ioo Command
Manages Input/Output (I/O) tunable parameters.
ioo [ -p | -r ] [-y]{ -o Tunable [ =NewValue ] }
ioo [ -p | -r ] [-y] {-d Tunable}
ioo -h [ Tunable ]
The ioo command configures Input/Output (I/O) tuning parameters. This command sets or displays current or next boot values for all I/O tuning parameters. This command can also make permanent changes or defer changes until the next reboot. Whether the command sets or displays a parameter, is determined by the accompanying flag. The -o flag can either display the value of a parameter or set a new value for a parameter.
If a process reads sequentially from a file, the values that are specified by the minpgahead parameter determine the number of pages to be read ahead when the condition is first detected. The value that is specified by the maxpgahead parameter sets the maximum number of pages that are read ahead, regardless of the number of preceding sequential reads.
The operating system allows tuning of the number of file system bufstructs (numfsbuf) and the amount of data that is processed by the write behind algorithm (numclust).
Understanding the Effect of Changing Tunable Parameters
Misuse of the ioo command can cause performance degradation or operating-system failure. Before you start experimenting with the ioo command, you must be familiar with Performance overview of the Virtual Memory Manager.
Before you modify any tunable parameter, you must first read about all its characteristics in the Tunable Parameters section, and follow any Refer To pointer, to fully understand its purpose.
You must then make sure that the Diagnosis and Tuning sections for this parameter truly apply to your situation and that changing the value of this parameter might help improve the performance of your system.
If both the Diagnosis and Tuning sections contain only "N/A", you must probably never change this parameter unless directed by AIX® development.
Item | Description |
-h [Tunable] | Displays help about the Tunable parameter if one is specified. Otherwise, displays the ioo command usage statement. |
-a | Displays current, reboot (when used with -r)
or permanent (when used with -p) value for all tunable parameters,
one per line in pairs tunable = value .
For the permanent option, a value is only displayed for a parameter
if its reboot and current values are equal. Otherwise NONE displays
as the value. |
-d Tunable | Resets Tunable to its default value. If a Tunable must be changed (that is, it is not set to its default value) and is of type Bosboot or Reboot, or if it is of type Incremental and is changed from its default value, and -r is not used in combination, it is not changed but a warning displays. |
-D | Resets all tunables to their default value. If tunables that must be changed are of type Bosboot or Reboot, or are of type Incremental and were changed from their default value, and -r is not used in combination, they are not changed but a warning displays. |
-o Tunable [=NewValue ] | Displays the value or sets Tunable to NewValue.
If a Tunable must be changed (the specified value is different
from current value), and is of type Bosboot or Reboot,
or if it is of type Incremental and its current value is bigger
than the specified value, and -r is not used in combination,
it is not changed but a warning displays. When -r is used
without a NewValue, the nextboot value for tunable displays.
When -p is used without a NewValue, a value displays
only if the current and next boot values for the Tunable are
the same. Otherwise |
-p | Specifies that the changes apply to both the
current and reboot values when used in combination with the -o, -d,
or -D flags. Turns on the updating of the /etc/tunables/nextboot file
in addition to the updating of the current value. These combinations
cannot be used on Reboot and Bosboot type parameters,
their current value cannot be changed. When used with -a or -o without
specifying a new value, the values display only if the current and
next boot values for a parameter are the same. Otherwise |
-r | Makes changes that apply to reboot values
when used with the -o, -d, or -D flags. That
is, it turns on the updating of the /etc/tunables/nextboot file.
If any parameter of type Bosboot is changed, the user is prompted
to run bosboot. When used with -a or -o without specifying a new value, next boot values for tunables display instead of current values. |
-F | Forces restricted tunable parameters to be displayed when you specify the -a, -L , or -x flag on the command line. If you do not specify the -F flag, restricted tunables are not included, unless they are named in association with a display flag (the -o, -a , -x, or -L flag). |
-L [Tunable] | Lists the characteristics of one or all tunables,
one per line, by using the following format:
-x [Tunable] | Lists the characteristics of one or all tunables,
one per line, by using the following (spreadsheet) format:
-y | Suppresses the confirmation prompt before the bosboot command is run. |
If you modify (by using the -o, -d or -D flags) a restricted tunable parameter, it results in a warning message to warn the user that a tunable parameter of the restricted-use type is modified. If you also specify the -r or -p flags, you are prompted for confirmation of the change. In addition, at system reboot, the presence of restricted tunable parameters, which are in the /etc/tunables/nextboot file, is modified to a value that is different from their default value (by using a command line that specifies the -r or -p flags). The modification results in an error log entry that identifies the list of these modified tunable parameters.
Abbreviation | Power of two |
K | 210 |
M | 220 |
G | 230 |
T | 240 |
P | 250 |
E | 260 |
Any change (with the -o, -d or -D flags) to a parameter of type Mount results in a message, warning you that the change is only effective for future mountings.
Any change (with the -o, -d or -D flags) to a parameter of type Connect results in inetd being restarted, and a message, warning you that the change is only effective for future socket connections.
Any attempt to change (with the -o, -d or -D flags) a parameter of type Bosboot or Reboot without -r, results in an error message.
Any attempt to change (with the -o, -d or -D flags but without the -r flag) the current value of a parameter of type Incremental with a new value smaller than the current value, results in an error message.
Tunable Parameters Type
Item | Description |
Dynamic | If the parameter can be changed at any time |
Static | If the parameter can never be changed |
Reboot | If the parameter can be changed only during reboot |
Bosboot | If the parameter can be changed only by running bosboot and rebooting the machine |
Mount | If changes to the parameter are only effective for future file systems or directory mounts |
Incremental | If the parameter can be incrementally increased, except at boot time |
Connect | If changes to the parameter are only effective for future socket connections |
Deprecated | If changing this parameter is no longer supported by the current release of AIX. |
Note: The current set of parameters that is managed by the ioo command includes only Static, Dynamic, Mount, and Incremental types.
Compatibility Mode
When running in pre-5.2 compatibility mode (controlled by the pre520tune attribute of sys0, see Performance tuning enhancements for AIX 5.2 in thePerformance management ), reboot values for parameters, except those parameters that are of type Bosboot, are not meaningful because in this mode they are not applied at boot time.
In pre-5.2 compatibility mode, setting reboot values to tuning parameters continues to be achieved by embedding calls to tuning commands in scripts that are called during the boot sequence. Parameters of type Reboot can therefore be set without the -r flag so that existing scripts continue to work.
This mode is automatically turned ON when a machine is migrated to AIX 5.2. For complete installations, it is turned OFF and the reboot values for parameters are set by applying the content of the /etc/tunables/nextboot file during the reboot sequence. Only in that mode are the -r and -p flags fully functional. See Kernel Tuning in Performance Tools Guide and Reference for more information.
Tunable Parameters
Item | Description |
aio_active |
aio_maxreqs |
aio_maxservers |
aio_minservers |
aio_server_inactivity |
dk_lbp_enabled |
dk_lbp_bufpool_size |
dk_lbp_pool_buf_size |
j2_atimeUpdateSymlink |
j2_dynamicBufferPreallocation |
j2_inodeCacheSize |
j2_maxPageReadAhead |
j2_maxRandomWrite |
j2_metadataCacheSize |
j2_minPageReadAhead |
j2_nPagesPerWriteBehindCluster |
j2_nRandomCluster |
j2_recoveryMode |
j2_syncByVFS |
j2_syncConcurrency |
j2_syncDelayReport |
j2_syncPageCount |
j2_syncPageLimit |
lvm_bufcnt |
maxpgahead |
maxrandwrt |
numclust |
numfsbufs |
pd_npages |
posix_aio_active |
posix_aio_maxreqs |
posix_aio_maxservers |
posix_aio_minservers |
posix_aio_server_inactivity |
Memory Usage and Statistics
cat /proc/sys/fs/jfs2/memory_usage
This returns the metadata cache,
the inode cache, and the total memory usage in /proc/sys/fs/jfs2/statistics
This returns the number of
icache hits, icache misses, and icache /proc/sys/disk/lbp/statistics
- To list the current and reboot value, range, unit, type, and dependencies
of all tunable parameters that are managed by the ioo command,
enter the following command:
ioo -L
- To list the current, default, and reboot values,
range, unit, and type of the j2_recoveryMode tunable parameter, enter
the following command:
The result might be similar to the following output:ioo -L j2_recoveryMode
NAME CUR DEF BOOT MIN MAX UNIT TYPE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- recoveryMode 1 1 1 0 1 n/a D -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- To display help information for the j2_nPagesPerWriteBehindCluster
tunable parameter, enter the following command:
ioo -h j2_nPagesPerWriteBehindCluster
- To set maxrandwrt to 4 after the next reboot, enter the following
ioo -r -o maxrandwrt=4
- To permanently reset all ioo tunable parameters to default, enter
the following command:
ioo -p -D
- To list the reboot value of all ioo parameters, enter the following
ioo -r -a
- To list (spreadsheet format) the current and reboot value, range,
unit, type, and dependencies of all tunables parameters that are managed
by the ioo command, enter the following command:
ioo -x