Example program for the lex and yacc programs

This section contains example programs for the lex and yacc commands.

Together, these example programs create a simple, desk-calculator program that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations. This calculator program also allows you to assign values to variables (each designated by a single, lowercase letter) and then use the variables in calculations. The files that contain the example lex and yacc programs are as follows:

File Content
calc.lex Specifies the lex command specification file that defines the lexical analysis rules.
calc.yacc Specifies the yacc command grammar file that defines the parsing rules, and calls the yylex subroutine created by the lex command to provide input.

The following descriptions assume that the calc.lex and calc.yacc example programs are located in your current directory.

Compiling the example program

To create the desk calculator example program, do the following:

  1. Process the yacc grammar file using the -d optional flag (which informs the yacc command to create a file that defines the tokens used in addition to the C language source code):
    yacc -d calc.yacc
  2. Use the ls command to verify that the following files were created:
    The C language source file that the yacc command created for the parser
    A header file containing define statements for the tokens used by the parser
  3. Process the lex specification file:
    lex calc.lex
  4. Use the ls command to verify that the following file was created:
    The C language source file that the lex command created for the lexical analyzer
  5. Compile and link the two C language source files:
    cc y.tab.c lex.yy.c
  6. Use the ls command to verify that the following files were created:
    The object file for the y.tab.c source file
    The object file for the lex.yy.c source file
    The executable program file
To run the program directly from the a.out file, type:
$ a.out


To move the program to a file with a more descriptive name, as in the following example, and run it, type:
$ mv a.out calculate
$ calculate
In either case, after you start the program, the cursor moves to the line below the $ (command prompt). Then, enter numbers and operators as you would on a calculator. When you press the Enter key, the program displays the result of the operation. After you assign a value to a variable, as follows, the cursor moves to the next line.
m=4 <enter>
When you use the variable in subsequent calculations, it will have the assigned value:
m+5 <enter>

Parser source code

The following example shows the contents of the calc.yacc file. This file has entries in all three sections of a yacc grammar file: declarations, rules, and programs.


int regs[26];
int base;


%start list

%union { int a; }


%left '|'
%left '&'
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/' '%'
%left UMINUS  /*supplies precedence for unary minus */

%%                   /* beginning of rules section */

list:                       /*empty */
        list stat '\n'
        list error '\n'
stat:    expr
         LETTER '=' expr
           regs[$1.a] = $3.a;


expr:    '(' expr ')'
           $$ = $2;
         expr '*' expr

           $$.a = $1.a * $3.a;
         expr '/' expr
           $$.a = $1.a / $3.a;
         expr '%' expr
           $$.a = $1.a % $3.a;
         expr '+' expr
           $$.a = $1.a + $3.a;
         expr '-' expr
           $$.a = $1.a - $3.a;
         expr '&' expr
           $$.a = $1.a & $3.a;
         expr '|' expr
           $$.a = $1.a | $3.a;

        '-' expr %prec UMINUS
           $$.a = -$2.a;
           $$.a = regs[$1.a];


number:  DIGIT
           $$ = $1;
           base = ($1.a==0) ? 8 : 10;
         }       |
         number DIGIT
           $$.a = base * $1.a + $2.a;


char *s;
  fprintf(stderr, "%s\n",s);

The file contains the following sections:
  • Declarations section. This section contains entries that:
    • Include standard I/O header file
    • Define global variables
    • Define the list rule as the place to start processing
    • Define the tokens used by the parser
    • Define the operators and their precedence
  • Rules section. The rules section defines the rules that parse the input stream.
    • %start - Specifies that the whole input should match stat.
    • %union - By default, the values returned by actions and the lexical analyzer are integers. yacc can also support values of other types, including structures. In addition, yacc keeps track of the types, and inserts appropriate union member names so that the resulting parser will be strictly type checked. The yacc value stack is declared to be a union of the various types of values desired. The user declares the union, and associates union member names to each token and nonterminal symbol having a value. When the value is referenced through a $$ or $n construction, yacc will automatically insert the appropriate union name, so that no unwanted conversions will take place.
    • %type - Makes use of the members of the %union declaration and gives an individual type for the values associated with each part of the grammar.
    • %toksn - Lists the tokens which come from lex tool with their type.
  • Programs section. The programs section contains the following subroutines. Because these subroutines are included in this file, you do not need to use the yacc library when processing this file.
    Subroutine Description
    main The required main program that calls the yyparse subroutine to start the program.
    yyerror(s) This error-handling subroutine only prints a syntax error message.
    yywrap The wrap-up subroutine that returns a value of 1 when the end of input occurs.

Lexical analyzer source code

This file contains include statements for standard input and output, as well as for the y.tab.h file. If you use the -d flag with the yacc command, the yacc program generates that file from the yacc grammar file information. The y.tab.h file contains definitions for the tokens that the parser program uses. In addition, the calc.lex file contains the rules to generate these tokens from the input stream. The following are the contents of the calc.lex file.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "y.tab.h"
int c;
" "       ;
[a-z]     {
            c = yytext[0];
            yylval.a = c - 'a';
[0-9]     {
            c = yytext[0];
            yylval.a = c - '0';
[^a-z0-9\b]    {
                 c = yytext[0];