If you did not use cert-manager to generate certificates for your API Connect deployment,
you must renew them manually.
About this task
You can recreate custom certificates that you generated, or that were generated by the operator
during installation. After you renew certificates, restart the affected pods to ensure that the
updated certificates are used.
Renew the certificates that you generated:
Use one of the following methods to renew the certificates that you created:
- Update the secret
- Delete and then recreate the secret
- Update the CR to reference a different secret name
Renew the certificates that were generated by the operator:
To renew the certificates generated by the operator, delete each certificate so that it can be
recreated by the operator.
Restart the affected pods so they can pick up the renewed certificates.
For information on which pods are associated by each certificate, see the following topics:
For instructions on restarting pods, see the following topics:
Note: Portal pods do not require manual restart after updating certificates.