amount of data that can be stored is subject to change. |
graphql_response_top_field_counts | Object | GraphQL APIs only. The number of times that each field was retrieved by the given query. This
number is equal to the number of times that the resolver is required to run. This field is stored in JSON format and is not indexed, so it is not available for visualizations. A limited number of query requests and responses are stored for each entry, based on the amount of data that each contains. The maximum amount of data that can be stored is subject to change. |
graphql_response_top_type_counts | Object | GraphQL APIs only. The number of times that an object of each type was retrieved by the given
query. This field is stored in JSON format and is not indexed, so it is not available for visualizations. A limited number of query requests and responses are stored for each entry, based on the amount of data that each contains. The maximum amount of data that can be stored is subject to change. |
headers.field_name | String | Internal information related to analytics ingestion. This is not related to the API call nor
its response, see request_http_headers for that information. |
host | String | The hostname or IP address of the ingestion node that received the API event. |
http_user_agent | String | The value of the User Agent header on the inbound request. |
immediate_client_ip | String | The client IP address that is directly in front of the gateway. In most cases this is a load balancer. |
latency_info.started | Number | The time delay (in milliseconds) between when the request was received and when the corresponding task was started by the gateway. Starting a task comprises multiple steps to prepare for executing an API; for example, completing the TCP/TLS handshake, verifying an app's client ID and secret, and matching the request URI to a Catalog, API, and Plan. When the gateway receives a request, the "Start" duration is set to 0. The duration of each step within the Start task is then added up, and the total represents the duration of the Start task. |
latency_info.task | String | The API transaction that was processed. |
log_policy | String | The defined logging policy. Values include none, event, headers, and payload. |
org_id | String | The identifier for the provider organization that owns the API and associated Products. |
org_name | String | The name of the provider organization that owns the API and associated Products. |
plan_id | String | The Plan identifier. |
plan_name | String | The name of the Plan. Note: The data indicates
N/A when a client ID is not
used or is invalid on the API. The gateway needs a client id to determine which app was invoking the
API. From this app, the gateway can determine what plan the app is subscribed to on the product that
contains the API. Without a client ID, the gateway is unable to determine what plan, product, or app
was invoked because a single API can belong to multiple products (each of which have multiple plans
and apps subscribed to those plans with client IDs). |
plan_version | String | The version number of the Plan. |
product_name | String | The Product name. Note: The data indicates
N/A when a client ID is not used
or is invalid on the API. The gateway needs a client id to determine which app was invoking the API.
From this app, the gateway can determine what plan the app is subscribed to on the product that
contains the API. Without a client ID, the gateway is unable to determine what plan, product, or app
was invoked because a single API can belong to multiple products (each of which have multiple plans
and apps subscribed to those plans with client IDs). |
product_title | String | The title of the Product. |
product_version | String | The version number of the Product. |
query_string | String | The URL query string value on the inbound request. |
rate_limit.count | Number | The number of API calls remaining in the specified rate limit time window. |
rate_limit.limit | Number | The maximum number of requests an application is allowed to make to the API during a specified time window. |
rate_limit.period | Number | The time window that is used to set a rate limit for API calls. |
rate_limit.reject | String | An indication of whether calls that exceed the specified rate limit will be rejected. If true, the API call will be rejected with a 429 status code. If false, a record is created in the Activity log. |
rate_limit.shared | String | An indication of whether the rate limit is shared at a Plan level by all operations, or whether a rate limit is specified on individual operations. |
request_body | String | The body of the inbound request. |
request_http_headers.field_name | String | A component of the HTTP header section of the inbound request; for example, the acceptable
encodings, the identification string for the user agent, or the proxies through which the request
was sent. Note: The following types of headers are considered sensitive and will not show in
analytics data for security reasons:
request_method | String | The method of the inbound request. |
request_protocol | String | The protocol of the inbound request. |
resource | String | The name of the operation. |
resource_id | String | The operation identifier. |
resource_path | String | The operation path. |
response_body | String | The body of the outbound response. |
response_http_headers.field_name | String | A component of the HTTP header section of the outbound response; for example, the MIME type of the content or the data and time when the message was sent. |
status_code | String | The status code set on the outbound response. |
time_to_serve_request | Number | The time elapsed (in milliseconds) from when the request was received by the gateway to when it sent a response. |
transaction_id | String | The identifier for the API transaction. See https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/datapower-gateway/latest?topic=variables-varservicetransaction-id-servicevarstransactionid. |
uri_path | String | The URI path on the inbound request. |
Example: Event record with invocation details (activity
"datetime": "2016-09-29T22:17:43.404Z",
"latency_info": [
"task": "Start",
"started": 2
"task": "security-appID",
"started": 7
"task": "Plan Limit",
"started": 11
"task": "proxy",
"started": 12
"api_version": "1.0.0",
"product_version": "1.0.0",
"product_name": "__INTERNAL_QS__",
"plan_version": "1.0.0",
"uri_path": "/macs-shack/sb/AccountService",
"request_method": "POST",
"log_policy": "activity",
"request_protocol": "https",
"query_string": [],
"request_body": "",
"response_body": "",
"bytes_received": 256,
"bytes_sent": 256,
"time_to_serve_request": 301,
"status_code": "200 OK",
"request_http_headers": [],
"response_http_headers": [],
"org_name": "macs-shack",
"api_name": "accountservice",
"catalog_name": "sb",
"resource_path": "post",
"plan_name": "default",
"developer_org_name": "macs-shack"
"client_geoip": {
"ip": "",
"country_code2": "US",
"country_code3": "USA",
"country_name": "United States",
"continent_code": "NA",
"region_name": "NC",
"city_name": "Durham",
"postal_code": "27709",
"latitude": 35.994,
"longitude": -78.8986,
"dma_code": 560,
"area_code": 919,
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"real_region_name": "North Carolina",
"location": [
"gateway_geoip": {
"ip": "",
"country_code2": "US",
"country_code3": "USA",
"country_name": "United States",
"continent_code": "NA",
"region_name": "NC",
"city_name": "Durham",
"postal_code": "27709",
"latitude": 35.994,
"longitude": -78.8986,
"dma_code": 560,
"area_code": 919,
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"real_region_name": "North Carolina",
"location": [
Example: Event record with invocation and header details (header
"datetime": "2016-09-29T22:53:46.766Z",
"latency_info": [
"task": "Start",
"started": 3
"task": "security-appID",
"started": 8
"task": "Plan Limit",
"started": 84
"task": "activity-log",
"started": 86
"task": "proxy",
"started": 88
"api_version": "1.0.0",
"product_version": "1.0.0",
"product_name": "__INTERNAL_QS__",
"plan_version": "1.0.0",
"uri_path": "/macs-shack/sb/AccountService",
"request_method": "POST",
"log_policy": "header",
"request_protocol": "https",
"query_string": [],
"request_body": "",
"response_body": "",
"bytes_received": 256,
"bytes_sent": 256,
"time_to_serve_request": 317,
"status_code": "200 OK",
"request_http_headers": [
"Host": "apimanager.host.com"
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0"
"Accept": "application/xml"
"Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5"
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"
"Content-Type": "text/xml"
"SOAPAction": "getBalance"
"Referer": "https://apimanager.host.com/apim/"
"Content-Length": "256"
"Origin": "https://apimanager.host.com"
"Via": "1.1 AwAAABaygGU-"
"X-Client-IP": ""
"X-Global-Transaction-ID": "1364721"
"response_http_headers": [
"Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1"
"Date": "Thu, 29 Sep 2016 22:53:46 GMT"
"X-Powered-By": "Servlet/3.0"
"X-Vcap-Request-Id": "452d95be-0304-4f73-7429-7186ca6be843"
"X-Global-Transaction-ID": "1364721"
"Access-Control-Expose-Headers": "X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-Global-Transaction-ID"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "https://apimanager.host.com"
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "POST"
"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": "true"
"org_name": "macs-shack",
"api_name": "accountservice",
"catalog_name": "sb",
"resource_path": "post",
"plan_name": "default",
"developer_org_name": "macs-shack",
"client_geoip": {
"ip": "",
"country_code2": "US",
"country_code3": "USA",
"country_name": "United States",
"continent_code": "NA",
"region_name": "NC",
"city_name": "Durham",
"postal_code": "27709",
"latitude": 35.994,
"longitude": -78.8986,
"dma_code": 560,
"area_code": 919,
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"real_region_name": "North Carolina",
"location": [
"gateway_geoip": {
"ip": "",
"country_code2": "US",
"country_code3": "USA",
"country_name": "United States",
"continent_code": "NA",
"region_name": "NC",
"city_name": "Durham",
"postal_code": "27709",
"latitude": 35.994,
"longitude": -78.8986,
"dma_code": 560,
"area_code": 919,
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"real_region_name": "North Carolina",
"location": [
Example: Event record with invocation, header, and payload details (payload
logging setting)
"datetime": "2016-09-29T22:26:28.667Z",
"latency_info": [
"task": "Start",
"started": 3
"task": "security-appID",
"started": 8
"task": "Plan Limit",
"started": 11
"task": "activity-log",
"started": 12
"task": "proxy",
"started": 269
"api_version": "1.0.0",
"product_version": "1.0.0",
"product_name": "__INTERNAL_QS__",
"plan_version": "1.0.0",
"uri_path": "/macs-shack/sb/AccountService",
"request_method": "POST",
"log_policy": "payload",
"request_protocol": "https",
"query_string": [],
"request_body": "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\"><SOAP-ENV:Header/><SOAP-ENV:Body><ban:getBalance xmlns:ban=\"http://bankA.sample.ibm.com/\">\n <arg0>3</arg0>\n</ban:getBalance></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>",
"response_body": "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\"><soap:Body><ns2:getBalanceResponse xmlns:ns2=\"http://bankA.sample.ibm.com/\"><return>4</return></ns2:getBalanceResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>",
"bytes_received": 256,
"bytes_sent": 256,
"time_to_serve_request": 603,
"status_code": "200 OK",
"request_http_headers": [
"Host": "apimanager.host.com"
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0"
"Accept": "application/xml"
"Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5"
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"
"Content-Type": "text/xml"
"SOAPAction": "getBalance"
"Referer": "https://apimanager.host.com/apim/"
"Content-Length": "256"
"Origin": "https://apimanager.host.com"
"Via": "1.1 AQAAAPSLVfg-"
"X-Client-IP": ""
"X-Global-Transaction-ID": "1204915"
"response_http_headers": [
"Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1"
"Date": "Thu, 29 Sep 2016 22:26:28 GMT"
"X-Powered-By": "Servlet/3.0"
"X-Global-Transaction-ID": "1204915"
"Access-Control-Expose-Headers": "X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-Global-Transaction-ID"
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "https://apimanager.host.com"
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "POST"
"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": "true"
"org_name": "macs-shack",
"api_name": "accountservice",
"catalog_name": "sb",
"resource_path": "post",
"plan_name": "default",
"developer_org_name": "macs-shack"
"client_geoip": {
"ip": "",
"country_code2": "US",
"country_code3": "USA",
"country_name": "United States",
"continent_code": "NA",
"region_name": "NC",
"city_name": "Durham",
"postal_code": "27709",
"latitude": 35.994,
"longitude": -78.8986,
"dma_code": 560,
"area_code": 919,
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"real_region_name": "North Carolina",
"location": [
"gateway_geoip": {
"ip": "",
"country_code2": "US",
"country_code3": "USA",
"country_name": "United States",
"continent_code": "NA",
"region_name": "NC",
"city_name": "Durham",
"postal_code": "27709",
"latitude": 35.994,
"longitude": -78.8986,
"dma_code": 560,
"area_code": 919,
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"real_region_name": "North Carolina",
"location": [