Example toolkit CLI operations
Examples of useful analytics CLI commands.
The CLI help lists all the filters that can be used when querying analytics data.
apic-slim -m analytics events:orgList -h
Usage: apic events:orgList [flags]
List events at provider organization scope.
Return a result set of analytics API events scoped to the provider organization. The items in the result set are determined by the passed in request query to this API. The order of the result set is sorted from newest to oldest events by specified 'datetime'. In this API, references to 'field' refer to the analytics API event fields documented here: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/api-connect/10.0.5.x_lts?topic=data-api-event-record-fields
--accept-language string Natural language and locale that the client prefers.
--analytics-service string Analytics service name or ID. (required)
--api_id string Filter results by API ID.
--api_name string Filter results by API name.
--app_id string Filter results by application ID.
--app_lifecycle_state string Filter results by application lifecycle state.
--app_name string Filter results by application name.
--bytes_received string Filter results by the number of bytes received.
--bytes_sent string Filter results by the number of bytes sent.
--catalog_id string Filter results by catalog ID.
--catalog_name string Filter results by catalog name.
--client_id string Filter results by client ID.
--client_ip client_ip= Filter results by client IP address. Only supports equality checks and no operator prefixes. Supports CIDR notation based queries, e.g. client_ip=
--consumer_org_id developer_org_id Filter results by consumer organization ID (filters on the developer_org_id data field).
--consumer_org_name developer_org_name Filter results by consumer organization name (filters on the developer_org_name data field).
--consumer_org_title developer_org_title Filter results by consumer organization title (filters on the developer_org_title data field).
--end string If set, only return events with a datetime equal or older than this. The value must follow the date-time notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6, for example, 2017-07-21T17:32:28Z. See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3339#section-5.6.
--endpoint_url string Filter results by endpoint_url, note this field is only set on failed API events.
--event_id string If set, only return this specific event ID.
--fields string A list of the event fields that you want included in each event. You can use a comma as a separator when specifying the fields. Use this parameter if you require only a subset of the event fields rather than the full set.
--format string Output format. One of [json yaml go-template=... go-template-file=...], defaults to yaml.
--gateway_ip gateway_ip= Filter results by gateway IP address. Only supports equality checks and no operator prefixes. Supports CIDR notation based queries, e.g. gateway_ip=
--global_transaction_id string Filter results by global transaction ID.
--graphql_request_field_cost string Filter results by graphql request field cost value.
--graphql_request_type_cost string Filter results by graphql request type cost value.
--graphql_response_type_cost string Filter results by graphql response type cost value.
--immediate_client_ip immediate_client_ip= Filter results by immediate client IP address. Only supports equality checks and no operator prefixes. Supports CIDR notation based queries, e.g. immediate_client_ip=
--limit string If set, the number of items to return when requesting a list. Maximum: 500
--method string Filter results by HTTP method e.g. DELETE, GET, POST.
--offset string If set, the offset to be applied when requesting a list. e.g. return events starting from the 100th result
-o, --org string Provider organization name or ID. (required)
--output string Write file(s) to directory, instead of STDOUT (default "-")
--path string If set, only return events that contain this path value.
--path_id string Filter results by path_id
--plan_id string Filter results by plan ID
--plan_name string Filter results by plan name
--plan_version string Filter results by plan version
--product_id string Filter results by product ID.
--product_name string Filter results by product name.
--product_title string Filter results by product title.
--product_version string Filter results by product version.
--query_string string Filter results by query_string.
--request_body string Filter results by request body.
--resource_id string Filter results by resource ID.
--response_body string Filter results by response body.
-s, --server string management server endpoint (required)
--space_id string Filter results by space ID.
--space_name string Filter results by space name.
--start string If set, only return events with a datetime equal to or newer than this. The value must follow the date-time notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6, for example, 2017-07-21T17:32:28Z. See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3339#section-5.6.
--status_code string If set, only return events that match this response code e.g. 200 OK, 404 Not Found. It is also possible to use wildcard based values 10x, 20x, 30x, 40x, 50x.
--time_to_serve_request string The time in milliseconds to serve the request.
--timeframe string If set, only return events within the indicated timeframe. This parameter will be ignored if either start or end have been specified.
Operators can be applied to these filters to provide advanced filtering.
Note: In the examples
shown the full command is
apic-slim -m analytics events:orgList -s <management_fqdn> --analytics-service <analytics_service_name> --org <provider_org> --format yaml <filter>
brevity, only the base command and filter are shown in the following examples.- Select all events with consumer organization ID of
.apic-slim -m analytics events:orgList ... --consumer_org_id 7f9b6ee4-268d-449c-adc1-e0f3bbde8dfe
Note: In the API event records,consumer_org_id
is referred to asdeveloper_ord_id
. - Select all events that do not have the consumer organization ID of
.apic-slim -m analytics events:orgList ... --consumer_org_id not:7f9b6ee4-268d-449c-adc1-e0f3bbde8dfe
- Select all events that have the product name of
.apic-slim -m analytics events:orgList ... --product_name superproduct
- Select all events that have a product name that contains the string
.apic-slim -m analytics events:orgList ... --product_name contains:super
- Select all events that have a product name that does not contain the string
.apic-slim -m analytics events:orgList ... --product_name notcontains:super
- Select all events that have a product name that starts with the string
.apic-slim -m analytics events:orgList ... --product_name startswith:super
- Select all events that have a product name that ends with the string
.apic-slim -m analytics events:orgList ... --product_name endswith:super
- Select all events that have one of a list of product
apic-slim -m analytics events:orgList ... --product_name oneof:superproduct,normalproduct,basicproduct
- Select all events that do not have one of a list of product
apic-slim -m analytics events:orgList ... --product_name notoneof:superproduct,normalproduct,basicproduct
- Select all events where the product name matches a
For regex syntax and examples, see Regex syntaxapic-slim -m analytics events:orgList ... --product_name regex:"[a-zA-Z]amlet"
Note: Regex queries are more resource intensive and so can take longer than other methods. - Select all events where the bytes received were
--bytes_received 57
- Select all events where the bytes received were more than or equal to
--bytes_received gte:57
, gt:
, gte:
. For text and numeric fields
these prefixes available are not:
, contains:
, oneof:
The regex operator uses the following syntax:
is the escape character, to be used before any of the other reserved characters, for them to applied literally.a\-z
square brackets match a single character within the brackets.[01]m
denotes a range if used between two characters.
When used at the start of the regex[a-z]
matches any character betweena
, for examplea
, ...-
is a NOT operator that negates what is specified after it.[^k]
matches any character except fork
denotes repetition of the preceding character at least once.U$+
, ...()
parentheses treat their contents as if they were a single character, for use in combination with operators that apply to preceding characters.tr(cat)+
curly brackets indicate the minimum and maximum number of repetitions of the preceding character. The maximum value is unlimited if omitted with the comma, and the same as the minimum if omitted without the comma.1{3,4}
denotes repetition of the preceding character zero or one times.ti?
matches any character.da.
, ...*
denotes repetition of the preceding character zero or more times.cab*
denotes the OR operator. The longest pattern on either side of the|
denotes not string, not even an empty string.&
is the AND operator.hello.+&.+rest
denotes a fuzzy logic match.hello-world-~dt
matches any string.<>
angle brackets match a number range.<3-15>Mb
, ...