Testing an API with the Explorer tab

Use the Explorer tab in the API editor to see how your APIs look to a consumer in the Developer Portal. You can also use the Try it tool to test the behavior of the API.

Before you begin

To test an API in the Try it test tool, the API must be auto-published. If the API is not auto-published, the Try it tool isn't enabled in the Explorer.

You can complete this task either by using the API Designer UI application, or by using the browser-based API Manager UI.

About this task

The Explorer tab in the API editor of the API Designer UI and API Manager UI enables you to view how your APIs look to an API consumer in the Developer Portal. You can check the descriptions of the different artifacts, and as well as any schemas or examples, and you can also test the behavior of the API by using the Try it tool.

  • You cannot use the Try it tool to test non-enforced APIs.


To test an API by using the Try it tool, complete the following steps.

  1. If you are using API Designer, set the mode to Online using the Options menu Options menu on the main page.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Develop icon in the API UI navigation pane Develop, then select the APIs tab.
  3. Click the title of the API that you want to work with.
    The API editor is displayed.
  4. Click the Explorer tab.
    An Overview of the API is displayed.
  5. Click the API artifacts in the side menu bar to explore the operations and definitions that are available in the API, including reviewing any examples and schemas.
  6. To test API behavior, click an operation in the side menu bar, and click the Try it tab.
    The test pane for the operation is displayed, as shown in the following example:
    The Try it test pane of the Explorer tab.
  7. Provide any required API parameters, and click Send.
    The API response is displayed in the Response section.
    Note: If you receive a message relating to an untrusted certificate, click the link provided, accept the certificate, then return to the test environment and click Send again.

What to do next

When you are happy with the look and behavior of your API, you can stage the API to a Product in a Catalog. For more information, see Staging an API.