Bidirectional example

Bidirectional synchronization syntax is similar to push or pull async sessions, as show in the following example.

Note: You can synchronize Windows, Linux, macOS, and other Unix-based endpoints and servers, but must take care with path separators. The path separator "/" is supported on Windows and other platforms. The path separator "\" is platform independent only for the options -d/r/L/R/B/b and --keep-dir-local/remote. In Aspera Sync filtering rules, however, "\" is exclusively a quoting operator and "/" is the only path separator recognized.

Example Options:

  • Pair name = "asyncTwoWay"
  • Local directory is /fio/S.
  • Remote directory and login are admin@ (Windows computer).
  • Password is v00d00.
  • Target rate = 100,000 Kbps or 100 Mbps.
  • Transfer policy = fair.
  • Read-block size = 1048576 or 1 MB.
  • Write-block size = 1048576 or 1 MB.
  • Continuous transfer.
  • Bidirectional transfer.

Example command:

$ async -N asyncTwoWay -d /fio/S -r admin@ -w v00d00 -l 100M -a fair -g 1M -G 1M -C -K BIDI

Example output:

/                                                             SYNCHRONIZED
/a                                                            SYNCHRONIZED
/b                                                            SYNCHRONIZED
/c                                                            SYNCHRONIZED
/DIR1                                                         SYNCHRONIZED
/A1                                                           SYNCHRONIZED
/DIR2                                                         SYNCHRONIZED
/A2                                                           SYNCHRONIZED
/REMOTE_DIR1                                                  SYNCHRONIZED
/REMOTE_DIR2                                                  SYNCHRONIZED
/REMOTE_DIR1                                                  SYNCHRONIZED(del)
/DIR1/a                                                       SYNCHRONIZED
/DIR1/b                                                       SYNCHRONIZED
/DIR1/c                                                       SYNCHRONIZED
[idle    ] Found/synchronized/Pending/Error/Conflict=9/9/0/0/0