Digital certificates and the key manager concepts
Digital certificates bind an identity to a public key, through which you can verify the sender or the recipient of an encrypted transfer.
IP Security uses digital certificates to enable public-key cryptography, also known as asymmetric cryptography, which encrypts data using a private key known only to the user and decrypts it using an associated public (shared) key from a given public-private key pair. Key pairs are long strings of data that act as keys to a user's encryption scheme.
In public-key cryptography, the public key is given to anyone with whom the user wants to communicate. The sender digitally signs all secure communications with the corresponding private key for their assigned key pair. The recipient uses the public key to verify the sender's signature. If the message is successfully decrypted with the public key, the receiver can verify that the sender was authenticated.
Public-key cryptography relies on trusted, third parties, known as a certification authorities (CAs), to issue reliable digital certificates. The recipient specifies which issuing organizations or authorities are deemed trusted. A certificate is issued for a specific amount of time; when its expiration date has passed, it must be replaced.
AIX® provides the Key Manager tool, which manages digital certificates. The following sections provide conceptual information about the certificates themselves.