
Tivoli® Enterprise Portal gathers data from remote agents located within your systems. The portal stores this data for OMEGAMON® XE for Storage on z/OS® in elements called attributes.

Each attribute is a characteristic of an object. For example, the All Channels Busy Percent attribute in the Logical Control Unit attribute group displays the percentage of the time that all channel paths to an LCU were busy.

Attribute groups
The OMEGAMON XE for Storage on z/OS attributes are organized into groups of related items. These groups of attributes comprise the attribute tables for the product.
Note: In the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, the names of attribute groups are preceded by "S3," which is the product code for OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS.
Attributes and workspaces
You can view the data reported for the attribute in the reports and charts displayed in the OMEGAMON XE for Storage on z/OS workspaces. The workspaces contain the table views you use to obtain information about the various aspects of your environment. The table views and graphs within each workspace report the storage attribute information you are monitoring. You can use the collected data to analyze and monitor performance.
Attributes and situations
Attributes are used in the predefined situations for the product. You can also create custom situations for to monitor the performance of your z/OS systems. These situations can monitor one aspect of your enterprise or analyze multiple conditions to alert you to problems that can occur when attribute values exceed their thresholds.

List of attribute groups and attributes

The following attribute groups are provided with the OMEGAMON XE for Storage on z/OS product:

Application Datasets
Application Dataset Details
Application Dataset Monitor
Application Monitoring
Application RLS Datasets
Application Volume Performance
Application Volume Space  

Cache Control Unit
Cache Devices
Cache Raid Rank
CA1 Configuration
CA1 Controls
CA1 Dataset
CA1 Job Summary
CA1 Permanent Error Summary
CA1 Program Summary
CA1 Summary
CA1 Temporary Error Summary
CA1 Volume

Channel Path  

Cross System Volume Summary
Cross System Volumes  

DASD Group Vol Perform
DASD Group Vol Space
DASD Physical Group
DASD Volume Performance
DASD Volume Space  

These attribute groups supply information to a database that tracks attributes related to space, DCB, and cataloging of data sets. This database collects data regarding all data sets in the z/OS environment so that you can create comprehensive reports or identify alert conditions throughout the system. See Dataset Attributes Database for more information.

Dataset Attributes Blocksize Summary
Dataset Attributes CA Split Summary
Dataset Attributes Catalog Summary
Dataset Attributes CI Split Summary
Dataset Attributes Creation Date Summary
Dataset Attributes Defs
Dataset Attributes Dataset Detail
Dataset Attributes DSORG Detail
Dataset Attributes DSORG Summary
Dataset Attributes Extent Summary
Dataset Attributes Inefficient Blocksize Summary
Dataset Attributes Mature Dataset Summary
Dataset Attributes Never Referenced Dataset Summary
Dataset Attributes Newborn Dataset Summary
Dataset Attributes Reference Date Summary
Dataset Attributes SMS Class Detail
Dataset Attributes SMS Class Summary
Dataset Attributes Space Allocated Summary
Dataset Attributes Space Unused Summary
Dataset Attributes System Summary
Dataset Attributes Uncataloged Detail
Dataset Attributes Uncataloged Summary
DSN Attr Group Detail
DSN Attr Group Summary

Dataset Collection Interval
Dataset Group Defs
Dataset Group Details
Dataset Group Detail Attrs
Dataset Group Details Volume  
Dataset Group Summary
Dataset Performance
Dataset SMS
Dataset Space
Dataset Users
FICON Director Control Units
FICON Director Ports
FICON Director Summary
S3 App Defs
S3 Dag Defs
S3 DASD Defs
S3 Group Defs

HSM Common Storage
HSM Cross System CRQ Hosts
HSM Cross System CRQplex
HSM CRQ Requests
HSM Dataset Recover Version
HSM Function Details
HSM Function Statistics
HSM Function Summary
HSM Host Function Status
HSM Host Request Summary
HSM Host Status
HSM Private Storage
HSM Requests
HSM Status

Logical Control Unit
Logical Control Unit Channel Paths
LCU Control Unit

RLS Appl Dataset Details
RLS Buffer LSU Summary
RLS Buffer Pool Detail
RLS Collection Interval
RLS Dataset Details
RLS Dataset Group Details
RLS Dataset Group Summary
RLS Lock Structure
RLS Lock Structure CF Detail
RLS Performance Overview
RLS Storage Class
RMM Configuration
RMM Control
RMM Control Data Set
RMM Dataset Details
RMM Location Details
RMM Owner Details
RMM Pending Actions
RMM System Summary
RMM Volume Details
RMM VRS Details

SMS Cache Sets
SMS Configuration
SMS Data Class
SMS Management Class
SMS Storage Class
SMS Storage Group
SMS Storage Group Status
SMS Systems
SMSplex Navigation
SMSplex Summary  

Storage Toolkit Requests
Storage Toolkit Result Summary
Storage Toolkit Result Detail
Storage Toolkit Result Resources
For more information related to this set of attributes, see Storage Toolkit.

Symmetrix Configuration
Symmetrix Devices
Symmetrix Director Summary
Symmetrix Directors
Symmetrix SSIDs
System Summary  

Tape Device
Tape Group  

TotalStorageDS Array Configuration
TotalStorageDS Configuration
TotalStorageDS Extent Pool
TotalStorageDS Rank
TotalStorageDS SSIDs  

UDG Cache Devices
Volume Group Summary  
Volume Status
Volume Users  

VTS Cache
VTS Capacity
VTS Composite Library
VTS Overview
VTS Physical Devices
VTS TS7700-series Cache Container
VTS TS7700-series Cache Partition Container
VTS TS7700-series Cache Preference Group
VTS TS7700-series Cluster
VTS Virtual Devices
VTS Virtual Devices Summary
VTSS Channels
VTSS Configuration
VTSS Status
VTSS Virtual Volumes