AIX update access key
IBM® POWER10, or later processor-based servers include an AIX® update access key (UAK) that is checked when you update the AIX operating system. UAKs include an expiration date. Informational messages are generated when the release date for this AIX operating system has passed the expiration date of the UAK. Informational messages are also generated when the server boots or during the live partition mobility (LPM) operation and the current AIX operating system level has passed the expiration date of the UAK. Additionally, the server periodically checks and informs the administrator about UAKs that are about to expire, UAKs that have expired, or UAKs that are missing.
The AIX UAK indicates whether the server has an active Software Maintenance Agreement (SWMA). It is recommended that you replace the UAK after it expires to suppress informational messages.
$ lparstat -u
FW Update Access Key Expiration (YYYYMMDD): 20201111
AIX Update Access Key Expiration (YYYYMMDD): 20201111
AIX Image Date (YYYYMMDD): 20210326
# lparstat -u
lparstat: illegal option -- u
lparstat { -i [-W | -s | -P] | -W | -s | -P | -x | -d |-m [-e [ r | R ] [-p [w]]] | [-H | -h] | [-c] | [-X [-o filename]]| [-E [w]] [-t] [Interval [Count]] }
Function: Reports LPAR related information and statistics.
You can view the UAK expiration date and image date of the AIX operating system that is installed on an LPAR from the Hardware Management Console (HMC)
by accessing the General Properties
page of the LPAR.
If the AIX operating system that is running on an LPAR is
not UAK-aware, the HMC displays Unknown
in the OS Image Date
on the General Properties page
of the LPAR.
# errpt
D22852C1 0225103821 P H sysplanar0 The AIX Update Access Key has expired
If the Electronic Service Agent (ESA) is configured by using the HMC, the ESA automatically obtains and applies new UAKs to your system when UAKs are about to expire.
- For system that are connected to HMC, perform the following steps:
- Obtain a new UAK key manually. For more information about obtaining a new UAK, see Entitled Systems Support.
- After you obtain a new UAK, apply the UAK through the HMC by performing the
Enter COD Code
task.Note: After the UAK is successfully applied, you might receive a message that indicates that the UAK is accepted. - Verify whether the UAK expiration date is updated by accessing the
General Properties
page of the LPAR or by using the lparstat -u command.
- For systems that are not connected to an HMC, the UAK can be entered in the Advanced System Management Interface (ASMI) menu through the COD Activation Panel.