Scheduler and memory load control tunable parameters

There are many parameters related to scheduler and memory load control.

Most of the scheduler and memory load control tunable parameters are fully described in the schedo man page. The following are a few other related parameters:

  1. Tuning the maxuproc parameter:
    Item Descriptor
    Purpose: Specifies the maximum number of processes per user ID.
    Values: Default: 40; Range: 1 to 131072
    Display: lsattr -E -l sys0 -a maxuproc
    Change: chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=NewValueChange takes effect immediately and is preserved over boot. If value is reduced, then it goes into effect only after a system boot.
    Diagnosis: Users cannot fork any additional processes.
    Tuning: This is a safeguard to prevent users from creating too many processes.
  2. Tuning the ncargs parameter:
    Item Descriptor
    Purpose: Specifies the maximum allowable size of the ARG/ENV list (in 4 KB blocks) when running exec() subroutines.
    Values: Default: 256; Range: 256 to 1024
    Display: lsattr -E -l sys0 -a ncargs
    Change: chdev -l sys0 -a ncargs=NewValue Change takes effect immediately and is preserved over boot.
    Diagnosis: Users cannot execute any additional processes because the argument list passed to the exec() system call is too long. A low default value might cause some programs to fail with the arg list too long error message, in which case you might try increasing the ncargs value with the chdev command above and then rerunning the program.
    Tuning: This is a mechanism to prevent the exec() subroutines from failing if the argument list is too long. Please note that tuning to a higher ncargs value puts additional constraints on system memory resources.