aspera.conf - Transfer server configuration

The settings in the <central_server> section of aspera.conf include the network and port that asperacentral uses to process transfer requests and how to manage the asperacentral database.

About this task

Configuration methods: These instructions describe how to manually modify aspera.conf. You can also add and edit these parameters that use asconfigurator commands. For more information on using asconfigurator, see User, group, and default configurations. Run the following command to retrieve a complete default aspera.conf file that includes the asconfigurator syntax for each setting:
# /opt/aspera/bin/asuserdata -+


  1. Open aspera.conf from the following location:


  2. Add or locate the <central_server/> section, as shown in the following example:
      <address></address>                                  <!-- Address -->
      <port>40001</port>                                            <!-- Port -->
      <persistent_store>enable</persistent_store>                   <!-- Persistent Storage -->
      <files_per_session>1000</files_per_session>                   <!-- Files Per Session -->
      <persistent_store_path></persistent_store_path>               <!-- Persistent Storage Path -->
      <persistent_store_max_age>86400</persistent_store_max_age>    <!-- Maximum Age -->
      <persistent_store_on_error>ignore</persistent_store_on_error> <!-- Exit Central on Storage Error -->	
      <compact_on_startup>enable</compact_on_startup>               <!-- Compact Database on Startup -->
      <ignore_empty_files>true</ignore_empty_files>                 <!-- Ignore Empty Files -->
      <ignore_no_transfer_files>true</ignore_no_transfer_files>     <!-- Ignore No-transfer Files -->
      <validation_timeout>300</validation_timeout>                  <!-- Post-Transfer Validation Timeout -->
  3. Edit settings as needed.
    Central server settings reference
    Setting Description Values Default
    Address The network interface address on which the transfer server listens. The default value of enables the transfer server to accept transfer requests from the local computer. If you set the address to, the transfer server can accept requests on all network interfaces. Alternatively, a specific network interface address might be specified. Valid IPv4 address
    Port The port on which the transfer server accepts transfer requests. Positive integer 1 - 65535 40001
    Persistent Storage Set to Enable to retain data that is stored in the database between restarts of asperacentral. Enable or Disable Enable
    Files Per Session The maximum number of files that can be retained for persistent storage. Positive integer 1000
    Persistent Storage Path The location in which to store data between restarts of asperacentral. If the path is a directory, then a file is created with the default name central-store.db. Otherwise, the file is named as specified in the path. Valid system path If the application is installed in the default location, then the path is the following:


    Maximum Age (seconds) Maximum allowable age (in seconds) of data to be retained in the database. Positive integer 86400
    Exit Central on Storage Error The behavior of the asperacentral server if a database write error occurs. Ignore or Exit Ignore
    Compact Database on Startup enable or disable compacting (vacuuming) the database when the transfer server starts. Enable or Disable Enable
    Ignore Empty Files Set to true to block the logging of zero-byte files. true or false true
    Ignore No-transfer Files Set to true to block the logging of files that were not transferred because they exist at the destination. true or false true
    Post-Transfer Validation Timeout How many seconds to wait for a post-transfer validator to update the status of a file before the file is released from the validator and its status is changed back to to_be_validated. This allows a file to be validated by a different validator if the first validator stops working.

    For more information, see Out-of-transfer file validation.

    Positive integer 300
  4. Save and validate aspera.conf.
    Run the following command to confirm that the XML is correctly formatted and the parameter settings are valid:
    # /opt/aspera/bin/asuserdata -v