Checking and completing your custom resource

A custom resource YAML is a configuration file that describes an instance of a deployment that is created by one or more of the CP4BA operators and includes parameters to install some or all of the Cloud Pak capabilities.

About this task

A single custom resource file is used to include all of the capabilities that you want to install with a particular operator. Each time that you need to make an update or modification, you must apply the changes to your deployments. When you apply a new custom resource to an operator, you must make sure that all previously deployed resources are included, otherwise the operator deletes them.
Note: Do not modify the appVersion parameter when you configure the YAML file. Change the parameter only if you upgrade from a previous version.

What to do next

After you complete all of the configuration steps for all of the capabilities that you want to install, go ahead and apply your production deployment if you created the CR by running the deployment script. For more information, see Option 2: Deploying the custom resource you created with the deployment script.

Some capabilities need you to follow post-deployment steps. For more information, see Completing post-installation tasks.