Network probe manager

Network probe manager tracks incoming and outgoing network packets in a system (packet information as interpret by the bpf module in AIX®). Probe specification allows the user to specify Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) filters, similar to tcpdump filter expression for granular tracking.

You can use built-in variables to collect packet header and payload information for Internet protocols. For example, Ethernet, Internet Protocol Version 4/Version 6 (IPv4/v6), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), Internet Group Message Protocol (IGMP), and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) protocols.

Network probe manager reports critical protocol-specific events (TCP state changes, round-trip times, retransmissions, UDP buffer overflows).

The network probe manager addresses following primary use cases:

  • Provide the following packet-specific information according to the bpf module based on IP address and ports:
    • Track the incoming and outgoing bytes for a connection.
    • Use following built-ins to gather protocol header and payload information.
      • TCP flags (SYN, FIN), TCP sequence and acknowledgment number.
      • IPv4/IPv6 (IP addresses, protocol types: tcp, udp, icmp, igmp, and so on).
      • ICMP (packet type: ECHO REQUEST, ECHO RESPONSE, and so on).
  • Provide access to complete RAW network packet for probe script processing.
  • Report the following protocol-related events:
    • Track TCP sender and receiver buffer full events.
    • TCP connection state changes from SYN-SENT state to ESTABLISHED state or from ESTABLISHED state to CLOSE state.
    • Monitor delta time between state changes (for example, time that is taken from SYN-SENT state to ESTABLISHED state).
    • Identify the listener (connection information) that discarded connections because the listener's queue is full.
    • Identify retransmissions (second and further retransmission for a packet) for TCP connections.
    • Identify the UDP socket that dropped packets because of insufficient receiving buffer.

Probe specification

Probe specification for network probe manager contains three or five tuples that are separated by : (colon). First tuple is always @@net.

Network probe manager supports two major categories of specifications: One category gathers packet-specific information and another category gathers protocol-specific information.

  • Format to gather packet specific information:

    @@net:bpf:<interface1>|<interface 2>|…..:<protocol>:<Filter>

  • Format to gather protocol specific information



Probe sub type

The second tuple signifies the sub type of the probe that indicates which layer of AIX network stack contains the probe. This tuple can have one of the following values (it cannot be *):

Table 1. Second tuple specification for probe sub type
Second Tuple (sub type) Description
bpf This probe starts at network interface layer when a packet matches the specific filter.
tcp This probe starts for TCP protocol-specific events.
udp This probe starts for UDP protocol-specific events.

Probe network event or gather network packet information

The third tuple is specific to particular sub type (specified in second tuple). It cannot have a value of *.

bpf-based probes

The specification contains 5 tuples for bpf-based probes that are described in the following table:

Table 2. bpf-based probes: Tuple specification
Second tuple (Sub type) Subsequent tuples Description


Third tuple: interface names This tuple specifies an interface or a list of interfaces for which the packet information can be captured. Possible values are enX (for example, en0,en1) and lo0. The * value is not supported for this tuple. You can specify one or more interfaces at a time by using | as delimiter.
Fourth tuple: protocol This tuple specifies the network protocol to start the probe. Possible values are ether, arp, rarp, ipv4, ipv6, tcp, udp, icmp4, icmp6 and igmp. Protocol-specific built-ins are populated for access in Vue script. For example, a protocol value of ipv4 populates __ip4hdr built-ins.
The * value for this tuple indicates that the probe starts for all protocol types that match the specified filter. When the protocol is *, none of the built-in values that are supported by network probe manager are available to Vue scripts. You can access the raw packet data of requested size by using the Vue function copy_kdata () and map to corresponding protocol headers.
Note: Specifying * as a value can be performance intensive as the probe is started for all incoming and outgoing packets on the specified interfaces that match the filter. There are also copies involved when the packet information is spanned across multiple packet buffers.


Fifth tuple: bpf filter string This tuple specifies the bpf filter expression (filter expressions as specified in tcpdump command). Filter expression must be provided in the double quotation marks. Filter expression and protocol that is specified in the fourth tuple must be compatible. The * value is not supported in this tuple.
  1. Specification format to access the built-in variables that are related to Ethernet header (__etherhdr), IP header(__ip4hdr) or (__ip6hdr), and TCP header (__tcphdr) information from the Vue script when interface en0 receives or sends packet on port 23 (filter string ” port 23”):
    @@net:bpf:en0:tcp:“port 23”
  2. Specification format to access the built-in variables related to Ethernet header(__etherhdr), IP header(__ip4hdr or __ip6hdr), and UDP header (__udphdr) information from the Vue script when system receives or sends packet from host (filter string “”) on en0 and en1 interfaces:
  3. Specification format to access the raw packet information when system receives or sends packet from or to "host":
Note: Each bpf probe specification uses a bpf device. These devices are shared by ProbeVue, tcpdump, and any other application that uses the libpcap or bpf services for packet capture and injection. The number of bpf probes depends on the number of available bpf devices in the system.

When a bpf probe is started, the __mdata variable contains the raw packet data. You can access the raw data of requested size by using the Vue function copy_kdata () and map to the ether_header, ip header, and so on. Use the following structures to find out the header and payload data information.


VUE script to access the raw packet data when the “*” is specified as the protocol.

 /* Define the ether header structure */
struct  ether_header {
        char  ether_dhost[6];
        char  ether_shost[6];
        short ether_type;

/* ProbeVue script to access and interpret the data from RAW packet */

@@net:bpf:en0:*:"port 23"
        /* define the script local variables */
        __auto struct ether_header eth;
        __auto char *mb;

        /* __mdata contains the address of packet data */
        mb =(char *) __mdata;
        printf("Network probevue\n");
        * Use already available “copy_kdata(…)” VUE function to copy data of 
        * requested size (size of ether_header) from mbuf data pointer to eth
        * (ether_header) variable.
        copy_kdata (mb, eth);
        printf("Ether Type  from raw data :%x\n",eth.ether_type);

TCP probes

The specification contains three tuples for TCP probes as described in the following table:

Table 3. TCP probes: Tuple specification
Second tuple (Sub type)

Events (Third tuple)

The * value is not supported in this tuple.

tcp state_change This probe is started whenever the TCP state changes.
send_buf_full This probe is started whenever the send buffer full event occurs.
recv_buf_full This probe is started whenever the receive buffer full event occurs.
retransmit This probe is started whenever the re-transmission of packet happens for TCP connection.
listen_q_full This probe is started whenever a server (listener socket) discards the new connection requests due to listener’s queue being full.

__proto_info built-in variable provides the TCP connection (four tuple) information (local IP, remote IP, local port, and remote port) whenever the TCP-related event occurs. Remote port and IP address contains a value of NULL for the listen_q_full event.


Probe specifications for TCP protocol state changes:


udp probes

For udp probes the specification contains three tuples as described in the following table:

Table 4. udp second tuple: Third tuple values
Second tuple (Sub type) Events (third tuple)

The * value is not supported in this tuple.

udp sock_recv_buf_overflow This probe is started whenever the datagram or the UDP socket’s receive buffer overflows.

The __proto_info built-in variable provides the UDP protocol related data (source IP and destination IP addresses, source and destination port numbers) whenever socket receive buffer overflow event occurs.



Probe specifications for UDP socket’s receive buffer overflow:


Network probe-related built-in variables for Vue scripts

Network related events can be probed using following built-in variables.

__etherhdr built-in variable

The __etherhdr variable is a special built-in variable to get ether header information from filtered packet. This built-in variable is available when you probe the packet information at interface layer with any one of these protocols: “ether”, “ipv4”, “ipv6”, “tcp”, “udp”, “icmp4”, icmp6”, “igmp”, “arp”, and “rarp”. This variable is available in probes of sub type bpf. Its member elements can be accessed by using the syntax __etherhdr->member.

The __etherhdr built-in value has the following members:

Table 5. The __etherhdr built-in variable members
Member name Type Description


Source MAC address.

The data type mac_addr_t is used to store the MAC address. Use format specifier “M” to print the MAC address.

dst_addr mac_addr_t Destination MAC address.

The data type mac_addr_t is used to store the MAC address. Use format specifier “M” to print the MAC address.

ether_type unsigned short This name indicates the protocol encapsulated in the payload of an Ethernet frame. Protocols can be IPv4, IPv6, ARP, and REVARP.

It can match one of the following built-in constant values for ether_type:


Refer the header files /usr/include/netinet/if_ether.h and /usr/include/netinet/if_ether6.h for ether_type values.

Note: The __etherhdr built-in variable is applicable only for Ethernet interfaces and not for loopback interfaces.
__ip4hdr built-in variable

The __ip4hdr variable is a special built-in variable to get the IPv4 header information from filtered packet. This variable is available when you probe the packet information at interface layer with any one of the protocols: “ipv4”,“tcp”, “udp”, “icmp4”, and “igmp”. And, it has valid data when IP version is IPv4. This variable is available in probes of sub type bpf. Its member elements can be accessed by using the syntax __ip4hdr->member.

This built-in variable has the following members:

Table 6. The __ip4hdr built-in variable members
Member name Type Description


Source IP address.

The data type ip_addr_t is used to store the IP address. Use format specifier “I” to print the IP address in dotted decimal format and use format specifier “H” to print the host name. Host name printing is a costly operation.

dst_addr ip_addr_t Destination IP address.

The data type ip_addr_t is used to store the IP address. Use format specifier “I” to print the IP address in dotted decimal format and use format specifier “H” to print host name. Host name printing is a costly operation.

protocol unsigned short This member name indicates the protocol that is used in the data portion of the IP datagram. Protocols can be TCP, UDP, ICMP, IGMP, FRAGMENTED, and so on.

It can match one of the following built-in constant values for protocol.


Refer the header file /usr/include/netinet/in.h for protocol values.

ttl unsigned short Time to live or hop limit.
cksum unsigned short IP header checksum.
id unsigned short Identification number. This member is used for uniquely identifying the group of fragments of a single IP datagram.
total_len unsigned short Total length. This value is entire packet (fragment) size, including IP header and data in bytes.
hdr_len unsigned short Size of the IP header.
tos unsigned short Type of service.
frag_offset unsigned short Fragment offset.

This value specifies the offset of particular fragment, relative to beginning of the original un fragmented IP datagram. The first fragment has an offset of zero.

It can match one of the built-in constant frag_offset flag values. The flag values must be bitwise and with the built-in constant flag value to validate the presence of the particular flag:

  • IP_DF (No fragment flag)
  • IP_MF (more fragments flag)

Refer the header file /usr/include/netinet/ip.h for flag values.

__ip6hdr built-in variable

The __ip6hdr variable is a special built-in variable to get the IPv6 header information from filtered packet. This variable is available when user probes the packet information at interface layer. This variable with any one of the protocols (“ipv6”, “tcp”, “udp” and “icmp6”) has valid data when IP version is IPv6. This variable is available in probes of sub type bpf. Its member elements can be accessed by using the syntax __ip6hdr->member.

This built-in variable has the following members:

Table 7. The __ip6hdr built-in variable members
Member name Type Description


Source IP address.

The data type ip_addr_t is used to store the IP address. Use format specifier “I” to print the IP address and use format specifier “H” to print the host name. Host name printing is a costly operation.

dst_addr ip_addr_t Destination IP address.

The data type ip_addr_t is used to store the IP address. Use format specifier “I” to print the IP address and use format specifier “H” to print host name. Host name printing is costly operation.

protocol unsigned short This value indicates the protocol that is used in the data portion of the IP datagram. Protocols can be TCP, UDP, and ICMPV6, and so on.

It can match one of the following built-in constant values for protocol:


Refer the header file /usr/include/netinet/in.h for protocol values.

hop_limit unsigned short Hop limit (time to live).
total_len unsigned short Total length (payload length). The size of the payload including any extension headers.
next_hdr unsigned short Specifies the type of the next header. This field usually specifies the transport layer protocol that is used by a packet's payload. When extension headers are present in the packet, this field indicates which extension header follows. The values are shared with those used for the IPv4 protocol field.
flow_label unsigned int Flow label.
traffic_class unsigned int Traffic class.

__tcphdr built-in variable

The __tcphdr variable is a special built-in variable to get the tcp header information from filtered packet. This variable is available when you probe the packet information at interface layer with tcp protocol. It is available in probes of sub type bpf. Its member elements can be accessed by using the syntax __tcphdr->member.

The __tcphdr built-in variable has the following members:

Table 8. The __tcphdr built-in variable members
Member name Type Description
src_port unsigned short Source port of the packet.
dst_port unsigned short Destination port of the packet.
flags unsigned short These values are the control bits and are set to indicate the communication of control information. 1 bit for each flag.

It can match one of the built-in constant flag values. The flag values must be bitwise and with the built-in constant flag value to validate the presence of the particular flag.

  • TH_FIN (No more data from sender)
  • TH_SYN (request to establish the connection)
  • TH_RST (Reset the connection)
  • TH_PUSH (Push function. Asks to push the buffered data to the receiving application)
  • TH_ACK (Indicates that this packet contains acknowledgment)
  • TH_URG (Indicates that the urgent pointer field is significant)

Refer TCP documentation for detailed information about these flags and refer the header file /usr/include/netinet/tcp.h for flag values.

seq_num unsigned int Sequence number.
ack_num unsigned int Acknowledgment number.
hdr_len unsigned int TCP header length information
cksum unsigned short Checksum.
window unsigned short Window size.
urg_ptr unsigned short Urgent pointer.

__udphdr built-in variable

The __udphdr is a special built-in variable that is used to get the udp header information from filtered packet. This built-in is available when user probes the packet information at interface layer with udp as protocol. It is available in probes of sub type bpf. Its member elements can be accessed by using the syntax __udphdr->member.

__udphdr built-in variable has the following members:

Table 9. The __udphdr built-in variable members
Member name Type Description
src_port unsigned short Source port of the packet.
dst_port unsigned short Destination port of the packet.
length unsigned short UDP header and data length information.
cksum unsigned short Checksum.

__icmp built-in variable

The __icmp is a special built-in variable that is used to get the icmp header information from filtered packet. This built-in is available when user probes the packet information at interface layer with icmp protocol. It is available in probes of sub type bpf. Its member elements can be accessed by using the syntax __icmp->member.

This built-in variable has the following members:

Table 10. The __icmp built-in variable members
Member name Type Description
type unsigned short Type of ICMP message.

For example: 0 - echo reply, 8 - echo request, 3 - destination unreachable. Look in for all the types. For more information, refer to the standard network documentation.

It can match one of the following built-in constant values for of ICMP message types:


Refer the header file /usr/include/netinet/ip_icmp.h for protocol values.

Note: All possible message type values are not defined, and hence there can be other options present in the value.
code unsigned short Subtype of ICMP message.

For each type of message, several different codes and subtypes are defined. For example, no route to destination, communication with destination administratively prohibited, not a neighbor, address unreachable, port unreachable. For more information, refer to the standard network documentation.

It can match one of the following built-in constant values for ICMP sub types:


Subtype values for type 4

The subtype values for type 4 are as follows:


Subtype values for type 6

The subtype values for type 6 are as follows:


Subtype values for type 7

The subtype values for type 7 are as follows:



Refer the header file /usr/include/netinet/ip_icmp.h for message subtype values.

Note: Not all possible message sub types values are defined, and hence there might be other options present in the message sub type value.

cksum unsigned short Checksum.

__icmp6 built-in variable

__icmp6 is a special built-in variable that is used to get the icmpv6 header information from filtered packet. This is available when user probes the packet information at interface layer with icmp6 protocol. It is available in probes of sub type bpf. Member elements of this built-in variable can be accessed using syntax “__icmp6->member”.

__icmp6 has the following members:

Table 11. The __icmp6 built-in variable members
Member name Type Description
type unsigned short Type of ICMPV6 message.

This specifies the type of message, which determines the format of the remaining data.

It can match one of the following built-in constant values for ICMPV6 types.


Refer the header file /usr/include/netinet/icmp6.h for protocol values.

Note: Not all possible message type values are defined, and hence there might be other options present in the value.
code unsigned short Subtype of ICMPV6 message.

This value depends on the message type. It provides an extra level of message granularity.

It can match one of the following built-in constant values for ICMPV6 sub types.


Refer the header file /usr/include/netinet/icmp6.h for message subtype values.

Note: Not all possible message sub type values are defined, and hence there might be other options present in the value.
cksum unsigned short Checksum.

__igmp built-in variable

__igmp is a special built-in variable that is used to get the igmp header information from filtered packet. This is available when user probes the packet information at interface layer with igmp protocol. This is available in probes of sub type bpf. Its member elements can be accessed using syntax “__igmp->member”.

__igmp built-in has the following members:

Table 12. The __igmp built-in variable members
Member name Type Description
type unsigned short

Type of IGMP message.

For example: Membership Query (0x11), Membership Report (IGMPv1: 0x12, IGMPv2: 0x16, IGMPv3: 0x22), Leave Group (0x17) For more information, refer to the standard or Network documentation.

It can match one of the following built-in constant values for IGMP Message types.


Refer the header file /usr/include/netinet/igmp.h for protocol values.

Note: Not all possible message type values are defined, and hence there could be other options present in the value.

code unsigned short

Subtype of IGMP type.

It can match one of the following built-in constant values for IGMP Message subtypes.

Subtype values for type no 3.

DVMPP_PROBE           1
DVMRP_REPORT          2
DVMRP_PRUNE           7
DVMRP_GRAFT           8
Note: Not all possible message sub type values are defined, and hence there could be other options present in the value.
cksum unsigned short IGMP Checksum value.
group_addr ip_addr_t

Group address that is reported or queried.

This address is the multicast address that is queried when you are sending a Group-Specific or Group-and-Source-Specific Query. The field has a value of zero when you are sending a General Query.

The data type ip_addr_t is used to store the group IP address. Use format specifier “I” to print the IP address.

__arphdr built-in variable

The __arphdr variable is a special built-in variable that is used to get the arphdr header information from filtered packet. This variable is available when user probes the packet information at interface layer with arp or rarp protocol. It is available in probes of sub type bpf.The __arphdr member elements can be accessed by using the syntax __arphdr->member.

The __arphdr built-in variable has following members:

Table 13. The __arphdr built-in variable members
Member name Type Description
hw_addr_type unsigned short Format of the hardware address type. This field identifies the specific data-link protocol that is being used.

It can match one of the following built-in constant values for data link protocol:

ARPHRD_802_3, and 

Refer the header file /usr/include/net/if_arp.h for protocol values.

protocol_type unsigned short Format of the protocol address type. This field identifies the specific network protocol that is being used.

It can match one of the following built-in constant values for network protocol:


Refer the header file /usr/include/net/nd_lan.h for the protocol values.

hdr_len unsigned short Mac or hardware address length.
proto_len unsigned short Protocol or IP address length.
operation unsigned short Specifies the operation that the sender is performing: 1 for request, 2 for reply.

It can match one of the following built-in constant values for network protocol:


Refer the header file /usr/include/net/if_arp.h for protocol values.

src_mac_addr mac_addr_t Sender or source MAC address.

Sender hardware or mac address is stored in mac_addr_t data type. The format specifier “%M” is used to print sender MAC or hardware address.

dst_mac_addr mac_addr_t Target or Destination MAC address.

Target hardware or MAC address is stored in mac_addr_t data type. The format specifier “%M” is used to print target MAC or hardware address.

src_ip ip_addr_t Source or sender IP address.

Sender IP address is stored in ip_addr_t data type.

The format specifier “%I” is used to print sender IP address.

dst_ip ip_addr_t Target or Destination IP address.

Target IP address is stored in ip_addr_t data type.

The format specifier “%I” is used to print target IP address.


Vue script to probe packet header information for packets received or sent over port 23. Provides the source and destination node information and also tcp header length information

@@net:bpf:en0:tcp:"port 23"
        printf("src_addr:%I and dst_addr:%I\n",__ip4hdr->src_addr,__ip4hdr->dst_addr);
        printf("src port:%d\n",__tcphdr->src_port);
        printf("dst port:%d\n",__tcphdr->dst_port);
        printf("tcp hdr_len:%d\n",__tcphdr->hdr_len);

# probevue bpf_tcp.e
src_addr: and dst_addr:
src port:48401
dst port:23
tcp hdr_len:20

__proto_info built-in variable

The __proto_info variable is a special built-in variable that is used to get the protocol (source and destination IP addresses and ports) information for TCP or UDP events. The __proto_info variable is available in probes of sub type tcp or udp. Its member elements can be accessed by using the syntax __proto_info->member.

The __proto_info built-in variable has the following members:

Table 14. The __proto_info built-in variable members
Member name Type Description
local_port unsigned short Local port
remote_port unsigned short Remote port
local_addr ip_addr_t Local address
remote_addr ip_addr_t Remote address

Additional information for TCP-specific events

The TCP state change events are described in the following table:

Table 15. TCP state change events
Name Type Description
__prev_state short Previous state information for connection.
__cur_state short Present state information for connection.
It can match one of the following built-in constant values for TCP states:
  • TCPS_ESTABLISHED (connection established)
  • TPCS_CLOSED (Connection closed)
  • TPCS_LISTEN (Listening for connection)
  • TPCS_SYN_SENT (Sent SYN to remote end)
  • TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED (Received SYN from remote end)
  • TCPS_CLOSE_WAIT (Received Fin, waiting for close)
  • TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1 (are closed, sent fin)
  • TCPS_CLOSING (closed exchanged FIN, await FIN ACK)
  • TCPS_LAST_ACK (Had Fin and close , Await FIN ACK)
  • TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2 (are closed , Fin is Acked)
  • TCPS_TIME_WAIT (in 2*msl quiet wait after close)

The values are defined in exported header file /usr/include/netinet/tcp_fsm.h.


The following Vue script provides state change information for a particular connection:

when(__proto_info->local_addr ==”” and __proto_info->remote_addr ==”
	and __proto_info->local_port =”8000” and  __proto_info->remote_port =”9000”)
	printf(“Previous state:%d and current_state:%d\n”,__prev_state,__cur_state);

TCP retransmit event

Table 16. TCP retransmit event
Name Type Description
__nth_retransmit unsigned short Nth retransmission


1. Following example Identifies the listener which has discarded connections due to listener's queue is full.

	printf(“Listener IP address:%I and Port number is:%d\n”,__proto_info->local_addr, __proto_info->local_port);

2. Following example Identifies connection which drop packets due to socket buffer overflows

        printf("Connection information which drops packet due to socket buffer overflows:\n"); 
        printf("Local IP address:%I and Remote IP address:%I\n",__proto_info->local_addr,__proto_info->remote_addr);
        printf("local port :%d and remote port:%d\n",__proto_info->local_port, __proto_info->remote_port);

3. Identify retransmissions (second & further retransmission for a packet) for TCP connections for particular connection.

when (__proto_info->local_addr == "" &&
 	__proto_info->remote_addr == "" && 
__proto_info->local_port == "4000" &&
 	__proto_info->remote_port == "5000")
        printf(" %d th re-transmition for this connection\n", _nth_retransmit);

4. Identify the connection information whenever sender buffer full event occurs .

        printf("Connection information whenever send buffer full event occurs:\n"); 
        printf("Local IP address:%I and Remote IP address:%I\n",__proto_info->local_addr,__proto_info->remote_addr);
        printf("local port :%d and remote port:%d\n",__proto_info->local_port, __proto_info->remote_port);