HSTS uses system accounts to authenticate connections from Aspera® clients. The system users must be added and configured as Aspera transfer users before clients can
browse the server file system or run FASP® transfers to and
from the server. When creating transfer users, you can also specify user specific settings, such as
transfer bandwidth, docroot, and file handling. User configuration is an important part of securing
your server.
About this task
Note: The following procedure describes setting up transfer user accounts with
the GUI. If you are setting up users in a terminal, see
Setting up transfer users.
Important configuration notes:
- Some Aspera
features require a docroot in URI format or require a file restriction instead of a docroot. For
more information, see Docroot versus file restriction.
- If users connect to the server by providing IBM Aspera Shares credentials or by
providing Node API credentials that are associated with the transfer user,
changes to a user's configuration, such as their docroot, are not applied to
the user until asperanoded is restarted. For instructions, see
Restarting Aspera services.
To configure a system user account as an Aspera transfer user:
Restrict user permissions with aspshell.
By default, all system users can establish a FASP
connection and are only restricted by file permissions. Restrict the user's file operations by
assigning them to use
aspshell, which allows only the following operations:
- Running Aspera uploads and downloads
to or from this computer.
- Establishing connections in the application.
- Browsing, listing, creating, renaming, or deleting contents.
These instructions explain one way to change a user account or active directory user account
so that it uses the aspshell; there might be other ways to do so on your
Run the following command to change the user login shell to aspshell:
# sudo usermod -s /bin/aspshell username
Confirm that the user's shell is updated by running the following command and looking for
at the end of the output:
# grep username /etc/passwd username:x:501:501:...:/home/username:/bin/aspshell
Note: If you use OpenSSH, sssd, and Active Directory for
authentication: To make aspshell the default shell for all domain users,
first set up a local account for server administration because this change affects all domain users.
Then, open /etc/sssd/sssd.conf and change default_shell
/bin/bash to /bin/aspshell.
Start HSTS as root.
Run the following command as
# asperascp
Click Configuration to open the configuration settings window.
For server security, configure Global settings to
restrict users' transfer and system permissions.
Set a global docroot (Absolute Path) to an empty folder or a part of the
file system specific to each user.
If there is a pattern in the docroot of each user, for example,
/sandbox/username, you can use a substitutional
string. You can assign independent docroot to each user without setting a docroot for each user
Substitutional String |
Definition |
Example |
$(name) |
System user's name |
/sandbox/$(name) |
$(home) |
System user's home directory |
$(home)/Documents |
On the Docroot tab, set Read
Allowed, Write Allowed, and
Browse Allowed to
On the Authorization tab, deny incoming and
outgoing transfers by default, then enable transfers for individual
users as required (described in a later step).
On the Authorization tab, set the token
encryption key to a string of at least 20 random characters.
If your workflow allows, on the Authorization tab set Content
Protection Required to true.
On the Authorization tab, set
Encryption Allowed to
By setting an encryption cipher, uploads to the server must use the
specified encryption cipher or stronger. Setting to
any allows encrypted and unencrypted
Add a system user.
In Server Configuration, go to
to add a new user.
Enter the username, then click OK.
Usernames cannot contain the @ symbol, except when
using the user@domain format. For additional information, see Product Limitations.
Set the user's docroot and transfer permissions.
Set a user-specific docroot, if the global docroot is not adequate.
In the user's
Docroot tab (
Configuration > Users
>username > Docroot), select the
Override box for
Absolute Path and enter or select an
existing path as the user's doc root. For example,
. When finished, click
OK or
Set read, write, and browse permissions.
On the Docroot tab, set Read
allowed to true to enable the
user to download from their docroot on the server, set Write
allowed to true to enable the
user to upload to the server and move files within their docroot, and
set Browse allowed to true
to enable the user to browse files within their docroot. For maximum
security, allow users the minimum permissions required for their
Set transfer permissions.
On the Authorization tab, set
Incoming Transfers to
allow to allow the user to upload to the
server within their docroot and set Outgoing
Transfers to allow to allow the
user to download from the server from their docroot.
If you provided an Aspera license during
installation, rather than an entitlement, ensure that the transfer user read
the permissions on the Aspera license file
(aspera-license) so that they can run transfers.
The license file is found in:
Configure group and user settings.
Settings are located in the
File Handling and
Precedence tabs.
settings take precedence over group settings, which take precedence over
global settings; for more information, see Configuration precedence.