Mailbox scrolling
Use the z subcommand to scroll through your mailbox.
At your mailbox prompt, you can use the z subcommand in the ways shown in the following examples:
Item | Description |
z | Approximately 20 messages are displayed at a time. The actual number displayed is determined by the type of terminal being used and the set screen option in your .mailrc file. enter the z subcommand again to scroll to the next 20 messages. |
z + | The plus sign (+) argument scrolls to the next 20 messages.
Message 21 and subsequent messages, up to and including message 40 (if you
have that number of messages in your mailbox), are displayed. Continue typing
the z+ subcommand until all messages have been displayed.
The system will respond with the following message:
z - | The minus sign (-) argument scrolls to the previous 20 messages.
When you reach the first set of messages, the system will respond with the
following message: