Adding provider organization users and assigning roles

If you have the permissions that are required to edit users in API Connect, you can add users to your provider organization, remove users, assign roles and perform other user administration tasks.

About this task

There are two ways to add a user:
  • Invite member - send an invitation email with an activation link that enables the user to complete the addition operation.
  • Add member - specify the user and add them as a member of the provider organization immediately.


  • To send an email invitation to a new user to register as a member of the provider organization, complete the following steps:
    1. In the navigation pane of the API Manager user interface, click Members icon Members.
    2. Click Add > Invite member.
    3. Enter the email address of the user.
    4. Select the roles that you want to assign to the user.
    5. Click Invite.
  • To specify the user and add them as a member of the Admin organization immediately, complete the following steps:
    1. In the navigation pane of the API Manager user interface, click Members icon Members.
    2. Click Add > Add member.
    3. Select the required user registry.
      Note: For a user registry to be available in the selection list, one of the following conditions must be satisfied:
      • The visibility of the user registry is set to Public.
      • The visibility of the user registry is set to Custom, and the specified list of provider organizations includes the one to which you are adding the user.
      For more information, see Setting visibility for a user registry.
      The remaining procedure varies according to the type of the selected user registry, as follows:
      • Local User Registry
        1. Select whether the user is an Existing user or a New User.
          • For an existing user, complete the following steps:
            1. Enter the name of an existing API Connect user that has previously been invited to register and has activated their account.
            2. Select the roles that you want to assign to the user, then click Add. The user is added and their membership is immediately enabled. The specified user can log in to the API Manager user interface.
          • For a new user, complete the following steps:
            1. Enter a unique user name for the new user.
            2. Supply an email address, name details, and a password.
            3. Select the roles that you want to assign to the user, then click Add. The user account is created, and the user membership is immediately enabled. The specified user can log in to the API Manager user interface.
      • LDAP
        1. Enter the name of a user that exists in the selected user registry.
        2. Select the roles that you want to assign to the user, then click Add. The user is added, and the user membership is immediately enabled. The specified user can log in to the API Manager user interface with their LDAP user name.
      • Authentication URL and OIDC
        1. Enter the name of an existing API Connect user that has previously been invited to register and has activated their account.
        2. Select the roles that you want to assign to the user, then click Add. The user is added, and the user membership is immediately enabled. The specified user can log in to the API Manager user interface.


The user is added to the list of provider organization members. If an email invitation was sent, the status is shown as Pending until the recipient of the email clicks the link in the email to complete the creation of their account, after which the status changes to Enabled.

What to do next

The new user can access the API Manager user interface. The user's authorization within API Manager is defined by the roles that are assigned to them.