First steps for deploying in a VMware environment

The first steps in deploying in a VMware environment are to obtain the API Connect distribution files and to create a project directory.

Before you begin

About this task

In these First Steps, you will use the apicup command to create a project directory that contains the configuration file apiconnect-up-v10.yml. When you configure the first subsystem, such as the Management Service, the subsystem configuration settings are placed in the file.

When you want to configure a second subsystem, it is important that you reuse the same project directory. This means that you only need to download apicup once, and create a project directory once. The configuration settings for the second subsystem are added to the existing apiconnect-up-v10.yml. In this way, the second subsystem, such as Developer Portal, can access the configuration information needed to interact with the first subsystem.

After completing these First Steps, follow the links to instructions for configuring your subsystem. You will specify configuration settings, create an ISO of the subsystem configuration, and then use VMware to deploy the distribution file (.ova file) for the subsystem with your ISO. Note that you create a separate ISO for each subsystem.

Installation and configuration of DataPower® Gateway on an appliance (physical or virtual) is completed after you install the API Connect subsystems. For the gateway service in a VMware environment, use the instructions in Deploying DataPower Gateway virtual appliance.

  • For upgrades, do not use the procedures on this page. See Upgrading API Connect.
  • Some apicup commands have changed from previous versions of API Connect. See What's new for v10 installation.
  • When maintaining API Connect, do not use kubectl exec commands to access API Connect pods unless advised by IBM.

    Do not make any changes on the deployed VMs unless documented here or otherwise advised by IBM. Attempting to manually update packages, adding new users, or installing new software will likely cause problems. Operating system updates are handled by API Connect fix packs.


  1. Obtain the API Connect files.

    The following files are used for initial deployment on VMware:

    IBM® API Connect <version> Management for VMware
    Management subsystem files
    IBM® API Connect <version> Developer Portal for VMware
    Developer Portal subsystem files
    IBM® API Connect <version> Analytics for VMware
    Analytics subsystem files
    IBM® API Connect <version> Install Assist (apicup) for <operating_system_type>
    The apicup installation utility. Required for all installations on VMware.
    IBM® API Connect <version> Toolkit for <operating_system_type>
    Toolkit command line utility. Packaged standalone, or with API Designer or Loopback:
    • IBM® API Connect <version> Toolkit for <operating_system_type>
    • IBM® API Connect <version> Toolkit with Loopback for <operating_system_type>
    • IBM® API Connect <version> Toolkit Designer with Loopback for <operating_system_type>

    Not required during initial installation. After installation, you can download directly from the Cloud Manager UI and API Manager UI. See Installing the toolkit.

    IBM® API Connect <version> Local Test Environment
    Optional test environment. See Testing an API with the Local Test Environment
    IBM® API Connect <version> Security Signature Bundle File
    Checksum files that you can use to verify the integrity of your downloads.
    Note: The Fix Pack page contains two copies of the files for each subsystem. One copy is for new installations and one is for upgrades of existing installations. For new installations, do not use files with Upgrade in the file name.
  2. Complete the steps in Verifying the integrity of IBM product files to verify that the downloaded product files are not corrupted.
  3. Select one of the following actions:
    • If you are configuring your first subsystem, go to step 4.
    • If you have already configured a subsystem, go to step 6.
  4. Install the installation utility.
    1. Locate the apicup installation utility file for your operating system,.and download it:
    2. Rename the file for your OS type to apicup. Note that the instructions in this documentation refer to apicup.
    3. OSX and Linux® only: Make the apicup file an executable file by entering the following command:
      chmod +x apicup
    4. Set your path to the location of your apicup file.
      • For the OSX and Linux operating systems:
        export PATH=$PATH:/Users/your_path/
      • For the Windows operating system:
        set PATH=c:\your_path;%PATH%
  5. Create a project called myProject and copy the apicup executable into the project directory:
    1. Create a project:
      apicup init myProject
    2. Copy the apicup executable into the myProject directory or folder created by the apicup init command.
    3. From within your project directory, specify the API Connect license:
      apicup licenses accept <License_ID>

      The <License_ID> is specific to the API Connect Program Name you purchased. To view the supported license IDs, see API Connect licenses.


    Use a single APICUP project for all subsystems, even those in a different cluster. Multiple projects will result in multiple certificate chains which will not match.

    The original project directory created with APICUP during the initial product installation (for example, myProject) is required to both restore the database and to upgrade your deployment. You cannot restore the database or perform an upgrade without the initial project directory because it contains pertinent information about the cluster. Note that the endpoints and certificates cannot change; the same endpoints and certificates will be used in the restored or upgraded system. A good practice is to backup the original project directory to a location from where it can always be retrieved.

    Endpoints for the components cannot change between deployments. However, the endpoints for the VMware hosts can be modified for the new deployment.

    The apiconnect-up-v10.yml file is created in that directory.

    Important: The apiconnect-up-v10.yml file must be in a secure and permanent location. The file contains password information and other information that is exposed in text format. Ensure that the project directory is secure.
  6. Continue with the configuration steps for your subsystem: