Replica override for microservices

Modify the replica count for microservices by using template overrides for Custom Resources.

When API Connect is deployed, the deployment profile you select drives the number of replicas to be used for most deployment. For one replica profiles, specified by n1x...., the replica count is 1. For three replica profiles, specified by n3x..., replica count is 3. Note, however, that for Cloud Pak for Integration the API Connect Cluster profile n3xc4.m16 replica count is 1.

You can override the replica count for individual deployments by using template overrides.

  • Template overrides are a piece of yaml that should be added to the Kubernetes custom resource. The examples provided in this topic show only that the template: element should be under the main spec: element of a CR. The rest of the CR is not shown.
  • Specification of microservice overrides in CP4I requires prefixing the microservice name with a designator for the subsystem type, as follows:
    • Management subsystem: mgmt-
    • Gateway: gw-
    • Analytics: a7s-

    For example, for the apim Management microservice, use apim when defining the override for OpenShift (or Kubernetes), but use mgmt-apim for a CP4I override.

Management subsystem

For a Management CR in Kubernetes or OpenShift, the following override specifies 5 replicas for the apim deployment:

  - name: apim
    replicaCount: 5
You can also configure replicate count through a similar template override for:
  • juhu
  • ldap
  • lur

The same override for CP4I:

  - name: mgmt-apim
    replicaCount: 5
On CP4I, you can also configure replicate count through a similar template override for:
  • mgmt-juhu
  • mgmt-ldap
  • mgmt-lur

Gateway subsystem

The following override is supported for a Gateway CR in Kuberneter or OpenShift:
  - name: datapower
    replicaCount: 5

The same override for CP4I:

  - name: gw-datapower
    replicaCount: 5

Analytics subsystem

The Analytics microservices that can be scaled using template override are:

  • director
  • ingestion
  • mtls-gw
  • storage

    Note that this microservice cannot be scaled below 2 replicas when using a three replica deployment profile.

On CP4I, you can also configure replica count through a similar template override for:
  • a7s-directory
  • a7s-ingestion
  • a7s-mtls-gw
  • a7s-storage

    Note that this microservice cannot be scaled below 2 replicas when using a three replica deployment profile.