Exporting push-to-client configuration files

After you configure remote system connections, configuration files, and preferences for push-to-client configurations, you can export them to the remote system for distribution to client workspaces.

To export system or global configuration settings to the remote system, you must have write access to the push-to-client configuration files on the remote system. File permissions can be set for three types of users: owner, group, and other. File permissions for the push-to-client directory on the remote system are set by using the file.permission directive in the pushtoclient.properties file. The default setting allows read and write for owner (the user ID who created a file) and group, and read for other. For more information about push-to-client file permissions and configuring push-to-client support on z/OS®, see (Optional) pushtoclient.properties, the host-based client control(Optional) pushtoclient.properties, the host-based client control.
Exporting configurations for push-to-client distribution generates configuration files and transfers them to the remote system. After the files are exported, they are automatically downloaded to client workstations when they connect to the remote system.
By using the push-to-client feature, you can distribute the following configuration files:
  • Global configuration files1:
    • Eclipse preferences
    • Remote system connections
    • Installation configuration
  • System configuration files2
    • z/OS file system mappings
Note: Some configuration files, such as installation configuration files, are created manually on the remote system and not exported from the workstation.

To export push-to-client configuration files:

  1. Switch to the master workspace as described in Creating a master workspace for push-to-client configuration.

    If group-level control of product and configuration updates is enabled for the push-to-client servers, then the master workspace is bound to a particular group when you export configurations to the server. Binding a workspace to a group means that the workspace defines configuration and preferences settings for that group only. Therefore, you need to define one master workspace for each push-to-client group defined on the servers.

  2. Connect to the remote system to which you want to export configuration files:
    1. Select the remote system in the Remote Systems view.
    2. Click Connect on the menu.
    Remember: The push-to-client function supports only one primary system. Before you attempt to export configuration files, verify that you are connected to only one primary system. If you are exporting to a primary system that is different from the primary system to which you last exported configuration files (for example, if your site uses one primary system for testing and another for production), a window prompts you to verify that you are connected to the correct primary system.
  3. From the workspace menu bar, click File > Export.
    The Export window opens.
  4. In the Export window, click + to expand z/OS Explorer.
  5. Select Configuration Files.
  6. Click Next.
    • If the remote system is the primary system, the Global Configuration Files window opens.
    • If the remote system is not the primary system, the System Configuration Files window opens.
    Each of these windows contains two sections:
    • Global configuration or System configuration lists configuration files that can be exported from the workstation to the remote system.
    • Key mapping update lists configuration files that are created on the remote system. You cannot export these files from the workstation.
    If the product is configured to support configuration groups, this window might also include a Configuration group list. Configuration groups are controlled on the remote system. For more information about configuration groups, see Push-to-client considerationsPush-to-client considerations.
  7. If the push-to-client environment is configured to support configuration groups, select the configuration group to which you want to export the configuration files.
    If the master workspace is not bound to a group, you can select a group from this list. If the workspace is bound to a group, the group name is displayed in this field and you cannot select a different group.
    Some configurations, such as Eclipse Preferences, offer you the opportunity to select specific configuration files to export.
  8. Optional: To see the list of configuration files, expand the configuration.
  9. Optional: To display the default locations and names of the configuration files on the remote system, select Show export properties.
    The following export properties are displayed:
    • Export Path: The location on the remote system to which the configuration file is to be exported.
    • File Mask: The file name pattern for the configuration file, which is useful when many configuration files are saved in the same container.
    • Encoding: The encoding of the configuration file on the remote system.
  10. Select the check box next to the configuration files you want to export and click Next or Finish.
    The configuration files are uploaded to the remote system. Some configurations might offer you the opportunity to select specific configuration files to export. If you selected a configuration that provides this option, a window that lists available configuration files opens.
  11. Optional: Select the files that you want to export and click OK.
1 For IDz users, global configuration files also include the settings of Database connections, Software Analyzer Configurations, Menu Manager files, and Snippets. For more information about theses settings, search for Defining connections, configuration files, and preferences for push-to-client configuration in IDz KC.
2 For IDz users, system configuration files also include the settings of Property groups, Host-based projects, Remote index locations and Default values. For more information about these settings, search for Defining connections, configuration files, and preferences for push-to-client configuration in IDz KC.