If you are using the accounting system to charge users for system
resources, the integrity of the /var/adm/acct/sum/tacct file
is quite important. Occasionally, mysterious tacct records appear that
contain negative numbers, duplicate user numbers, or a user number of 65,535.
You can fix these problems.
You must have root user or adm group authority.
To patch a tacct file, perform the following steps:
- Move to the /var/adm/acct/sum directory by
- Use the prtacct
command to check the total accounting file, tacctprev,
by typing:
The prtacct command formats and displays the tacctprev file
so that you can check connect time, process time, disk usage, and printer
- If the tacctprev file looks correct, change
the latest tacct .mmdd file from a binary file to an ASCII file. In the following example,
the acctmerg command converts the tacct.mmdd
file to an ASCII file named tacct.new:
acctmerg -v < tacct.mmdd > tacct.new
Note: The
command with the
-a flag also produces ASCII output. The
flag produces more precise notation for floating-point numbers.
The acctmerg command is used to merge the intermediate accounting record
reports into a cumulative total report (tacct). This cumulative total is the source from
which the monacct command produces the ASCII monthly summary report. Since the
monacct command procedure removes all the
tacct.mmdd files, you recreate the
tacct file by merging these files.
- Edit the tacct.new file to remove the bad
records and write duplicate user number records to another file by typing:
acctmerg -i < tacct.new > tacct.mmdd
- Create the tacct file again by typing:
acctmerg tacctprev < tacct.mmdd > tacct