How to use the CICS SMF Analyzer

This section contains instructions on how to use the CICS® SMF Analyzer component of the ABO Assistant.

How to use the CICS SMF Analyzer to produce a prioritized report

The following parameters must be set before submitting BOZCICSJ to produce a prioritized report from your SMF 110 data

// SET SMFDUMP=hlq.smf110.dump     <- SMF DUMP
// SET MCT=hlq.personal.SDFHLOAD   <- DFHMCTPA location       
// SET EXE=hlq.bozcicsr.location   <- REXX program BOZCICSR location      
// SET DUMPSTAT=ORIGINAL           <- ORIGINAL or AFTER           
// SET COBAPPL=cobappl             <- COBOL CICS application name  
// SET APPLID=applid               <- CICS region APPLID        
// SET DATEJ=yyyyddd               <- date of SMF DUMP       
// SET SYSID=sysid                 <- SYSID of SMF DUMP      
// SET THRSHOLD=0.0                <- CPU threshold value     

When BOZCICSJ is submitted with these settings, the following actions take place:

  • The DFHMNDUP CICS utility program generates a performance dictionary record
  • The DFH$MOLS CICS utility program printing CICS monitoring data into the userid.BOZCICS.DFH$MOLS.dumpstat data set
  • The CICS SMF Analyzer REXX program BOZCICSR in hlq.bozcicsr.location will analyze the CICS monitoring data provided within userid.BOZCICS.DFH$MOLS.dumpstat data set and produce a report at userid.BOZCICS.cobappl.dumpstat detailing the top CPU consuming programs, sorted high to low based on the program cumulative CPU time.

How to use the CICS SMF Analyzer to produce a comparison report

The following parameters must be set before submitting BOZCICPJ to produce a comparison report from two already generated prioritized reports:

// SET  <- first prioritized report to compare
// SET  <- second prioritized report to compare
// SET EXE=hlq.bozcicpr.location     <- BOZCICPR location
// SET COBAPPL=cobappl               <- COBOL CICS application name

When BOZCICPJ is submitted with these settings, the following actions take place:

The CICS SMF Analyzer REXX program BOZCICPR in hlq.bozcicpr.location will read the two prioritized reports and produce a comparison report at userid.BOZCICS.cobappl.GAIN to detail the CPU time changes overall, and per program, between the ORIGINAL and OPTMIZD prioritized reports.

How to use the CICS SMF Analyzer to produce prioritized reports and a comparison report in a single job

The following parameters must be set before submitting BOZCIAPJ to run the CICS SMF Analyzer to produce two prioritized reports from two SMF dumps and then also produce a comparison report of this data in a single job submission:

// SET SMFDUMP1=hlq.smf110.original <- first SMF DUMP (e.g. from original run)
// SET SMFDUMP2=hlq.smf110.optimizd <- second SMF DUMP (e.g. from optimized run)
// SET MCT=hlq.personal.SDFHLOAD    <- DFHMCTPA location
// SET EXE=hlq.bozcicsr.location    <- BOZCICSR, BOZCICPR REXX location
// SET COBAPPL=cobappl              <- COBOL CICS application name
// SET APPLID1=applid               <- CICS APPLID for original run
// SET DATEJ1=yyyyddd               <- date of SMFDUMP1
// SET SYSID1=sysid                 <- SYSID of SMFDUMP1
// SET APPLID2=applid               <- CICS APPLID for optimized run
// SET DATEJ2=yyyyddd               <- date of SMFDUMP2
// SET SYSID2=sysid                 <- SYSID of SMFDUMP2
// SET THRSHOLD=0.0                 <- CPU threshold value

When BOZCIAPJ is submitted with these settings, the following actions take place:

  • The CICS SMF Analyzer will produce a prioritized report at userid.BOZCICS.cobappl.ORIGINAL of the top CPU consuming programs from SMFDUMP1
  • The CICS SMF Analyzer will then produce a prioritized report at userid.BOZCICS.cobappl.OPTIMIZD of the top CPU consuming programs from SMFDUMP2
  • Finally, a comparison report between the prioritized reports generated for SMFDUMP1 and SMFDUMP2 will be produced at userid.BOZCICS.cobappl.GAIN. This comparison report details the CPU time changes overall, and per program, between the ORIGINAL and OPTMIZD prioritized reports produced in the first two steps. This comparison report is the same in format and content as that produced if the CICS SMF Analyzer steps described in the previous sections were individually run.