Messages generated during conversion of APIs to DataPower API Gateway
Reference information about the messages generated by the migration utility
commands apicm archive:port-to-apigw
and apicm
- GatewayScript policy messages
- Invoke policy messages
- JSON-to-XML policy messages
- JWT-Generate policy messages
- LTPA-Generate policy messages
- Map policy messages
- Proxy policy messages
- Redact policy messages
- Set-Variable policy messages
- Switch policy messages
- Throw policy messages
- Validate policy messages
- WSDL messages
- XML-to-JSON policy messages
- XSLT policy messages
Referenced objects
Activity log messages
ACT06 `activity-log` policy set to `activity-log_1.5.0`, converting `activity-log` to `activity-log_1.5.0`.
See message text.Severity
infoACT07 `activity-log` policy set to `set-variable_2.0.0`, converting `activity-log` to `set-variable_2.0.0`.
success and error values are saved into context
variables. A subsequent log policy will reference these variables, which will generate the analytics
log data based upon the desired log level.Severity
infoACT09 For `activity-log` policy set to `set-variable_2.0.0`, added a `switch` policy with `log` policies into the API finally clause to utilize the `activity-log` variables that were set.
policy determines if the analytics log level should be
based upon the success of the API or on error activity-log
settings. The context
variable set in a prior set-variable
policy is used as the log
policy log level to gather the appropriate level of data in the analytics log.Severity
infoEntire API/General messages
- API01
- API02
- API04
- API05
- API06
- API07
- API08
- API09
- API10
- API11
- API12
- API13
- API14
- API15
- API16
- API17
- API18
- API19
- API20
- API21
- API22
- API23
- API24
- API25
- API26
- API27
- API28
- API29
- API30
- API31
- API32
- API33
- API34
- API35
- API36
- API37
- API38
- API39
- API40
- API41
- API42
- API43
- API44
- API45
- API46
- API47
- API48
- API49
- API51
- API52
- API53
- API54
- API55
- API56
- API57
- API58
- API59
- API60
- API61
- API62
- API63
- API64
- API65
- API66
- API67
- API68
API01 The specified API YAML input file is of gateway type `datapower-api-gateway`. This utility accepts only v5-compatible APIs of gateway type `datapower-gateway`.
The input API YAML file must be of gateway typedatapower-gateway
If the gateway type is datapower-api-gateway
, the API does not need to be
converted. Any other gateway type is not supported.Response
Review your input file to confirm that it is v5 compatible.Severity
errorAPI02 Input API policy is already version 2.0.0. This version is reserved for API Gateway policies only. Skipping conversion of this policy.
The input API YAML file must be of gateway typedatapower-gateway
Every policy within that API must be version 1.0.0. Version 2.0.0 policies are reserved for the API
Gateway, which should be included only in APIs with gateway type
. No conversion is performed for this policy.Severity
errorAPI04 Added missing `/` to the front of the basepath.
A v5 API with abasepath
property value that does not start with a
will have the character /
added at the beginning of the
property of the API Gateway.Severity
infoAPI05 Trailing slashes (`/`) removed from the basepath to conform to the API Gateway specification.
A v5 API with a `basepath
` property value that is not a
but ends with the /
character will have the ending
character removed in the basepath
property of the API
Calls to the API might need to be updated to conform to the new basepath.Severity
warnAPI06 Changed gateway type to `datapower-api-gateway
See message text.Severity
infoAPI07 Moved `assembly request` into `assembly execute`.
Older v5 APIs might include theexecute
property within an assembly
property. This execute
property is moved to the API
Gateway assembly
infoAPI08 Moved `assembly implementation` into `assembly execute`.
Older v5 APIs might include theexecute
property within an assembly
property. This execute
property is moved to the API
Gateway assembly
infoAPI09 Moved `assembly response` into `assembly execute`.
Older v5 APIs might have theexecute
property within an assembly
property. This execute
property is moved to the API
Gateway assembly
infoAPI10 Removed `x-ibm-gateway-invoke-v4-nomap-emulation` API property and replaced it with a `gatewayscript` policy to conform to the API Gateway specification.
This v5 API property applies only to theinvoke
policy. In API
Gateway, this property has been replaced by a gatewayscript
policy that will modify
the invoke
policy response in a similar fashion.Severity
warnAPI11 The API property `x-ibm-gateway-sourcecode-resolve-apic-variables` does not exist in the API Gateway. The property has been removed from the YAML file.
This v5 API property is not supported by the API gateway and has been removed. If thex-ibm-gateway-map-resolve-apic-variables
property is not set, then the original
value of this property will be set into the map option mapResolveApicVariables
errorAPI12 The API property `x-ibm-gateway-reencode-request-params-slash` does not exist in the API Gateway. The property has been removed from the YAML file.
This v5 API property only applies to theinvoke
and proxy
policies. In the API Gateway, the functionality
of this property has been implemented as an option in the invoke
policy.- The option is now clearly visible in the
policy, making it easy to identify available options. - Each use of the
policy can now have a different setting.
errorAPI13 The API property `x-ibm-gateway-framework-legacy-json-encoding` does not exist in the API Gateway. The property has been removed from the YAML file.
This v5 API property is not supported by the API gateway and has been removed. If the value of thex-ibm-gateway-framework-legacy-json-encoding
property is present,
it will be used by the migration utility when migrating xslt, gatewayscript, and map policy source
code to produce the same result as v5 would have produced based upon the property
errorAPI14 Converted v5-compatible policies to the API Gateway and updated policy versions to 2.0.0.
See message text.Severity
infoAPI15 The `x-ibm-gateway-api-enforce-response-limits` API property is enabled. Appended
` policy to the end of the assembly to parse the JSON response.
The v5 API propertyx-ibm-gateway-api-enforce-response-limits
ensures that a JSON response payload is within the defined JSON parser limits. This functionality is
emulated in API Gateway by adding a parse
policy at the end of the
infoAPI16 Removed the `x-ibm-gateway-api-enforce-response-limits` API property and replaced it with a `parse` policy to conform to the API Gateway specification.
The v5 API propertyx-ibm-gateway-api-enforce-response-limits
ensures that a JSON response payload is within the defined JSON parser limits. This functionality is
emulated in API Gateway by replacing it with a parse
infoAPI17 Setting `x-ibm-soap` to `%s`.
The v5 API path does not have ax-ibm-soap
property with a
child property, but the schema referenced by this path is for a SOAP
document. The x-ibm-soap
property is added with a child property of
into this path of the APIgateway. The soap-action
property will be determined from the schema encountered.Severity
infoAPI18 This `set-variable` policy is used to add the client identification header to the message headers for use by a subsequent `invoke` policy.
Typically, the client identification header as defined by the security definition isX-IBM-Client-Id
. This header will be removed from the message headers at the
start of the API. A set-variable
policy will add this header back into the message
headers, as the v5 API specifies not to suppress this header from being sent by subsequent
infoAPI19 Skipping appending of a `parse` policy for the `x-ibm-gateway-api-enforce-response-limits` API property, as this `parse` policy already exists at the end of the assembly and contains the same `input` and `output` values.
See message text.Severity
infoAPI20 Added `parse` policy to the beginning of the assembly to parse incoming data.
The v5-compatible implementation implicitly parses messages. However, by requiring explicit parsing for every assembly wherever parsing is required, the API Gateway provides greater control over when and how parsing is performed.parse
policy is added in API Gateway for the following purposes.- To explicitly control when parsing occurs.
- To determine which threat protection settings to apply to a parse.
- To determine which kinds of output to allow.
- To determine how to gather metadata from the parse.
By separating the parsing time from the processing time of the assembly, explicit parsing can also enhance performance.
API Gateway has no implicit parsing. The assembly must explicitly parse when parsing is desired, which ensures that the correct limits and input checks are done.
You should retain the added parse
policy for any of the following reasons.
- You need non-well-formed XML or JSON documents to abort and call the
. - The data is still streaming and you need to keep a copy of the data for various reasons.
- You need to use the payload data with another policy.
If you do not need the parse
policy, remove it. If you retain the
policy, consider the following questions.
- Which threat protection settings do you want to enforce with this
policy? - Does the use of this
policy remove the need for an additionalparse
policy? - Do you want to use the metadata from the parse, such as document size and complexity?
infoAPI21 Moved catalog specific `x-ibm-gateway-*` API Property: `%s` under catalog: `%s` to API level for further processing.
catalog-level properties are not supported in API Gateway. The
properties have been moved to the top-level properties section in the API for further processing by
the migration utility.Severity
infoAPI22 Skipped adding `parse` policy since an adjacent parse of the same properties was already added.
policy might add a parse
policy next to
it in the assembly. If this parse
policy is detected, another parse is not added
because it would result in duplicate parses in the assembly. This prevention of duplicate parses
applies only if both parses are found to have the same properties.Severity
infoAPI23 Removed redundant `parse` policy from end of the assembly.
The tool added a duplicateparse
policy to the end of the assembly.
The duplicate policy has been removed as it performs the same action as another
policy in the assembly.Severity
infoAPI24 Removed redundant `parse` policy from the beginning of the assembly.
The tool added a duplicateparse
policy to the beginning of the
assembly. The duplicate policy has been removed as it performs the same action as another
policy in the assembly.Severity
infoAPI25 Removed unsupported `name` property from the Swagger info property.
An emptyname
property under the info
property is
not supported in API Gateway. If an API is published with an empty name
an error is generated. Therefore, the migration utility removes the empty name
property if it is found.Severity
infoAPI26 Removed empty `description` property from the Swagger info property.
An emptydescription
property is not supported in API Gateway. If
an API is published with an empty description
property, an error is generated.
Therefore, the migration utility removes the empty description
property if it is
infoAPI27 Removed empty `security` property from the Swagger file.
An empty objectsecurity
property is not supported in API Gateway.
If an API is published with an empty object security
property, an error is
generated. Therefore, the migration utility removes the empty object security
property if it is found.Severity
infoAPI28 Moved `%s` from API properties to this policy option `%s` and set to [%s].
In the API Gateway, the functionality of this property has been implemented as a policy option.Severity
infoAPI29 Preserved API Property `%s` in YAML.
The API property was preserved because there is a 1.0.0 or 1.5.0 policy that requires it.Severity
infoAPI30 Removed API Property `%s` from YAML.
This property is obsolete and has been removed from the YAML file.Severity
infoAPI31 The API property `x-ibm-gateway-custom-policy-with-gws-action` does not exist in the API Gateway. The property has been removed from the YAML file.
In v10, this property is not required to control the behavior of a custom policy that includes a GatewayScript action, as bothtrue
and false
scenarios are handled as expected.Severity
errorAPI32 The `$ref %s` was not found in the swagger.
could not be dereferenced because the reference content was
not found in the v5 YAML.Response
Review the v5 file to confirm that the$ref
references are valid and
exist in the YAML.Severity
warnAPI33 Found usage of inline parameters: `%s` in `%s` policy.
API Gateway does not support inline parameters in the Gatewayscript 2.0.0 or XSLT 2.0.0 policies.Response
Modify the policy to use context variables instead of inline parameters. The following tables show examples of inline parameters in v5 and how they can be rewritten to use context variables in API Gateway.v5 | API Gateway |
If is a variable:
context.get(''); |
If test.body is a message:
context.getMessage('test').body; |
{test.example} |
context.get('request.parameters.test.example') |
For more GatewayScript 2.0.0 examples, see Using context variables in GatewayScript and XSLT policies with the DataPower API Gateway.
v5 | API Gateway |
apigw:get-variable('request.parameters.example') Note: Be sure
to use the
apigw namespace. |
{example} |
apigw:get-variable('request.parameters.example') |
For more XSLT 2.0.0 examples, see Using context variables in GatewayScript and XSLT policies with the DataPower API Gateway.
errorAPI34 Found `x-ibm-gateway-*` catalog specific property: `%s` under catalog section: `%s`, within an unpublished API.
The API was most likely found under the drafts folder of an organization. Because it is not published to a specific catalog, the migration utility cannot determine which API to apply the properties to.Response
Apply thex-ibm-gateway-*
properties to the policies of the assembly
manually before publishing.Severity
infoAPI35 Found `x-ibm-gateway-*` catalog specific property: `%s` under catalog section: `%s`. This API is published under catalog: `%s`
The API is published to a specific catalog, and other catalog-specificx-ibm-gateway-*
properties were found under other catalogs.Response
If you want to move this API to other catalogs, apply these properties manually to the policies in the assembly.Severity
infoAPI36 `x-ibm-gateway-*` API Property: `%s` found to have invalid value: `%s`.
See message text.Response
Check the API to ensure that the API property has the correct value. For more information on the API property, see the appropriate section of the IBM API Connect Knowledge Center.Severity
errorAPI37 JSON Schema contains an invalid reference.
See message text.Response
Confirm that your schema definitions are valid. If you find errors, fix them.Severity
infoAPI38 XSD generation ignoring references beyond limit set by property.
XSD generation from JSON schema uses thex-ibm-gateway-schema-definition-reference-limit
property value to determine how
many recursions to go in circular references.Response
infoAPI39 An error occurred while generating the XSD for `%s` definition.
See message text.Response
Confirm that your JSON schema is valid before continuing.Severity
warnAPI40 Skipping JSON Schema definition: `%s` with multiple roots or not intended for XML data.
See message text.Severity
infoAPI41 Set `chunked-uploads` value to `false` to emulate v5 behavior.
For information about the Allow chunked uploads property in the Invoke policy, see Invoke.Severity
infoAPI42 Input option `chunked-uploads` set to `true`, which is the API Gateway `chunked-uploads` default. All invoke and proxy 1.5.0 and 2.0.0 policies will use this default value.
For information about the Allow chunked uploads property in the Invoke policy, see Invoke.Severity
infoAPI43 Created `compatibility:` section for API-wide toggles set by migration utility.
The migration utility generates a compatibility section that allows DataPower to read in custom settings to for compatibility between v5 and API Gateway.Severity
infoAPI44 Set compatibility toggle `%s` to value: `%s`.
See message text.Severity
infoAPI45 Compatibility toggle: `%s` set to value: `%s`, which is the same as the API Gateway default.
The migration utility input specified to set a compatibility toggle to a value that is already the default. Therefore, no change was made in the API as the default will automatically be used.Severity
infoAPI46 Updated `securityDefinition`: `%s` with new name: `%s` as specified in toggle input: `%s`.
See message text.Severity
infoAPI47 `application-authentication` was found to be set, adding `application-authentication-source` and `custom-header-name` defaults.
In v5,application-authentication-source
does not exist. In API
Gateway, it is a new option that must be set if authentication is set. Therefore, the migration
utility automatically sets application-authentication-source
to its most-compatible
default, and as a result also sets custom-header-name
. If
is not set in the v5 API, the migration utility does not
set application-authentication-source
infoAPI48 `%s` found in API definition `%s`, changing the value to a string null.
See message text.Severity
infoAPI49 Changed `$(request.body*)` to `$(request.parsed_body*)` in: `%s` to use parsed copy of data.
In the API Gateway, therequest.body
context is never parsed and
cannot be evaluated. The parse policy added to the beginning of the assembly automatically copies
into request.parsed_body
and parses that copy. The
reference to request.body
has been changed to use this new
warnAPI51 Added missing path parameter definition for path `%s` operation `%s` parameter `%s`.
See message text.Severity
infoAPI52 Added missing path parameter reference for path `%s` operation `%s` parameter `%s`.
See message text.Severity
infoAPI53 A path parameter reference `%s` is not a path parameter.
See message text.Severity
warnAPI54 A parameter reference `%s` is not defined.
See message text.Severity
warnAPI55 Definition: %s is missing property 'Body' or 'properties', this is an invalid SOAP definition.
The structure of the SOAP definition is invalid. For example, if the definition contains a SOAP fault that is not within the SOAP body, then the definition is invalid.Severity
errorAPI56 Catalog specific API Property found without a corresponding default property: %s for catalog: %s, created empty string default property at the API level.
See message text.Severity
infoAPI57 Definition reference: %s is incorrect, and should be a string of form '#/definitions/foo' where 'foo' is an existing definition
See message text.Response
For example, the following reference is invalid:moreDetails:
$ref: '#definitions/MoreDetails'
To make this
a valid reference, use the following
$ref: '#/definitions/MoreDetails'
errorAPI58 `securityDefinition` property encountered without a `security` property. An empty `security` property is added.
See message text.Severity
infoAPI59 The missing referenced definition `%s` was added to the swagger.
See message text.Severity
infoAPI60 The API property name `%s` is invalid and has been removed from the swagger.
API properties with an invalid characters such as$
and parentheses
are ignored.Severity
infoAPI61 Set buffering property to true.
APIs will always have buffering enabled, as v5 did not support streaming.Severity
infoAPI62 A query based security definition `%s` was present. A new security definition `%s` was created to match implicit v5 behavior.
The security definitions in v5 for an API key that was specified as a query parameter were configured using the key namesclient_id
. However, this behavior implicitly provided the ability to also use
query parameters app_id
and app_secret
. The specification of
and app_secret
must be done explicitly in
infoAPI63 A security set was created with security definition references `%s` to match implicit v5 behavior.
The security definitions in v5 for an API key that was specified as a query parameter were configured using the key namesclient_id
. However, this behavior implicitly provided the ability to also use
query parameters app_id
and app_secret
. The specification of
and app_secret
must be done explicitly in
infoAPI64 Suffix %s appended to API `version`.
See message text.Severity
infoAPI65 The referenced definition %s was changed to %s.
The referenced definition contained a / character in the name and was not defined in the API. The / character has been removed to allow the API to publish duringarchive:push
infoAPI66 Security has been removed as there are no associated security definitions.
The API security is extraneous without associated security definitions.Severity
infoAPI67 The API property `x-ibm-gateway-framework-preserve-escaped-reverse-solidus` does not exist in the API Gateway. The property has been removed from the YAML file.
This v5 API property is not supported by the API gateway and has been removed. If thex-ibm-gateway-framework-preserve-escaped-reverse-solidus
API property is
present with a true
value, it will be used by the migration utility when migrating
xslt, gatewayscript, and map policy source code to produce the same result as v5 would have
infoAPI68 For path %s, the property name %s is invalid and has been removed from the swagger.
A property of an API path that has a null value is invalid and will be removed from the path.Severity
GatewayScript policy messages
GWS02 This `gatewayscript` policy was added before the newly converted `switch` policy in the assembly to assist with the condition logic.
A conditional policy from a v5 API is converted to aswitch
in the API Gateway. The v5 API uses GatewayScript for the if
policies, whereas the API Gateway condition syntax is JSONata based. These
conditions have been moved into a gatewayscript
policy that will execute
immediately before the switch
policy. The switch conditions will use results from
the gatewayscript
policy to execute the correct assembly path.Response
Review the changes to ensure that theswitch
policy result will be
consistent with the v5 API.Severity
infoGWS04 Found `gatewayscript` policy. Porting might be required.
Review the `gatewayscript
` policy and make any necessary changes.
The following list includes examples of some of the differences between
code in v5-compatible APIs and API Gateway.- Calls that reference the
context variable in v5-compatible APIs might not produce the same results in API Gateway. For example, consider the following call in a v5-compatible API.
This call is not equivalent to the following call in an API Gateway API.apim.getvariable('request.parameters.org_name')
call in API Gateway supports multiple occurrences of the same parameter variable. Therefore, it returns structured JSON for retrieving parameters, as in the following example return."{\"locations\":[\"query\"],\"values\":[\"sandbox-test-org\"]}"
For this example, theapim.getvariable
call should be changed to the following call in API Gateway.((context.get('request.parameters.org_name) || {}).values || []).slice(-1)[0]
- Access to
is not supported in API Gateway. In some cases, the call can be edited to conform to the API Gateway specification. For example, the callhm.current.remove("Accept-Encoding");
can be replaced in API Gateway withcontext.message.header.remove("message.headers.Accept-Encoding")
However, if you are using
to set the response message header before theproxy
policy, you must add agatewayscript
policy after theinvoke
policy to set the header on the response message. - In v5 and in v10 API Gateway,
returns an XML node set if an XML node set was set in the variable being retrieved. In v10 API Gateway,context.get()
always returns an XML document, even if an xml node set was set in the variable. The API may require modification to work properly. - In both v5 and v10 API Gateway, using the
function on XML data returns an XML NodeList object. In v10 API Gateway, using thecontext.get()
function on XML data returns an XML document. Consider this change before switching tocontext.get()
using theoptimize-gws
migration configuration option, as API behavior may change as a result.
warnGWS05 Added `require(`apim`)` function to `gatewayscript` policy to conform to the API Gateway specification.
See message text.Response
Review the changes to ensure that thegatewayscript
policy result will
be consistent with the v5 API.Severity
infoGWS06 Found `require('header-metadata');
` in the
` source.
module is not supported in the API Gateway. All
API context variables in the API Gateway are in the global context module. You can access the
context variables directly using context.set()
.For more information about using context variables in
policies in API Gateway, see Using context variables in GatewayScript and XSLT policies with the DataPower API Gateway.
For better performance, either use the--optimize-gws=true
toggle when
running the migration utility, or use the context module for native API Gateway performance. For
more information about header-metadata
, see Access to the headers object in the IBM DataPower Gateways documentation.Severity
infoGWS07 Replaced `require('local:///isp/policy/apim.custom.js')` with `require('apim')` to conform to the API Gateway specification.
The v5gatewayscript
compatibility module does not exist on the
local file system in the API Gateway. The require
function for this module was
present in the gatewayscript
code and has been changed for API Gateway
infoGWS08 Empty source `gatewayscript` found.
See message text.Response
Consider updating the emptygatewayscript
policy or remove it from the
assembly for better performance.Severity
warnGWS09 Found `require('fs')` in the `gatewayscript` source.
module is supported in the API Gateway. Some API Gateway
configuration folders have restricted access.Severity
infoGWS10 Found `require('service-metadata')` in the `gatewayscript` source.
See message text.Response
API of
the context.metric
object in DataPower API Gateway, as in the following
example.var md = context.metric.getMetricData();
For more information about
the context.metric
object, see context.metric object for API Gateway services in the IBM
DataPower Gateways documentation.
v5 MPGW service variable | Gatewayscript example | Description |
dp:variable('var://service/time-response-complete') |
md.filter(n => n.type === 'assembly-invoke').slice(-1).endTime
The end time of the last assembly-invoke metric data. |
dp:variable('var://service/time-elapsed') |
md.slice(-1).endTime |
The end time of the last element in the metric data array. |
dp:variable('var://service/time-forwarded') |
md.filter(n => n.type ===
'assembly-invoke').slice(-1).requestTime |
The request time of the last assembly-invoke metric data. |
dp:variable('var://service/URL-out') |
md.filter(n => n.type ===
'assembly-invoke').slice(-1).targetURL |
The target URL of the last assembly-invoke metric data. |
dp:variable('var://service/mpgw/request-size') |
md.filter(n => n.type ===
'assembly-invoke').slice(-1).requestSize |
The request size of the last assembly-invoke metric data. |
dp:variable('var://service/mpgw/response-size') |
md.filter(n => n.type ===
'assembly-invoke').slice(-1).responseSize |
The response size of the last assembly-invoke metric data. |
infoGWS11 Found `require('mgmt')` in the `gatewayscript` source.
module is not supported in the API
Remove use of themgmt
module from the source code.Severity
errorGWS12 Found `require('policy/policy-utility')` or `require('policy/policy-utility.js')` in the `gatewayscript` source.
is a DataPower module that is not supported in the
API Gateway.Response
Remove use of thepolicy-utility
module from the source
errorGWS18 Found `gatewayscript` containing session function: `%s` and replaced with API Gateway native `%s`
See message text.Severity
infoGWS19 Invalid `gatewayscript` found. The gateway script could not be parsed due to `%s`
See message text.Severity
warnGWS20 Found `gatewayscript` containing apim function: `%s`. No replacement was performed. The closest match is '%s', but it may not work in all situations.
See message text.Severity
warnGWS21 Found `gatewayscript` containing session context function: `%s`. No replacement was performed. The closest match is '%s', but it may not work in all situations.
See message text.Severity
warnGWS22 Found `gatewayscript` containing: `%s` and replaced with API Gateway equivalent context var of: `%s`
The following context variable names differ between v5 and v10 API Gateway. The migration utility replaces the v5 variable name with the equivalent v10 API Gateway variable name. For more information, see API Connect context variables.v5 context variable | v10 API Gateway context variable |
env.path |
api.catalog.path | | | | |
infoGWS24 Found gatewayscript policy containing api.document. Adding a gatewayscript policy to populate the api.document context.
The migration utility added a gatewayscript policy before the gatewayscript policy that containsapi.document
. The additional gatewayscript policy is required to
populate the api.document
infoGWS25 Replaced TLS Profile name `webapi-sslcli-mgmt` or `api-sslcli-all` with default TLS profile name `api-ssl-client-all` to conform to the API Gateway specification.
See message text.Severity
infoGWS26 Removed %s `\\` characters to conform to the API Gateway specification.
The processing of v5 API metadata would implicitly remove extraneous \\ characters. The source property of the gatewayscript policy has been changed to removed these characters as they would have been removed in v5.Severity
infoInvoke policy messages
INV01 Moved `x-ibm-gateway-decode-request-params` from API properties to each `invoke` policy.
This v5 API property only applies to theinvoke
policies. In API Gateway, the functionality of this property is implemented
as an option in the invoke
policy.- The option is now clearly visible in the
policy, making it easy to identify available options. - Each use of the
policy can now have a different setting.
infoINV02 Moved `x-ibm-gateway-invoke-keep-payload` from API properties to the `keep-payload` `invoke` property where applicable.
This v5 API property applies only to theinvoke
policy. In API
Gateway, the functionality of this property is implemented as an option in the
policy. - The option is now clearly visible in the
policy, making it easy to identify available options. - Each use of the
policy can now have a different setting.
warnINV03 Moved `x-ibm-gateway-queryparam-encode-plus-char` from API properties to each `invoke` policy.
This API property only applies to the Invoke policy. In API gateway, this property is an option in the Invoke policy.- The option is now clearly visible on the invoke policy, making it easy to identify available options.
- Each use of the invoke policy can now have a different setting.
infoINV04 Added `parse` policy immediately after the `invoke` policy to parse the `invoke` output.
policy output context in the API Gateway is not
parsed. For compatibility with the v5 API, the invoke
policy output context will be
explicitly parsed by a parse
policy that has been added to execute immediately
after the invoke
infoINV05 Removed `x-ibm-gateway-invoke-suppress-clientid` API property from the YAML file and replaced it with allowlists and blocklists to conform to the API Gateway specification.
This v5 API property applies only to theinvoke
policy. In API
Gateway, the functionality of this property is implemented as an option in the
policy. - The option is now clearly visible in the
policy, making it easy to identify available options. - Each use of the
policy can now have a different setting.
warnINV06 Found `invoke` policy. Converted to API Gateway `invoke` policy.
See message text.Severity
infoINV07 The API property `x-ibm-gateway-invoke-emulate-v4-soap-error` does not exist in the API Gateway.
property was found.
This property does not exist in the API gateway.Response
Remove thex-ibm-gateway-invoke-emulate-v4-soap-error
property from
the API.Severity
errorINV08 Incorrect timeout value of `%s` found in `%s` policy, updated to `60` seconds.
property of the v5 invoke
policy is
invalid. It must be a numeric data type. It has been set to the default value of
Correct the timeout value if the default value does not satisfy the requirements of the policy.Severity
infoINV09 Renamed the `keepPayload` property in the `invoke` policy to `keep-payload`.
See message text.Severity
infoINV10 `X-IBM-Client-Id` HTTP header suppressed using header-control blocklist, as the `x-ibm-gateway-invoke-suppress-clientid` property is undefined or not set in the v5-compatible YAML input file.
The v5 default behavior was to not send theX-IBM-Client-Id
header to the invoke target. The x-ibm-gateway-invoke-suppress-clientid
is not
provided, so the header will not be sent. The API Gateway accomplishes this behavior by adding the
header to the invoke
policy header-control blocklist.Severity
infoINV11 `X-IBM-Client-Id` HTTP header suppressed using header-control blocklist, as the `x-ibm-gateway-invoke-suppress-clientid` property is set to `true` in the v5-compatible YAML input file.
The v5 default behavior was to not send theX-IBM-Client-Id
header to the invoke target. The x-ibm-gateway-invoke-suppress-clientid
property is
provided with a value of true
, so the header will not be sent. The API Gateway
accomplishes this behavior by adding the header to the invoke
policy header-control
infoINV12 Removed `x-ibm-gateway-optimize-invoke
` API property from the YAML file
and converted the `invoke
` policy to conform to the API Gateway
This v5 API property is not supported by the API Gateway.Severity
infoINV13 Added `set-variable` policy to preserve `X-IBM-Client-Id` HTTP header before the `invoke` policy, as `x-ibm-gateway-invoke-suppress-clientid` is set to `false` in the v5c YAML input file.
By default in the API Gateway, theX-IBM-Client-Id
HTTP header is
not copied from the inbound request headers to the message context headers used by the
policy. This request header will be copied to the message context headers so
that it will be available to be sent by the invoke
warnINV14 Added `gatewayscript` policy for `x-ibm-gateway-invoke-v4-nomap-emulation` as the property is set to `true` in the v5-compatible YAML input file.
The v5invoke
policy used this property internally, but this
behavior is not supported by the API Gateway invoke
policy. A
policy that implements the behavior of this v5 API property has been
added to execute after the invoke
infoINV15 Invoke `keep-payload` property has been set to the value of the API property `x-ibm-gateway-invoke-keep-payload`.
Although not supported by the v5 UI, akeep-payload
property in the
policy is always used if present to control this behavior. If not present in
the policy, the API property is used instead. The policy property is not present, but the API
property is present, therefore the keep-payload
property in the API Gateway will
use the v5 API property.Severity
infoINV16 Set `keep-payload` setting to `true`.
setting is set based on the following conditions:- For an
policy that meets all of the following criteria, thekeep-payload
property is always set totrue
.- The policy is at the end of the assembly.
- The API property
is not set tofalse
. - The
policy does not contain astop-on-error
- For an
policy that does not meet the above criteria, thekeep-payload property
is set to one of the following values, in order of precedence.- The value of
property, if it is set. - The value of the API property
, if it is set.
- The value of
- For an
policy that meets none of the above criteria, thekeep-payload
property is not set at all. - For a
policy, thekeep-payload
property is always set totrue
after it is converted to aninvoke
infoINV17 Invoke policy set to `invoke_1.5.0`, converting invoke to `invoke_1.5.0`
See message text.Severity
infoINV18 Set `final-action` parameter on `invoke_1.5.0`
If theinvoke_1.5.0
policy is last in the assembly, the migration
utility adds the final-action
parameter, which ensures that the policy sends output
to the message context. If invoke_1.5.0
is not last in the assembly, the policy
adds a parse after the wrapper policy to parse the output.Severity
infoJSON-to-XML policy messages
J2X01 Added a `parse` policy to execute before the `json-to-xml` policy.
A v5json-to-xm
policy must have the current API Gateway context
parsed explicitly prior to execution. The parse
policy has been added to execute
before the json-to-xml
infoJ2X02 Found `json-to-xml` policy and converted to API Gateway `json-to-xml`.
See message text.Severity
infoJWT-Generate policy messages
JTG01 JWE properties are missing in the `jwt-generate policy`, so encryption has been disabled.
or jwe-alg
is specified, then at least
one of jwe-jwk
and jwe-crypto
must also be
warnJTG02 JWS property is missing in the `jwt-generate policy`, so signing has been disabled.
is specified, at least one of jws-jwk
or jws-crypto
must also be specified.A private key must be specified, which can be either a JSON web key or a cypto object.
warnJTG03 Converted the `jwt-generate` policy to the API Gateway `jwt-generate` policy .
See message text.Severity
infoLTPA-Generate policy messages
LTPA01 Found v5-compatible `ltpa-generate` policy. Because this policy does not exist in the API Gateway, it is unchanged.
policy is not available in the API
Remove theltpa-generate
policy from the API.Severity
errorMap policy messages
MAP01 "Moved `%s` from API properties to each `map` policy as map option: `%s`."
This v5 API property applies only to themap
policy. In API
Gateway, the functionality of this property is implemented as an option in the map
policy.- The option is now clearly visible on the
policy, making it easy to identify available options. - Each use of the
policy can now have a different setting.
infoMAP02 Replaced %s with %s to conform to the API Gateway syntax specification.
API Connect Version 5 treats a map value property with a string quoted with \" or \\\" as the same, specifically as a double quote. This is not supported in the API Gateway. The \\\ is converted to a single \.Severity
infoMAP03 Converted `map` to API Gateway `map` for conformance."
See message text.Severity
infoMAP04 Set `map` option of `mapResolveApicVariables` to previous default of `true` for compatibility.
If a map policy is found to not havemapResolveApicVariables
the option is set to true to maintain backwards compatibility.Severity
infoMAP05 Set `map` option of `mapParseXMLOutput` to `true` for compatibility.
This property is always set by the migration utility to maintain compatibility with v5. If XML data is output from the `map_2.0.0
` policy, then the data is parsed
before it reaches <output>.body
infoMAP06 Removed %s `\\` characters to conform to the API Gateway specification.
The processing of v5 API metadata would implicitly remove extraneous \\ characters. The value properties of the map policy action have been changed to remove these characters as they would have been removed in v5.Severity
infoProxy policy messages
PRX01 Found `proxy` policy and converted to API Gateway `invoke` policy, as `proxy` does not exist in the API Gateway.
policy was found. The policy was converted to an
policy in the API gateway.Response
Review the changes to ensure that theinvoke
policy result will be
consistent with the v5 API. Alternatively, you can specify that the migration utility convert
policies to proxy_1.5.0
, which is a backward-compatible
policy available in the API Gateway.Severity
infoPRX02 Removed `x-ibm-gateway-proxy-suppress-clientid` API property from the YAML file and replaced it with allowlists and blocklists to conform to the API Gateway specification.
This v5 API property applies only to theproxy
policy. In the API
Gateway, this property is represented by the header control and parameter control options in the
policy to either allow or restrict the X-IBM-Client-Id
or client_id
parameter being sent to the backend server.- The option is now clearly visible in the
policy, making it easy to identify available options. - Each use of the
policy can now have a different setting.
warnPRX03 Set policy `title` to `invoke` as this is now an `invoke` policy.
The functionality of the v5invoke
and proxy
policies has been merged into the API Gateway invoke
policy. The
property of the policy was changed to invoke
. Severity
infoPRX04 Proxy: Changed `No-Cache` to lowercase `no-cache`.
See message text.Severity
infoPRX05 Proxy: Changed `Time-to-Live` to lowercase `time-to-live`.
See message text.Severity
infoPRX06 Proxy: Changed `Protocol-Based` to lowercase `protocol`.
See message text.Severity
infoPRX07 `client_id` query parameter suppressed using parameter-control blocklist, as
`x-ibm-gateway-proxy-suppress-clientid` is set to `true
` in the v5-compatible YAML
input file.
The v5 default behavior is to send theclient_id
query parameter to
the proxy target. The x-ibm-gateway-proxy-suppress-clientid
property was provided
with a value of true
, indicating not to send this query parameter. The API Gateway
accomplishes this behavior by adding this query parameter name to the parameter-control blocklist of
the policy.Severity
infoPRX08 `X-IBM-Client-Id` HTTP header suppressed using header-control blocklist, as `x-ibm-gateway-proxy-suppress-clientid` is set to `true` in the v5-compatible YAML input file.
The v5 default behavior was to not send theX-IBM-Client-Id
header to the proxy target. The x-ibm-gateway-proxy-suppress-clientid
property was
provided with a value of true
, indicating not to send this HTTP header. The API
Gateway accomplishes this behavior by adding this header name to the header-control blocklist of the
infoPRX09 `X-IBM-Client-Id` HTTP header suppressed using header-control blocklist, as `x-ibm-gateway-proxy-suppress-clientid` is undefined or not set in the v5-compatible YAML input file.
The v5 default behavior was to not send theX-IBM-Client-Id
header to the proxy target. The x-ibm-gateway-proxy-suppress-clientid
property was
not provided, indicating not to send this HTTP header. The API Gateway accomplishes this behavior by
adding this header name to the header-control blocklist of the policy.Severity
infoPRX10 `client_id` not suppressed in query parameter, as `x-ibm-gateway-proxy-suppress-clientid` is undefined or not set in the v5-compatible YAML input file.
The v5 default behavior was to send theclient_id
query parameter
to the proxy target. The x-ibm-gateway-proxy-suppress-clientid
property was not
provided, indicating to send this query parameter. No API Gateway invoke
configuration is required to emulate this behavior.Severity
warnPRX11 `output` deleted as this policy is the last policy in the assembly flow.
The v5proxy
API can specify an output context that makes the
response available for subsequent policies, but that response was also made
available as the API response, should a subsequent policy not update the message context. When the
policy is the last policy in the v5 assembly, this output is removed, which
allows the API Gateway invoke
response to be returned to the
infoPRX12 Added `gatewayscript` policy to copy the proxy policy headers, status, and output to `message` context.
A v5proxy
policy that specifies an output response context name is
not the last policy in the assembly flow. A gatewayscript
policy has been added
after the API Gateway invoke
policy. The gatewayscript
copies the contents of the response context to the message context to emulate v5
warnPRX13 Added `set-variable` policy to preserve `X-IBM-Client-Id` HTTP header immediately before the proxy as `x-ibm-gateway-proxy-suppress-clientid` was set to `false` in the V5-compatible YAML input file.
By default in the API Gateway, theX-IBM-Client-Id
HTTP header is
not copied from the inbound request headers to the message context headers used by the
policy. This request header will be copied to the message context headers so
that it will be available to be sent by the invoke
infoPRX14 Proxy policy set to `proxy_1.5.0`, converting proxy to `proxy_1.5.0`
See message text.Severity
infoPRX15 Set `final-action` parameter on `proxy_1.5.0`
If theproxy_1.5.0
policy is last in the assembly, the migration
utility adds the final-action
parameter, which ensures that the policy sends output
to the message context. If proxy_1.5.0
is not last in the assembly, the policy adds
a parse after the wrapper policy to parse the output.Severity
infoRedact policy messages
RE01 This API Gateway `redact` policy is added to contain all v5-compatible `redact` paths targeted against the `request`.
To redact the request body, an API Gatewayredact
policy is placed at the front of the assembly in order to redact incoming data. All redactions in
v5c that are not found within a switch
, if
, or
component will be moved to this single redact
Review to confirm that this change meets the purpose of the API.Severity
warnRE02 API Gateway `redact` policy added to contain all v5-compatible `redact` paths targeted against `response`, `logs`, and `all`.
In the API Gateway, response
and logs
data must be redacted at
the end of the assembly. This API Gateway redact
policy was added to the end of the
assembly to conform to the specification. If logs
or all
is the
v5-compatible target for the redact
policy, then a new log
will be added in gather-only
mode to populate the log
The API Gateway emulates the v5-compatible redact on response and logs by adding a redact action
at the end of the assembly to redact the response. All redactions in v5c that are not found inside
of a switch
, if
, or operation-switch
will be moved to this single redact
Review to confirm that this change meets the purpose of the API.Severity
warnRE03 Found v5-compatible `redact` policy. `action:path` pairs from this policy will be sorted into one or both leading and trailing API Gateway `redact` policies to conform to the API Gateway specification.
To emulate the v5 redact onrequest
and response
some of the redact
policies must be moved to either the end of the assembly or
beginning of the assembly. This change is necessary because the redact
policy now
works directly on the API context, so it must be placed in a specific order so that it can redact
data either before it enters the assembly or after it exits the assembly.Response
Review the changes to ensure that theredact
policy result will be
consistent with the v5 API.Severity
warnRE04 Found duplicate v5-compatible `redact` path of the same `redact` type. Duplicate item will not be added.
Because multiple redactions are consolidated into the leading or trailingredact
policy, there might be some paths that are duplicates of current paths in
the consolidated redact
policy. These paths are not added as they are
Review the changes to ensure that theredact
policy result will be
consistent with the v5 API.Severity
warnRE05 Redaction on `request` was found in the v5-compatible YAML input file. Added first API Gateway `redact` policy to the front of the assembly after the `parse` policy to perform this redaction.
To redact the request body, an API Gatewayredact
policy is placed at the front of the assembly in order to redact incoming data. All redactions in
v5c that are not found within a switch
, if
, or
component will be moved to this single redact
Review to confirm that this change meets the purpose of the API.Severity
infoRE06 Redact on `response`, `logs`, or `all` was found in the v5-compatible YAML input file. Added second API Gateway `redact` to the end of the assembly to perform this redaction. `log` policy also added if redact on `logs` or `all` was found.
In the API Gateway, response
and logs
data must be redacted at
the end of the assembly. This API Gateway redact
policy was added to the end of the
assembly to conform to the specification. If logs
or all
is the
v5-compatible target for the redact
policy, then a new log
will be added in gather-only
mode to populate the log
The API Gateway emulates the v5-compatible redact on response and logs by adding a redact action
at the end of the assembly to redact the response. All redactions in v5c that are not found inside
of a switch
, if
, or operation-switch
will be moved to this single redact
Review to confirm that this change meets the purpose of the API.Severity
warnRE07 Potential JSON v5-compatible `redact` path detected.
A v5redact
path has been detected that is highly likely to be
targeted against JSON data. It has been converted to a JSONata path because the
policy in the API Gateway uses JSONata to specify
Review to confirm that the path is meant for JSON data and it is formed properly.Severity
warnRE08 XML v5-compatible `redact` path detected. Converted to `redact` XPath: `%s` to JSONata: `%s`.
A v5-compatibleredact
path has been detected that is highly likely
to be targeted against XML data. It has been converted to JSONata to meet the API Gateway
specification. The redact
policy in the API Gateway uses JSONata for
Review to confirm that the path is meant for XML data and it is formed properly. Note that a malformed XPath may still publish on API Connect v10 API Gateway, but will fail subsequent API calls with a404 API Not found
error. The API Definition DataPower object will
also be in the [down]
state because of the invalid XPath. It is also possible for
an invalid XPath to work on v5 but fail on API Gateway. For example, the XPath
is invalid because of the trailing slash. However, this XPath will work
in v5, and fail with the above scenario in v10 API Gateway.Severity
warnRE09 Common `redact` XPath `%s` replaced with JSONata `%s` to adhere to the API Gateway `redact` specification.
The redact
policy in API Gateway uses JSONata to specify the
. All v5-compatible redact
paths are converted to
Review to confirm that the changes conform to the purpose of theredact
infoRE10 Invalid redact action: `%s` found.
A v5-compatibleredact
policy was found to contain an invalid
type. Valid types include redact
Review theaction
type in the redact
policy and
update to either redact
or remove
errorRE11 Added `log` policy to populate the `log` API context, because a v5-compatible `redact` policy was found targeted against `logs` or `all`. An API Gateway `redact` policy will be appended after this policy to redact the outgoing `log` data.
The API Gateway specification requires alog
policy in the assembly
to populate the log.request_body
and log.response_body
variables. After the log
policy, the redact
policy will then
redact the contents of log.request_body
warnRE12 Added `parse` policy before `redact` policy to parse incoming data.
The incoming data must be parsed for theredact
policy to work
properly. For example, if the incoming data contains unparsed but well-formed XML data, the
policy does nothing and the data passes through. With this added
policy, the XML data is parsed properly and the redaction works as
Review the changes to ensure that theredact
policy result will be
consistent with the v5 API.Severity
warnRE13 Found v5-compatible `redact` policy inside of a `switch` policy. Converted all paths to JSONata.
If a v5-compatible redact
policy is found within a switch
, or operation-switch
component, it will be left in place. If
the redaction is on the response and there is an invoke
policy at the end of the
assembly, problems could arise.
Review and confirm that this redaction conforms to the purpose of the API.Severity
warnRE14 Invalid `redact` action found: path is empty.
The v5-compatibleredact
policy was found to have an empty path.
This configuration is invalidResponse
To make the API functional, update the path in theredact
errorSet-Variable policy messages
SV01 Found `set-variable` policy and converted to API Gateway `set-variable` policy.
See message text.Severity
infoSV02 Cannot recognize `set-variable` `action` `%s`. It must be `set`, `add`, or `clear` with a valid variable name.
The v5set-variable
policy contains an action that is not
, add
, or clear
. The API Gateway
policy should be modified to use the correct
errorSV05 Required property `type` not found. Added `type` of `any` to conform to the API Gateway specification.
The v5set-variable
policy does not have a type
property. The type is inherent in the data type of the value. The API Gateway includes this
property, which is set to the data type of the value. In conditions where the data type would be
determined at runtime (for example, with a variable substitution), the value is set to
Consider changing the addedtype
to a more specific
. Severity
warnSV06 Required property `type` not found. Added `type` of `%s` to conform to the API Gateway specification, and it is consistent with the provided `value`.
See message text.Severity
infoSV07 The set-variable policy has no valid actions and has been removed from the assembly.
See message text.Severity
infoSV08 The set-variable action name '%s' has spaces in the name. Changing the action name to '%s'.
See message text.Severity
infoSwitch policy messages
SW01 Found `operation-switch_1.0.0` and converted to API Gateway `operation-switch_2.0.0`.
See message text.Severity
infoSW03 Found `switch` policy and converted to the API Gateway `switch` policy.
policy from a v5 API is converted to an API Gateway
policy. The v5 API uses GatewayScript syntax for conditions, whereas the API
Gateway uses JSONata syntax. The conditions have been moved to a gatewayscript
policy that will execute immediately before the switch
policy. The
conditions will use results from the gatewayscript
to execute the correct assembly path.Response
Review the changes to ensure that theswitch
policy result will be
consistent with the v5 API.Severity
infoSW04 Found `if` policy and converted to API Gateway `switch` policy.
policy from a v5 API is converted to an API Gateway
policy. The v5 API uses GatewayScript syntax for conditions, whereas the API
Gateway uses JSONata syntax. The conditions have been moved to a gatewayscript
policy that will execute immediately before the switch
policy. The
conditions will use results from the gatewayscript
to execute the correct assembly path.Severity
infoSW05 Found `switch` condition: `%s` and converted it to JSONata: `%s` to conform to the API Gateway specification.
A v5switch
policy condition was converted directly into a JSONata
condition. This condition does not require a gatewayscript
policy that would be
executed prior to the switch.Severity
warnSW06 `switch` condition: `%s` could not be converted to JSONata. (Error code: `%d`).
Cannot convert anif/switch
condition to JSONata. A GatewayScript
policy will be added to handle the Switch logic instead. Changes are needed only if highest
performance is desired. See the Response section for more details on performance. This message can
appear for the following reasons.
Error code | Explanation |
1 |
The auto-generated JSONata mapping file was not found. |
2 |
The condition was not found in the auto-generated JSONata mapping file. |
3 |
The condition resolved to empty. |
4 |
An unknown error occurred |
To improve performance, review the condition in the v5 API and provide the JSONata for this condition.If an indexOf()
method is used to determine whether a substring
is present in a value, consider using the $contains()
JSONata string function . If
is used to get a substring before or after the match, consider using the
or $substringAfter()
JSONata string
For more information about using JSONata to write switch conditions, see Writing switch condition scripts - DataPower API Gateway.
warnSW07 `switch` condition: `%s` could not be converted to JSONata or handled by `gatewayscript`.
condition cannot be converted to JSONata. This error
can occur for the following reasons: - A condition contains invalid Javascript.
- The condition contains multiple expressions.
Review the contents of the condition and edit as necessary.Severity
errorSW08 `switch` policy set to `switch_1.5.0`, converting `switch` to `switch_1.5.0`.
See message text.Severity
infoSW09 `if` policy set to `if_1.5.0`, converting `if` to `if_1.5.0`.
See message text.Severity
infoSW10 Replaced `\\\"` with `\"` %d times to conform to the JavaScript syntax specification.
See message text.Severity
infoSW11 Condition: %s could not be parsed %s.
See message text.Severity
errorSW12 Condition: %s contains inline parameters %s within a string. These references cannot be resolved.
See message text.Severity
errorSW13 Empty switch condition found and will be ignored.
See message text.Severity
infoThrow policy messages
TH01 Found `throw` policy and converted to API Gateway `throw` policy to conform to the API Gateway specification.
See message text.Severity
infoValidate policy messages
VAL01 Found v5-compatible `validate-usernametoken` policy. This policy does not exist in the API Gateway. No action has been taken.
policy was found. This policy does not
exist in the api gateway and has been ignored.Response
Remove thevalidate-usernametoken
policy from the API.Severity
errorVAL02 Converted `validate` policy into an API Gateway `validate` policy.
policy was found.Response
Review the changes to ensure that thevalidate
policy result will be
consistent with the v5 API.Severity
infoVAL03 Found `definition: request` and replaced it with `validate-against: body-param`.
property in the v5 validate
contained a value of request
. This value has been changed to a value of
in the validate-against
property of the API Gateway
infoVAL04 Found `definition: response` and replaced it with `validate-against: response-param`.
property of the v5 validate
contained a value of request
. This value has been changed to a value of
in the validate-against
`property of the API Gateway
infoVAL05 Found `soap-env` `validate` definition and converted it to the API Gateway `xml-schema` property.
property in the v5 validate
references an OpenAPI definition. The definition referenced is for a SOAP document. This value has
been changed to a value of url
in the validate-against
`property in
the API Gateway validate
policy. The definition
property value has
been moved to the xml-schema
infoVAL06 Set `xml-validation-mode` to `soap-body`.
property in the v5 validate
references an OpenAPI definition. The definition referenced is for a SOAP document. This value has
been changed to a value of url
in the validate-against
property in
the API Gateway validate
policy. The xml-validation-mode
value has been set to soap-body
. Severity
infoVAL07 Set `validate-against` to `%s`.
property in the v5 validate
references an OpenAPI definition. This value has been changed to conform to the API Gateway
policy property validate-against
with a value of
or url
. Severity
infoVAL08 Added `parse` policy before `validate` policy.
A v5validate
policy that is configured to validate the current
context payload against a schema definition must have the input of the current API Gateway context
parsed explicitly prior to execution. The parse
policy has been added to execute
before the validate
infoWSDL messages
WSDL01 An API created from WSDL does not have the required field `%s`.
See message text.Severity
errorWSDL02 The WSDL file `%s` does not exist. This file is referenced by field `%s`.
See message text.Severity
errorWSDL03 An API created from WSDL has excessive examples. The total length of the examples is %d. This may cause a problem during publish.
See message text.Severity
warnWSDL04 An API created from WSDL has excessive examples. The total length of the examples is %d. The examples are removed.
See message text.Severity
warnWSDL05 A severe error occurred while analyzing an API created from WSDL. [%s]
See message text.Severity
errorWSDL06 An error occurred while analyzing an API created from WSDL. [%s]
See message text.Severity
warnWSDL07 An API created from WSDL has an embedded error, which was issued when the API was originally created. The error may be fixed in the current version of API Connect. You may want to recreate this API from WSDL. The embedded error [%s] is located at `#/x-ibm-configuration/x-ibm-apiconnect-wsdl/messages/error`.
See message text.Severity
warnWSDL08 An API created from WSDL is updated to use a new zip (%s). The original zip is located at (%s). Unnecessary files have been removed from the new zip.
See message text.Severity
infoWSDL09 An API was created from a WSDL (%s). Analysis indicates that this zip file may contain unnecessary 'xsd' and 'wsdl' files. Removing the unnecessary files could reduce the size of the zip file by %d bytes.
See message text.Severity
infoXML-to-JSON policy messages
X2J01 Added a `parse` policy to execute before the `xml-to-json` policy.
A v5xml-to-json
policy must have the current API Gateway context
parsed explicitly prior to execution. The parse
policy has been added to execute
before the xml-to-json
infoX2J02 Found `xml-to-json` policy and converted to API Gateway `xml-to-json` policy.
policies are converted to API Gateway
policy that contains the xml:space="preserve"
attribute is migrated to API Gateway, spaces are not retained after curly braces, commas, and quotes
in the JSON.Response
Review the JSON and edit as necessary.Severity
infoXSLT policy messages
XSLT01 Replaced `apim.custom`, `apim.setvariable`, and `webapi-util` with `apim.custom.xsl within xsl import and xsl include statements.
The v5xslt
policy code that contains an xsl import or xsl include
of v5 framework stylesheets that were found in the local directory of the file system have been
changed to use the v5-compatible stylesheet in the store directory of the file
infoXSLT02 Added `parse` policy to execute before the `xslt` policy.
A v5xslt
policy that is configured to use the current context
payload as input to the stylesheet must have the current API Gateway context parsed explicitly prior
to execution. The parse
policy has been added to execute before the
infoXSLT03 Found `xslt` policy. Porting might be required.
Review thexslt
policy and make any changes required for use in API
- Remove the
stylesheet from the XSLT code. This stylesheet is not used in API Gateway. Instead, use the API Gateway extension functions to manipulate the assembly context. - Use API Gateway extension elements to manipulate values in the assembly context. The following
example uses the
extension element to set the value of the request header.<apigw:set-header name="'request'" value="$request" />
- Use of
functions is not supported in API Gateway. These functions should be changed toapim:getVariable
. Access to session, service, and system metadata is restricted.
For more information about the API Gateway extension elements and functions, see the IBM DataPower Gateway documentation.
warnXSLT04 `xslt` policy set to `xslt_1.0.0`, converting xslt to `xslt_1.0.0`.
See message text.Severity
infoXSLT05 Replaced TLS Profile name `webapi-sslcli-mgmt` or `api-sslcli-all` with default TLS profile name `api-ssl-client-all` to conform to the API Gateway specification.
See message text.Severity
infoXSLT06 Removed %s `\\` characters to conform to the API Gateway specification.
The processing of v5 API metadata would implicitly remove extraneous \\ characters. The source property of the xslt policy has been changed to remove these characters as they would have been removed in v5.Severity
infoMigration utility messages
Catalog property updated with catalog name Message API: {{.APIFile}}, pOrg: {{.ProviderOrg}}: Updated catalogs: property: {{.OldCatalogName}} with catalog name: {{.NewCatalogName}} based on matching catalog title: {{.FoundCatalogTitle}} since API Gateway requires catalog name instead of catalog title in `catalogs:`
In v5, thecatalogs:
property uses names based on the Catalog
Title. In API Gateway, the Catalog Name must be used. The Migration Utility attempted to find a
matching Catalog Title in the same provider-org as the API, and succeeded. The
property that formerly used the Catalog Title has been automatically
updated by the Migration Utility to use the Catalog Name of the Catalog instead.Response
Review your API to confirm that the Catalog Name used in thecatalogs:
property is correct.Severity
infoMiscellaneous messages
UT01 Invalid suffix provided. Using `-apigw` as the default for API Gateway API `title` and `x-ibm-name`.
The provided suffix input was incorrectly formatted. The migration utility uses-apigw
as the default suffix. It will be appended to the end of the
and title
to maintain uniqueness from the original
v5-compatible input API.Severity
warnUT02 No API suffix provided. Using `-apigw` as the default for the API Gateway API `title` and `x-ibm-name`.
option is optional. Because no input was provided, the
migration utility defaults to -apigw
. This suffix will be appended to the end of
the x-ibm-name
and title
to maintain uniqueness from the
v5-compatible input API.Severity
infoUT03 Input file not found: `%s`, exiting. Verify that the v5-compatible YAML input file exists and is a valid OpenAPI.
See message text.Severity
errorUT04 An error occurred while reading the input file: `%s`. Verify that the v5-compatible YAML input file exists and is a valid OpenAPI.
See message text.Severity
errorUT05 Output directory not found: `%s`, creating it.
See message text.Severity
infoUT06 An error occurred while trying to create the output directory: `%s`. Verify that this utility has sufficient access to the filesystem in order to write to the output directory and file.
See message text.Severity
errorUT07 Finished creating API Gateway API draft from v5-compatible API input file. Attempting to save to output file.
See message text.Severity
infoUT08 Output directory not found: `%s`, exiting. Verify that this utility has sufficient access to the filesystem in order to write to the output directory and file. For further assistance, contact IBM Support.
See message text.Severity
errorUT09 An internal error occurred: `%s`.
See message text.Severity
errorUT10 An internal error occurred processing the condition map: `%s`.
See message text.Severity
errorUT11 Output API Gateway draft API saved as: `%s`.
See message text.Severity
infoUT12 Input v5-compatible API could not be converted. Exiting.
See message text.Severity
errorUT13 An error occurred while processing the v5-compatible input API.
See message text.Severity
errorUT14 An error occurred while converting the v5-compatible input API to API Gateway: `%s`.
See message text.Severity
errorUT15 An error occurred adding a comment to the resultant YAML: `%s`.
See message text.Severity
errorUT16 An error occurred during v5 escaped character emulation parsing the updated source: %s"
Contact IBM support.Severity
errorReferenced objects
OAuth2 messages
OA201 Found OAuth2 security definition using the provider `%s`. The corresponding OAuth provider for type API Gateway must exist on the server.
See message text.Severity
infoOA202 Found OAuth2 security definition with no provider specified. The API Gateway OAuth2 security definition requires a provider to be specified in an `x-ibm-oauth-provider` field.
See message text.Severity
errorTLS-Profile messages
TLS01 Renamed `api-sslcli-all` `tls-profile` to `api-sslcli-client-all` to conform to the API Gateway specification.
See message text.Severity
infoTLS02 Added `1.0.0` as `tls-profile` version to `%s` to conform to API Gateway specification.
The API Gateway TLS profiles support versioning. A default version of1.0.0
has been added to the profile configuration.