Specifying nodes as input to GPFS commands

Many GPFS commands accept a node or multiple nodes as part of their input by using the -N flag.

Nodes can be specified to GPFS commands in various ways:
A representation of an individual node, which can be any of these:
  • Short GPFS administration node interface name.
  • Long GPFS administration node interface name.
  • Short GPFS daemon node interface name.
  • Long GPFS daemon node interface name.
  • IP address corresponding to the GPFS daemon node interface.
  • GPFS node number.
Node - Node
A node range, indicated by specifying two node numbers separated by a hyphen (-), with the first node number being less than or equal to the second node number. For example, node range 3-8 specifies the nodes with node numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
A set of nodes that are grouped into system-defined node classes or user-defined node classes. The system-defined node classes that are known to GPFS are:
All of the nodes in the GPFS cluster.
All nodes that do not participate in file system administration activities.
The node on which the command is running.
All nodes in the pool of nodes from which file system managers and token managers are selected.
For commands involving a file system, all of the local nodes on which the file system is mounted (nodes in remote clusters are always excluded, even when they mount the file system in question).
All of the non-quorum nodes in the GPFS cluster.
All of the NSD server nodes in the GPFS cluster.
All of the quorum nodes in the GPFS cluster.

User-defined node classes are created with the mmcrnodeclass command. After a node class is created, it can be specified as an argument on commands that accept the -N NodeClass option. User-defined node classes are managed with the mmchnodeclass, mmdelnodeclass, and mmlsnodeclass commands.

A file that contains a list of nodes. A node file can contain individual nodes or node ranges.

For commands operating on a file system, the stripe group manager node is always implicitly included in the node list. Not every GPFS command supports all of the node specification options described in this topic. To learn what kinds of node specifications are supported by a particular GPFS command, see the relevant command description in Command reference.