aspera.conf - WebSocket configuration

The <server> section of aspera.conf can be used to configure the server to use the WebSocket protocol over HTTPS instead of SSH. The ascp client uses HTTPS for WebSocket only. However, the WebSocket server can be configured to use HTTP as long as a proxy is being used to stop the HTTPS server endpoint.

Configuration methods: These instructions describe how to manually modify aspera.conf. You can also add and edit these parameters that use asconfigurator commands. For more information on using asconfigurator, see User, group, and default configurations. Run the following command to retrieve a complete default aspera.conf file that includes the asconfigurator syntax for each setting:
$ /Library/Aspera/bin/asuserdata -+
  1. Open aspera.conf from the following location:


  2. Add or locate the <server> section, as in the following example:
  3. Edit settings as needed.
    WebSocket settings reference
    Field Description Values
    Enable HTTP Enable HTTP true or false
    Enable HTTPS Enable HTTPS true or false
    WSS Port WebSocket port 9093
    WSS Enabled Enable WebSocket true or false
    WSS Listen Port Listening Port 9099
  4. Save and validate aspera.conf.
    Run the following command to confirm that the XML is correctly formatted and the parameter settings are valid:
    $ /Library/Aspera/bin/asuserdata -v