Testing information

The optimized modules that ABO produces will run faster but will have the same behavior, except from some isolated error message and abend code differences, as the original COBOL modules. ABO is able do this because it processes the binary code within the COBOL module so it is able to ensure the low level logic of the program remains the same. This means that users of ABO do not have to perform full functional verification testing of the ABO optimized modules. Some limited testing is recommended to ensure basic functioning of the applications using the ABO optimized modules prior to deploying ABO optimized modules into a production environment.

Performance testing is best done in a controlled environment with the same input data used with the original application and with the application containing ABO optimized modules. Using a machine or LPAR that has as few as possible other applications running for performance testing will allow for stable and reproducible performance results. Comparing the CPU time between the original application and optimized application is the best way to see performance gains.