Enable credential encryption for Watch Folders

To use Watch Folders, you must enable encryption for user-credentials (username and password).

These are the minimal steps required. The commands must be run with Administrator permissions. For more information, see Secrets management with askmscli.

  1. Enable dynamic token generation.
    > asconfigurator -x "set_node_data;token_dynamic_key,true"
  2. asperanoded.
    Go to Search from the taskbar and type Services, click IBM Aspera NodeD, and click Restart.
  3. Set up a Redis primary key.
    > openssl rand -base64 32 > redis_primary_key_file && type redis_primary_key_file | C:\Program Files\Aspera\Enterprise Server\bin\askmscli.exe -s redis-primary-key
  4. Set up keystores for the system users who use push and pull Watch Folders.
    > C:\Program Files\Aspera\Enterprise Server\bin\askmscli.exe -i -u system_user_name