Watch Folder service configuration

The configuration for asperawatchfolderd is in the <server> section of aspera.conf. It includes drop and file management and enabling the use of raw options (ascp options that are not yet directly included in Watch Folders).


To view the current settings, run the following command and look for settings that start with watch and watchfolderd:

# /opt/aspera/bin/asuserdata -a

Configuring asperawatchfolderd settings

Configure asperawatchfolderd by using asconfigurator commands with this general syntax:

# /opt/aspera/bin/asconfigurator -x "set_server_data;option,value"

Options and values are described in the following table.

Watch Folder configuration options

Note: The logging and database configuration settings apply to both asperawatchd and asperawatchfolderd, and are described in Watch Service configuration.
asconfigurator option
aspera.conf setting
Description Default
The maximum age of stored drops. Drops older than this age are purged. 1 d
The maximum number files across all drops. When this number is exceeded, drops are purged until the file count is less than the specified number. 9223372036854775807
Enable the use of new ascp options in Watch Folders-initiated transfers before the options are built into the application. Valid values are disable or enable. disable