Before upgrading to v10.0.5, export any analytics data that you wish to
keep using the UI.
About this task
Note: This page refers to analytics features that existed in pre-v10.0.5 releases, for the
purposes of exporting analytics data before upgrade. Exporting analytics data from v10.0.5 is
described here
Exporting analytics from v10.0.5
Use the Analytics
Discover tab to search for event data and then export the
(the records in the search results) to a file. Each hit represents one API invocation in the Gateway
server. When you view the hits in the UI, the display is limited to 500 records. To view the entire
set of hits, export the data to a CSV or JSON Lines file.
Navigate to the Analytics page and click
Run a search.
Select a predefined search to run, or click
to define your own search, and then run it. Optionally apply filters to refine the results.
The export option is only available when a search returns at least one hit.
Click Export (this option displays before the search results).
In the "Export Hits" panel, select the Filetype for the exported
There are two options for the file's type:
- JSON Lines (.txt): Exports data to a .txt file that
contains a complete JSON record for each hit.
- Comma-separated Values (.csv): Exports to a .csv
file that can be viewed either in a text editor, a spreadsheet, or some other CSV viewer.
If you
intend to view the
.csv file in a viewer that does not support special
characters, select the following options as needed to ensure compatibility with your viewer:
- Escape double quotes: Insert an additional quotation mark (") as an
escape character before each " that is already included in the file.
- Escape special characters: Insert a quotation mark (") as an escape
character before each of the following characters: = _ + % @
The content of the API event records in the CSV file depends on the logging policy that
is set for the operation. If the logging policy includes the HTTP headers and the payload, then
these details are included in the API event record. Where the payload is large, it might take longer
to complete the export of the analytics data. For more information, see activity-log
policy. For information about the fields that are included in the CSV file, see API event
In the panel, click Export to start the export operation.
When the "The export has completed successfully." message displays, click
Download to save the file, or click Another one? to
run a new export operation. (Remember to save the current export results before running a new
- If your browser is configured to block pop-ups, the download might be blocked. The precise
behavior varies across browsers, but if you see a notification about
blocked pop-ups
reconfigure the browser to always allow pop-ups for the API
Manager host address. Then check the
"Export Hits" panel for the Download option, which completes the operation.
If you do not see a Download option, repeat the export operation.
- If you navigate away from the Analytics interface before the exported
file is downloaded, the download operation is suspended. If you return to
Analytics before any other export operation begins and before the file
expires, you might see a Download option that allows you to finish
downloading the file. Otherwise, you must repeat the entire export operation.
- Each downloaded file is saved to the download location that is configured for your browser,
using a randomly generated file name. If you intend to export more than once, and you are exporting
to the same location each time, you might want to rename each file with a meaningful name.