Troubleshooting upgrades on VMware

Review the following troubleshooting guidance if you encounter a problem while upgrading API Connect on VMware.

Locating your product version

In the The Help icon.Help page of the Cloud Manager, API Manager, and API Designer user interfaces, there's a Product information tile that you can click to find out information about your product versions, as well as Git information about the package versions being used. Note that the API Designer product information is based on its associated management server, but the Git information is based on where it was downloaded from.

False positive result from health check after upgrading to

Sometimes an upgrade to API Connect appears to complete successfully and the health-check reports that the upgraded subsystem is healthy, but the older version is still installed. A false positive response from the health check indicates a problem with the upgrade.

Note: This step only applies if you upgraded to API Connect and is due to a known issue that will be corrected in a later release.

Complete the following steps to resolve the issue:

  1. If you did not do so already, run the follow command on each subsystem to determine what version of API Connect is deployed:
    kubectl get apic

    If the new version of API Connect is deployed on a subsystem, then the upgrade was successful for that subsystem.

  2. If the older version of API Connect is still deployed on a subsystem, run the following command to check the status of that subsystem in case there is a message about the underlying problem:
    apic status
    Sometimes the status indicates the problem and you can correct it before upgrading that subsystem again.
  3. If you do not see any messages indicating the source of the problem, contact IBM Support for assistance.

Appliance upgrade from 10.0.4.x to and fails

A direct upgrade from 10.0.4.x to or to on an appliance might fail with a message similar to the following example:

 Error: failed to install the subsystem: unable to close stream to remote server: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded

Correct the problem by completing the following steps:

  1. Restore the content of the /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cloudinit/config/ file to the original 10.0.4.x definition as shown in the following example:
    from cloudinit.settings import PER_ALWAYS
    from yaml import dump
    from subprocess import call
    import time
    frequency = PER_ALWAYS
    def handle(name, _cfg, _cloud, log, _args):
        if (name == 'apiconnect'):
            f = open('/var/lib/cloud/instance/apiconnect.yml', 'w')
            for i in range(1,UNLOCK_ATTEMPT_MAX_COUNT):
                rc = call(["/usr/bin/apic", "unlock", "--prompt=false"])
                if rc == 0:
                log.warning("apic unlock attempt %s of %s failed", i, UNLOCK_ATTEMPT_MAX_COUNT)
            log.warning("Use apic unlock to mount the secure partition and start the node")
  2. Reboot the appliance.

The original primary PVC is not attached to any pods in this namespace

If the apicops version:pre-upgrade check reports
The original primary PVC is not attached to any pods in this namespace
and you have not started the upgrade yet (you have not run the apicup subsys install command) then follow these steps:
  1. Take a backup of your management subsystem: Backing up and restoring the Management subsystem.
  2. Restore the new backup: Restoring the management subsystem.
The action of taking and restoring a management backup fixes the problem that causes the error message. If you see this error after starting upgrade, see Original PostgreSQL primary not found.

Original PostgreSQL primary not found

If you ran the apicup subsys install <tar file> command to start an upgrade, the upgrade does not complete, and the apicup health-check command returns:
apicup subsys health-check management
Error: Cluster not in good health:
expect member 'Install stage' to be 'Done'(actual: SETUP_SUBSYSTEM) | Detail: reconcile.go#apply subsystem not ready
then SSH into the management appliance and switch to root user to get more details of the error:
ssh apicadm@<management appliance>
sudo -i
Run kubectl describe mgmt, and check the output for the following message:
Original PostgreSQL primary not found. Upgrade is blocked. Set apiconnect-operator/db-primary-not-found-allow-upgrade: true annotation to unblock the upgrade. A warning will be issued after the upgrade with further steps
To fix this problem, complete the following steps:
  1. Create an extra-values.yaml file and set the annotation:
        apiconnect-operator/db-primary-not-found-allow-upgrade: "true"
    Note: If you already have an extra-values.yaml file, update the existing file with above annotation.
  2. Set the extra-values-file property on your management subsystem with apicup:
    apicup subsys set <management subsystem name> extra-values-file=<extra values filename>
  3. Restart the upgrade, with the --skip-health-check flag:
    apicup subsys install <management subsystem name> <upgrade tar file> <control plane file - if required> --skip-health-check
  4. When upgrade is complete:
    1. Remove the annotation from your extra-values.yaml file.
    2. Take a backup of your management subsystem: Backing up and restoring the Management subsystem.
    3. Restore the new backup: Restoring the management subsystem. The action of taking and restoring a management backup fixes the problem that causes the error message The original primary PVC is not attached to any pods in this namespace. Be careful to restore from the backup that is taken after the upgrade, and not from a backup taken before upgrade.

The cloud-final.service fails during upgrade

Sometimes during upgrade, there is an issue with the cloud-final.service and a node, and the appliance-manager enters a bad state.

To determine whether your upgrade encountered this problem, complete the following steps:
  1. Check the output of apic health-check command for a result similar to the following example:
    # apic health-check
    INFO[0000] Log level: info
    FATA[0000] Unable to cluster status: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refuse
  2. Check the response to the journalctl -u appliance-manager | grep cloud-final command and see if it looks like the following example:
    # journalctl -u appliance-manager | grep cloud-final
    Nov 21 19:41:58 apimdev1040 apic[2569]: Job for cloud-final.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
    Nov 21 19:41:58 apimdev1040 apic[2569]: See "systemctl status cloud-final.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
If you determined that this was the problem, you can correct it by running each of the following commands on every node:
  1. systemctl restart cloud-final.service
  2. apic lock
  3. apic unlock

Upgrade to API Connect fails to start because management subsystem fails the health check

This issue might be caused by a corrupt compliance entry in the pgbouncer.ini file. When the operator is upgraded to v10.0.5.3 but the ManagementCluster CR is not yet upgraded, the operator might update the pgbouncer.ini file in the PGBouncer secret with the older ManagementCluster CR's profile file, which does not contain any value for the compliance pool_size. As a result, the value gets incorrectly set to the string <no value>.

When this issue occurs, then the health check does not report the management subsystem as healthy so the upgrade will not start.

The following example shows what the error looks like in the pgbouncer logs:
Wed May 17 09:00:02 UTC 2023 INFO: Starting pgBouncer..
2023-05-17 09:00:02.897 UTC [24] ERROR syntax error in connection string
2023-05-17 09:00:02.897 UTC [24] ERROR invalid value "host=mgmt-a516d013-postgres port=5432 dbname=compliance pool_size=<no value>" for parameter compliance in configuration (/pgconf/pgbouncer.ini:7)
2023-05-17 09:00:02.897 UTC [24] FATAL cannot load config file

Resolve the issue by completing the following steps:

  1. SSH to the root user:
    ssh apicadm@<vm-hostname>
    sudo -i
  2. Run the commands in the following script:
    **Step 1 - Common: Get the existing pgbouncer.ini file**
    kubectl get secret -n $NAMESPACE $BOUNCER_SECRET -o jsonpath='{.data.pgbouncer\.ini}' | base64 -d > $TEMP_FILE
    **Step 2 - Linux version: Update the file and use it to patch the Secret on the cluster**
    sed 's/<no value>/20/' $TEMP_FILE | base64 -w0 | xargs -I{} kubectl patch secret -n $NAMESPACE $BOUNCER_SECRET --type='json' -p="[{'op' : 'replace' ,'path' : '/data/pgbouncer.ini' ,'value' : {} }]"
    **Step 2 - Mac version:  Update the file and use it to patch the Secret on the cluster**
    sed 's/<no value>/20/' $TEMP_FILE | base64 -b0 | xargs -S2000 -I{} kubectl patch secret -n $NAMESPACE $BOUNCER_SECRET --type='json' -p="[{'op' : 'replace' ,'path' : '/data/pgbouncer.ini' ,'value' : {} }]"
    # Step 3 - Common: Restart pgbouncer to pick up the updated Secret configuration
    kubectl delete pod <bouncer_pod_name> -n $NAMESPACE

Postgres replica fails to start due to permissions issue


2023-04-11 11:31:40,535 INFO: Lock owner: v10-0-5-up-ce0f24dc-site1-postgres-iszz-c5d9c4f5c-9d9fj; I am v10-0-5-up-ce0f24dc-site1-postgres-75845474bd-kzcjl
2023-04-11 11:31:40,537 INFO: starting as a secondary
2023-04-11 11:31:41.032 UTC [151610][]FATAL:  data directory "/pgdata/v10-0-5-up-ce0f24dc-site1-postgres" has invalid permissions
2023-04-11 11:31:41.032 UTC [151610][]DETAIL:  Permissions should be u=rwx (0700) or u=rwx,g=rx (0750).
2023-04-11 11:31:41,055 INFO: postmaster pid=151610
/tmp:5432 - no response
2023-04-11 11:31:41,091 INFO: Lock owner: v10-0-5-up-ce0f24dc-site1-postgres-iszz-c5d9c4f5c-9d9fj; I am v10-0-5-up-ce0f24dc-site1-postgres-75845474bd-kzcjl
2023-04-11 11:31:41,092 INFO: failed to start postgres

Resolve the issue by completing the following steps to correct the permissions and restart the replica pod:

  1. Run the following command to exec into the pod:
    k exec -it <pg-primary-pod> -- bash
  2. Run the following command to reset the permissions:
    chmod 0700 /pgdata/<pg-cluster-name>
  3. Restart the failed pod.

Upgrade stuck with "Unable to upgrade appliance-base: exit status 100" message

This error can occur when the deployment is using an incorrect version of containerd. There is a known issue where upgrades from or to incorrectly upgraded the containerd version.

On each node, complete the following steps to determine the version of containerd and if necessary, downgrade it to the correct version:

  1. Run the following set of commands on the healthy node to downgrade the version of containerd:
        systemctl stop appliance-manager
        systemctl stop kubelet
        systemctl stop containerd
        apt-get --allow-downgrades upgrade -y
        sed -i 's/KillMode=process/KillMode=mixed/g' /lib/systemd/system/containerd.service
        systemctl daemon-reload
        systemctl restart containerd
        apic lock
        apic unlock
  2. Run the following command to verify that containerd now displays containerd://1.5.11 for the CONTAINER-RUNTIME:
    kubectl get nodes -o wide

Remember to complete these steps on every node.

Some containers in the kube-system namespace show a status of ErrImageNeverPull

When upgrading, some of the containers in the kube-system namespace might show a status ofErrImageNeverPull. This happens due to Docker not successfully loading all images from the upgrade .tgz file. To resolve this issue and enable the upgrade to proceed, complete the following steps:

  1. Run the following command to determine which node is missing the control plane files:
    kubectl -n kube-system get pods -owide

    This command returns the names of the nodes containing pods with the ErrImageNeverPull status, which indicates missing control plane files.

  2. On the node that is missing the control plane files, run the following command to determine which versions of the control plane are missing:
    cat /var/lib/apiconnect/appliance-control-plane-current
  3. For each missing control plane, run the following command on the same node to add it, replacing <version> with the version of the control plane:
    docker load < /usr/local/lib/appliance-control-plane/<version>/kubernetes.tgz

Pod stuck in Pending status during upgrade

When upgrading, the scheduler might deploy a subset of the same microservice pods on the same node. This can prevent other pods with requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution affinity rules from being deployed due to a lack of resources on a subset of nodes. To allow the pending containers to be deployed successfully, identify any pods of the same type that are scheduled on the same node and delete one of them. This will free up space and cause the deleted pod to get rescheduled. To identify pods that are eligible to be deleted, and then delete the pods, complete the following steps:

  1. Run the following command and check for any pods of the same type that are on the same node:
    kubectl get po -o=custom-columns=', node:.spec.nodeName, antiaffinity:.spec.affinity.podAntiAffinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution' | grep -v '<none>' | awk '{print $1" "$2'}

    In the following example snippet, one of the two apim pods on the node test0186 should be deleted:

    stv3-management-analytics-proxy-56848c8c69-phpdh test0186
    stv3-management-analytics-proxy-56848c8c69-sc45f test0187
    stv3-management-analytics-proxy-56848c8c69-scf6g test0188
    stv3-management-apim-5574796948-6lnwj test0186
    stv3-management-apim-5574796948-h9dgx test0186
    stv3-management-apim-5574796948-tsb4g test0188
  2. Run the following command to delete a pod:
    kubectl delete po <pod_name>

Database replica pods stuck in Unknown or Pending state

In certain scenarios, a postgres replica pod may not recover to a healthy state when a restore completes, a node outage occurs, or after a fresh install or upgrade. In these cases, a postgres pod remains in a Unknown or a Pending state after a number of minutes. The pod fail to get into a Running state.

This situation occurs when the replicas do not initialize properly. You can use the patronictl reinit command to reinitialize the replica. Note that this command syncs the replica's volume data from the current Primary pod.

Use the following steps to get the pod back into a working state:

  1. SSH into the VM as root.

  2. Exec onto the failing pod:
    kubectl exec -it <postgres_replica_pod_name> -n <namespace> -- bash
  3. List the cluster members:
    patronictl list
    + Cluster: fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres (6893134118851096752) --------+--------+--------------+----+-----------+
    |                          Member                         |      Host      |  Role  |    State     | TL | Lag in MB |
    |    fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres-586f899fdf-6s25b   | |        | start failed |    |   unknown |
    | fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres-rkww-795665698f-4rh4s |  | Leader |   running    |  3 |           |
    |  fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres-uvag-9475f7c5f-qr84m |  |        |   running    |  3 |         0 |

    In the example shown above fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres-586f899fdf-6s25b is not in running state.

    Note the clusterName and replicaName which are not up:

    • clusterName - fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres
    • replicaName - fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres-586f899fdf-6s25b
  4. Run:
    patronictl reinit <clusterName> <replicaName-which-is-not-running>


    patronictl reinit fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres-586f899fdf-6s25b
    + Cluster: fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres (6893134118851096752) --------+--------+--------------+----+-----------+
    |                          Member                         |      Host      |  Role  |    State     | TL | Lag in MB |
    |    fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres-586f899fdf-6s25b   | |        | start failed |    |   unknown |
    | fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres-rkww-795665698f-4rh4s |  | Leader |   running    |  3 |           |
    |  fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres-uvag-9475f7c5f-qr84m |  |        |   running    |  3 |         0 |
    Are you sure you want to reinitialize members fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres-586f899fdf-6s25b? [y/N]: y
    Success: reinitialize for member fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres-586f899fdf-6s25b
  5. Run patronictl list again.

    You may also observe that the replica is on a different Timeline (TL) and possibly have a Lag in MB. It may take a few minutes for the pod to switch onto the same TL as the others and the Lag should slowly go to 0.

    For example:

    bash-4.2$ patronictl list
    + Cluster: fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres (6893134118851096752) --------+--------+---------+----+-----------+
    |                          Member                         |      Host      |  Role  |  State  | TL | Lag in MB |
    |    fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres-586f899fdf-6s25b   | |        | running |  1 |     23360 |
    | fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres-rkww-795665698f-4rh4s |  | Leader | running |  3 |           |
    |  fxpk-management-01191b80-postgres-uvag-9475f7c5f-qr84m |  |        | running |  3 |         0 |
  6. The pod that previously was in an Unknown or Pending state or (0/1) Running state is now in (1/1) Running state.

etcd pod stuck in Terminating state

During an upgrade, you might see a health-check reporting the upgrade is stuck in ETCD stage and that an etcd pod is stuck in the Terminating state.

Verify the issue by completing the following steps:
  1. SSH into the VM as root.

  2. Run the following command and verify that the upgrade stage is ETCD:
    apic status
  3. Run the following command to determine whether an etcd pod is stuck in the Terminating state:
    kubectl get pods -n namespace | grep etcd
Resolve the issue by completing the following steps:
  1. Run the following command to retrieve the names of the etcd pods:
    kubectl get pods -n namespace -o wide | grep etcd
  2. On the pod that is stuck, SSH into the VM as root.
  3. Run the following command to restart the pod:
    systemctl restart kubelet

Postgres pods fail to start after upgrade

Note: This topic applies only to upgrading the management subsystem from v10.0.2.0 or later to a newer version of v10.0.x. This problem does not occur when upgrading from v10.0.1.2-ifix2 to v10.0.3.0 or later.

When upgrading the management subsystem from v10.0.2.0 or later, as part of Upgrading to the latest release on VMware, you might encounter an error message when checking the subsystem health upon completion of the upgrade. For example:

apic health-check
INFO[0000] Log level: info
FATA[0006] Cluster not in good health:
ManagementCluster (current ha mode: active) is not ready | State: 15/16 Phase: Pending

To troubleshoot when a message like this occurs:

  1. Check the state of postgres pods:
    kubectl get pods | grep postgres

    For example:

    root@apimdev1146:~# kubectl get pods | grep postgres
    fxpk-management-fd8b0b1f-postgres-577594c7f-k54pk                 0/1     Init:CrashLoopBackOff   17         22h
    fxpk-management-fd8b0b1f-postgres-backrest-shared-repo-7fctp88w   1/1     Running                 2          22h 
    fxpk-management-fd8b0b1f-postgres-elbx-698f445649-rlc2g           0/1     Init:CrashLoopBackOff   16         22h
    fxpk-management-fd8b0b1f-postgres-pgbouncer-64f57b7cc7-52bk8      1/1     Running                 2          22h
    fxpk-management-fd8b0b1f-postgres-pgbouncer-64f57b7cc7-jjjvb      1/1     Running                 1          22h
    fxpk-management-fd8b0b1f-postgres-pgbouncer-64f57b7cc7-qp4zh      1/1     Running                 2          22h
    fxpk-management-fd8b0b1f-postgres-stanza-create-6pt6c             0/1     Completed               0          22h
    fxpk-management-fd8b0b1f-postgres-ubba-79ccdd5cc6-kj4zx           0/1     Init:CrashLoopBackOff   17         22h
    postgres-operator-85fb96db4b-gk8k8                                4/4     Running                 8          22h
  2. If any pods show Init:CrashLoopBackOff status, restart the pods. To force a restart, delete the pods:
    kubectl delete pod <name_of_postgres_pod>

    For example:

    kubectl delete pod fxpk-management-fd8b0b1f-postgres-577594c7f-k54pk
    kubectl delete pod fxpk-management-fd8b0b1f-postgres-elbx-698f445649-rlc2g
    kubectl delete pod fxpk-management-fd8b0b1f-postgres-ubba-79ccdd5cc6-kj4zx 

    When pods are deleted, the deployment automatically restarts them.

  3. Re-run the health check. For example:
    apicup subsys health-check <subsys_name>
  4. When health check is successful, return to the next upgrade step in Upgrading to the latest release on VMware.

Upgrading a 3 node profile to IBM API Connect or later might result in some portal-db/www pods being stuck in the Pending state

IBM® API Connect introduces the pod anti-affinity required rule, meaning that in a 3 node profile deployment, all 3 db and www pods can run only if there are at least 3 running worker nodes. This rule can cause some upgrades to version or later to become stuck in the Pending state, in which case some extra steps are needed during the upgrade to workaround the issue. See the following example for detailed information about the issue, and how to continue with the upgrade.

Important: You must have a backup of your current deployment before starting the upgrade.
To run the commands that are needed to workaround this issue, you must log in to the virtual machine portal subsystem by using an SSH tool.
  1. Run the following command to log in as apicadm, which is the API Connect ID that has administrator privileges:
    ssh portal_ip_address -l apicadm
    Where portal_ip_address is the IP address of the portal subsystem.
  2. Then get a root shell by running the following command:
    sudo -i
In the following example, the VMware stack has 3 VMs (worker nodes):
$ kubectl get nodes
apimdev0103   Ready    worker   42m   v1.20.0
apimdev0129   Ready    worker   45m   v1.20.0
apimdev1066   Ready    worker   39m   v1.20.0

The pods have been scheduled across only 2 of the 3 worker nodes due to a transient problem with apimdev1066, as shown in the following pod list. Pods without persistent storage, such as nginx-X, can be rescheduled to apimdev1066 as soon as they are restarted, but any pods with persistent local storage, such as db-X and www-X, have to be rescheduled onto the same worker node as that is where their files live.

$ kubectl get po -o wide
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP               NODE          NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
ejs-portal-nginx-84f57ffd8c-hbf66   1/1     Running   0          5m12s   888.16.109.208   apimdev0103   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-nginx-84f57ffd8c-mvq96   1/1     Running   0          5m12s   888.16.142.215   apimdev0129   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-nginx-84f57ffd8c-vpmtl   1/1     Running   0          5m12s   888.16.142.214   apimdev0129   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-db-0               2/2     Running   0          4m39s   888.16.109.209   apimdev0103   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-db-1               2/2     Running   0          6m37s   888.16.109.206   apimdev0103   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-db-2               2/2     Running   0          4m39s   888.16.142.216   apimdev0129   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-www-0              2/2     Running   0          4m9s    888.16.109.210   apimdev0103   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-www-1              2/2     Running   0          6m37s   888.16.142.213   apimdev0129   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-www-2              2/2     Running   0          4m9s    888.16.142.217   apimdev0129   <none>           <none>
ibm-apiconnect-75b47f9f87-p25dd     1/1     Running   0          5m12s   888.16.109.207   apimdev0103   <none>           <none>
The upgrade to version is started and the following pod list is observed:
$ kubectl get po -o wide
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP               NODE          NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
ejs-portal-nginx-84f57ffd8c-hbf66   1/1     Running   0          10m     888.16.109.208   apimdev0103   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-nginx-84f57ffd8c-mvq96   1/1     Running   0          10m     888.16.142.215   apimdev0129   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-nginx-84f57ffd8c-vpmtl   1/1     Running   0          10m     888.16.142.214   apimdev0129   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-db-0               2/2     Running   0          10m     888.16.109.209   apimdev0103   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-db-1               0/2     Pending   0          91s     <none>           <none>        <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-db-2               2/2     Running   0          2m41s   888.16.142.218   apimdev0129   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-www-0              2/2     Running   0          9m51s   888.16.109.210   apimdev0103   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-www-1              2/2     Running   0          12m     888.16.142.213   apimdev0129   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-www-2              0/2     Pending   0          111s    <none>           <none>        <none>           <none>
ibm-apiconnect-75b47f9f87-p25dd     1/1     Running   0          10m     888.16.109.207   apimdev0103   <none>           <none>
The pod list shows that db-2 has restarted, and has been rescheduled to apimdev0129 as there were no other db pods running on that node. However, db-1 and www-2 are both stuck in Pending state, as there is already a pod of the same type running on the worker node that is hosting the local storage that they are bound to. If you run a describe command of either pod you will see the following output:
  Type     Reason            Age                  From               Message
  ----     ------            ----                 ----               -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling  10s (x4 over 2m59s)  default-scheduler  0/3 nodes are available: 1 node(s) didn't match pod affinity/anti-affinity, 1 node(s) didn't match pod anti-affinity rules, 2 node(s) had volume node affinity conflict.

To resolve this situation you need to delete the PVCs for each pod, and then delete the pod itself, so that Kubernetes will regenerate the PVCs and schedule the pod on the worker node that does not have the anti-affinity conflict.

Therefore, for the db-1 pod the following commands must be run:
$ kubectl get pvc | grep ejs-portal-site1-db-1
db-ejs-portal-site1-db-1        Bound    local-pv-fa445e30   250Gi      RWO            local-storage   15m
dblogs-ejs-portal-site1-db-1    Bound    local-pv-d57910e7   250Gi      RWO            local-storage   15m

$ kubectl delete pvc db-ejs-portal-site1-db-1 dblogs-ejs-portal-site1-db-1
persistentvolumeclaim "db-ejs-portal-site1-db-1" deleted
persistentvolumeclaim "dblogs-ejs-portal-site1-db-1" deleted

$ kubectl delete po ejs-portal-site1-db-1
pod "ejs-portal-site1-db-1" deleted
For the www-2 pod the following commands must be run:
$ kubectl get pvc | grep ejs-portal-site1-www-2
admin-ejs-portal-site1-www-2    Bound    local-pv-48799536   245Gi      RWO            local-storage   51m
backup-ejs-portal-site1-www-2   Bound    local-pv-a93f5607   245Gi      RWO            local-storage   51m
web-ejs-portal-site1-www-2      Bound    local-pv-facd4489   245Gi      RWO            local-storage   51m

$ kubectl delete pvc admin-ejs-portal-site1-www-2 backup-ejs-portal-site1-www-2 web-ejs-portal-site1-www-2
persistentvolumeclaim "admin-ejs-portal-site1-www-2" deleted
persistentvolumeclaim "backup-ejs-portal-site1-www-2" deleted
persistentvolumeclaim "web-ejs-portal-site1-www-2" deleted

$ kubectl delete po ejs-portal-site1-www-2
pod "ejs-portal-site1-www-2" deleted

If the PVC has persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete set on it, as is the case for the OVA deployments, then no cleanup is necessary as the old data will have been deleted on the worker node that is no longer running the db-1 and www-2 pods.

Kubernetes can now reschedule the pods. All pods with persistent storage are now spread across the available worker nodes, and the pods whose PVCs were deleted will get a full copy of the data from the existing running pods. The following pod list is now observed in our example:
$ kubectl get po -o wide
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP               NODE          NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
ejs-portal-nginx-84f57ffd8c-f85wm   1/1     Running   0          30s     888.16.29.136    apimdev1066   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-nginx-84f57ffd8c-k5klb   1/1     Running   0          103s    888.16.142.220   apimdev0129   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-nginx-84f57ffd8c-lqhqs   1/1     Running   0          1m53s   888.16.109.212   apimdev0103   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-db-0               2/2     Running   0          6m43s   888.16.109.211   apimdev0103   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-db-1               2/2     Running   0          8m20s   888.16.29.134    apimdev1066   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-db-2               2/2     Running   0          14m     888.16.142.218   apimdev0129   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-www-0              2/2     Running   0          93s     888.16.109.213   apimdev0103   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-www-1              2/2     Running   0          3m55s   888.16.142.219   apimdev0129   <none>           <none>
ejs-portal-site1-www-2              2/2     Running   0          7m27s   888.16.29.135    apimdev1066   <none>           <none>
ibm-apiconnect-75b47f9f87-p25dd     1/1     Running   0          22m     888.16.109.207   apimdev0103   <none>           <none>

Issues when installing Drupal 8 based custom modules or sub-themes into the Drupal 9 based Developer Portal

From IBM API Connect, the Developer Portal is based on the Drupal 9 content management system. If you want to install Drupal 8 custom modules or sub-themes into the Drupal 9 based Developer Portal, you must ensure that they are compatible with Drupal 9, including any custom code that they contain, and not using any deprecated APIs, for example. There are tools available for checking your custom code, such as drupal_check on GitHub, which checks Drupal code for deprecations.

For example, any Developer Portal sites that contain modules or sub-themes that don't contain a Drupal 9 version declaration will fail to upgrade, and errors like the following output will be seen in the admin logs:
[     queue stdout] 14834 729319:355ec8:a7d29c 2021-09-04 20:34:49: check_d9_compat: Checking theme: emeraldgreen
[     queue stdout] 14834 729319:355ec8:a7d29c 2021-09-04 20:34:49: check_d9_compat: ERROR: Incompatible core_version_requirement '' found for emeraldgreen
[     queue stdout] 14834 729319:355ec8:a7d29c 2021-09-04 20:34:49: check_d9_compat: Checking theme: rubyred
[     queue stdout] 14834 729319:355ec8:a7d29c 2021-09-04 20:34:49: check_d9_compat: ERROR: Incompatible core_version_requirement '8.x' found for rubyred
[     queue stdout] 14834 729319:355ec8:a7d29c 2021-09-04 20:34:49: check_d9_compat: ERROR: Found themes incompatible with Drupal 9: emeraldgreen rubyred
[     queue stdout] 14834 729319:355ec8:a7d29c 2021-09-04 20:34:49: check_d9_compat: ERROR: /tmp/restore_site.355ec8 is NOT Drupal 9 compatible
[     queue stdout] 14834 729319:355ec8:a7d29c 2021-09-04 20:44:49: check_d9_compat: Checking module: custom_mod_1
[     queue stdout] 14834 729319:355ec8:a7d29c 2021-09-04 20:44:49: check_d9_compat: ERROR: Incompatible core_version_requirement '' found for custom_mod_1
[     queue stdout] 14834 729319:355ec8:a7d29c 2021-09-04 20:44:49: check_d9_compat: Checking module: custom_mod_2
[     queue stdout] 14834 729319:355ec8:a7d29c 2021-09-04 20:44:49: check_d9_compat: ERROR: Incompatible core_version_requirement '8.x' found for custom_mod_2
[     queue stdout] 14834 729319:355ec8:a7d29c 2021-09-04 20:44:49: check_d9_compat: ERROR: Found modules incompatible with Drupal 9: emeraldgreen rubyred
[     queue stdout] 14834 729319:355ec8:a7d29c 2021-09-04 20:44:49: check_d9_compat: ERROR: is NOT Drupal 9 compatible
To fix version compatibility errors, all custom modules and sub-themes should declare a core_version_requirement key in their *.info.yml file that indicates Drupal 9 compatibility. For example:
name: Example module
type: module
description: Purely an example
core: 8.x
core_version_requirement: '^8 || ^9'
package: Example module

# Information added by packaging script on 2020-05-31
version: '8.x-1.3'
project: 'example_module'
datestamp: 1590905415
This example specifies that the module is compatible with all versions of Drupal 8 and 9. For more information, see Let Drupal know about your module with an .info.yml file on the website.

If you have a backup of a site that you need to restore, and are getting the version compatibility error, but the module or theme *.info.yml file cannot be changed easily, then you have two options. Either:

  • Add an environment variable into the portal CR for the www pod of the admin container stating SKIP_D9_COMPAT_CHECK: "true". However, if you choose this method, you must be positive that all of the custom modules and themes for your sites are Drupal 9 compatible, as otherwise the sites may end up inaccessible after the upgrade or restore.
    1. On VMware, create an extra values file to contain the environment variable, as follows:
        - containers:
          - env:
            - name: SKIP_D9_COMPAT_CHECK
              value: "true"
            name: admin
          name: www
    2. Save the file as d9compat.yaml, and run the following command:
      apicup subsys set <portal_subsystem_name> extra-values-file d9compat.yaml
    3. Then, update the portal VMware with the updated setting by running the following command:
      apicup subsys install <portal_subsystem_name>
  • Extract the site backup, edit the relevant files inside it, and then tar the backup file again. Note that this procedure will overwrite the original backup file, so ensure that you keep a separate copy of the original file before you start the extraction. For example:
    1. mkdir /tmp/backup
    2. cd /tmp/backup
    3. tar xfz path_to_backup.tar.gz
    4. Edit the custom module and theme files to make them Drupal 9 compatible, and add the correct core_version_requirement setting.
    5. rm -f path_to_backup.tar.gz
    6. tar cfz path_to_backup.tar.gz
    7. cd /
    8. rm -rf /tmp/backup

Skipping health check when re-running upgrade

The apicup subsys install command automatically runs apicup health-check prior to attempting the upgrade. An error is displayed if a problem is found that will prevent successful upgrade

In some scenarios, if you encounter an upgrade failure, an attempt to rerun apicup subsys install is blocked by errors found by apicup health-check. Even when you have fixed the error (such as reconfiguration of an incorrect upgrade CR), the failed upgrade can continue to cause the health check to fail.

You can workaround the problem by adding the --skip-health-check flag to suppress the health check:

apicup subsys install <subsystem_name> --skip-health-check

In this case, use of --skip-health-check allows the upgrade to rerun successfully.