Out-of-transfer file validation
Out-of-transfer file validation is run as soon as the client uploads a file to HSTS. The transfer is reported as complete and then the validation is run. The validation script uses the Aspera® Reliable Query API to retrieve the list of files to validate and update the file status during validation. The transfer user who is transferring files to the server must be associated with Node API user credentials to use the API. These instructions describe how to associate a transfer user with Node API user credentials, create a validation script, and configure the server to use out-of-transfer file validation on files that it receives from specific transfer users, groups, or globally.
This approach has several benefits over inline file validation:
- More efficient use of system resources because the ascp sessions can close before validation is completed.
- Out-of-transfer file validation is applied to transfers that use HTTP(S) fallback transport.
- Files are explicitly reported as
to IBM Aspera Faspex through IBM Aspera Central. Files that are validated inline are reported as transferring.