Removing API Connect

You can remove all parts of the API Connect deployment on Kubernetes.

About this task

These instructions completely remove API Connect, including PVCs and secrets.

  • To delete the API Connect deployment in a Kubernetes runtime environment, you must use the Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectl.
  • You must run the commands in the order shown in the procedure on this page. If you run commands out of order, you might encounter a problem where the deletion of namespaces hangs.
  • If you want to retain the PVCs, which contain some of the data you built up when using the application, you must also keep the associated secret used to decrypt the data. To do this, you must backup each subsystem, and then uninstall the subsystems individually. In this case, do not use the instructions on this page. Instead, see Uninstalling API Connect subsystems.


  1. Delete all API Connect systems.
    kubectl delete apic --all -n <namespace>

    This command is the equivalent of deleting each of the individual subsystems one at a time, and also deleting all of their backup and restore CRs. The commands that run during this step are:

    • Subsystem CRs. For example:
      kubectl delete mgmt --all -n <namespace>
      kubectl delete a7s --all -n <namespace>
      kubectl delete ptl --all -n <namespace>
      kubectl delete gwv6 --all -n <namespace>
    • Backup and restore CRs:
      kubectl delete mgmtb --all -n <namespace>
      kubectl delete mgmtr --all -n <namespace>
      kubectl delete pb --all -n <namespace>
      kubectl delete pr --all -n <namespace>
      kubectl delete a7b --all -n <namespace>
      kubectl delete a7r --all -n <namespace>
  2. Delete the Operator deployments.
    kubectl delete deployment datapower-operator ibm-apiconnect -n <namespace>
  3. Delete all Service Accounts in the namespace.

    If your deployment uses default namespaces be cautious when using kubectl delete <entity> --all commands. There can be other pods, services, and more in the default namespace. When using the default namespace, keep in mind that using kubernetes delete <entity> --all, where <entity> can delete non-APIC entities, such as sa (Service Accounts), secrets, rolebindings, etc.

    kubectl delete sa --all -n <namespace>
  4. Delete all Secrets in the namespace.
    kubectl delete secrets --all -n <namespace>
  5. Delete all Rolebindings in the namespace.
    kubectl delete rolebindings --all -n <namespace>
  6. Delete all Roles in the namespace.
    kubectl delete roles --all -n <namespace>
  7. Clean up any remaining jobs.
    kubectl delete jobs --all -n <namespace>
  8. Delete all PVCs in the namespace.
    kubectl delete pvc --all -n <namespace>
  9. Delete Issuers in the namespace.

    Note that there might be none found.

    kubectl delete issuer --all -n <namespace>
  10. Delete certificates in the namespace.

    Note that there might be none found.

    kubectl delete certificates --all -n <namespace>
  11. If you are not using the default namespace, delete the Namespace
    Important: If your deployment uses the default namespace, do not delete it. There can be other pods, services, and more in the default namespace.
    kubectl delete ns <namespace>
  12. Delete validatingwebhookconfiguration
    1. kubectl get validatingwebhookconfiguration | awk /<ns>/'{print $1}' | xargs kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfiguration
    2. kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfiguration
  13. Delete mutatingwebhookconfiguration
    1. kubectl get mutatingwebhookconfiguration | awk /$NS/'{print $1}' | xargs kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfiguration
    2. kubectl get mutatingwebhookconfiguration | awk /apicop-management-defaulter/'{print $1}' | xargs kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfiguration
  14. Delete the Apiconnect CRDs (custom resource definitions)
    kubectl delete crd
    kubectl delete crd  
    kubectl delete crd
    kubectl delete crd 
    kubectl delete crd 
    kubectl delete crd 
    kubectl delete crd
    kubectl delete crd
    kubectl delete crd
    kubectl delete crd 
    kubectl delete crd 
    kubectl delete crd 
    kubectl delete crd
    kubectl delete crd
  15. Delete Crunchy CRDs
    kubectl delete crd 
    kubectl delete crd 
    kubectl delete crd 
    kubectl delete crd 
  16. If you installed Cert-manager and want to remove it now, complete the following steps:
    Warning: If you are using shared clusters for API Connect with a common cert manager, be aware that this step removes the components of the cert manager from cluster wide scope.
    1. Delete the Cert-manager
      kubectl delete deploy --all -n cert-manager
      kubectl delete service --all -n cert-manager
      kubectl delete sa -n cert-manager --all
      kubectl delete secrets -n cert-manager --all
      kubectl delete APIService -n cert-manager
      kubectl delete MutatingWebhookConfiguration cert-manager-webhook -n cert-manager 
      kubectl delete ValidatingWebhookConfiguration cert-manager-webhook -n cert-manager
      kubectl delete ns cert-manager
    2. Delete cert-manager CRDs
      • Delete the cert-manager CRDs with the following:
        kubectl delete crd  
        kubectl delete crd          
        kubectl delete crd                 
        kubectl delete crd                   
        kubectl delete crd
        kubectl delete crd
      • Older API Connects versions may have cert-manager CRDs from an older version of cert-manager which had a different name, delete these CRDs with the following:

        kubectl delete crd
        kubectl delete crd
        kubectl delete crd
        kubectl delete crd
        kubectl delete crd
        kubectl delete crd