Creating, modifying, and deleting Spaces
You use the API Manager user interface to create a new Space in a Catalog, modify the configuration, and owner of a Space, and delete a Space from a Catalog.
Before you begin
- In the navigation pane of the API Manager UI, click
Manage, then select the Catalog that you want to work with.
- Click the Spaces tab.
Note: You can also enable Spaces by using the developer toolkit CLI; for details, see
the toolkit CLI reference documentation.
To create a new Space, complete the following steps:
- Click Add > Add a new Space.
In the Space Details window, enter the Title of the Space and, optionally, a descriptive summary. A Name is entered automatically.
Note: The value in the Name field is a single string that is used to identify the Space in developer toolkit CLI commands. The Title is used for display.
To view the CLI commands to manage Spaces, see the toolkit CLI reference documentation.
- Click Create to create the Space.
Note:- As the user who creates the Space, you are automatically the Space owner and have all Space permissions.
- When you create a new Space, it does not automatically inherit all of the configuration settings from the Catalog. So you should check and modify the settings as necessary.
To modify the details of a Space, complete the following steps:
- On the Spaces page, select the Space whose details you want to modify, then click Space settings.
Use the options in the navigation pane to modify the details as required. The following types of resource can be enabled in a Space:
- Gateway services
- API user registries
- OAuth providers
- TLS client profiles
Note:- If you enable a resource of any of the following types in one Space in a Catalog,
it is deployed to the gateway services across all Spaces in that Catalog:
- API user registries
- OAuth providers
- TLS client profiles
- If you deploy any of the following types of resource to a gateway in a Space, it is actually
deployed to the gateway at Catalog scope:
- Custom policy
- Global policy
- Global policy pre-hook
- Global policy post-hook
- Gateway extension
To change the owner of a Space, complete the
following steps:
- On the Spaces page, select the Space whose details you want to modify.
- Click the Space settings tab to open the Space details page, then click Edit.
- From the Select owner user drop-down menu, select the user who will become the new owner.
- Click Save when done.
Note:- To have permission to change the Space owner, you must be either the Catalog owner, the Space owner, or the owner of the provider organization that contains the Space.
- When the ownership changes, the new owner is assigned administration privileges for the Space, and the previous owner has their administration privileges removed. If required, you can restore the privileges to the previous owner as described in Managing Space membership.
- The ownership can be transferred only to a user who is already a member of the Space or Catalog. To transfer to a new user or another existing user, that user must previously have been added or invited to the Space, as described in Managing Space membership, or to the Catalog, as described in Managing Catalog membership.
To delete a Space, complete the following steps:
On the Spaces page, click the Manage icon
for the Space that you want to delete.
- Click Delete, then click Confirm to confirm deletion.
Note:- You cannot delete a Space to which one or more Products have been staged or published.
- If there is only one Space in a Catalog,
you cannot delete it, but you can disable Spaces for the
Catalog.However, you cannot disable Spaces in a Catalog to which one or more Products have already been staged or published. If any of the Spaces in the Catalog do contain staged or published Products, first complete the following steps for the Products in each of the Spaces:
- Remove all staged Products.
- Retire, then remove, all published Products.
Then, to disable Spaces for the Catalog, complete the following steps:- Click the Catalog settings tab in the Catalog.
- Set the Spaces slider control to the Off position.
After disabling Spaces, re-stage or re-publish Products, and re-create application subscriptions, as required.
On the Spaces page, click the Manage icon