IRRL(x,n) returns the result of logically rotating x to the right by n places.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramIRRL( x, n)
Expression. x must have a computational type.
Expression. n must have a computational type.

If x is REAL FIXED BIN(p,0) and SIGNED, the result is SIGNED REAL FIXED BIN(p,0).

If x is REAL FIXED BIN(p,0) and UNSIGNED, the result is UNSIGNED REAL FIXED BIN(p,0).

Otherwise, x is converted to SIGNED REAL FIXED BIN(p,0) and the result has the same attributes.

The result is undefined if n is negative or if n is greater than the number of bits in x.


  IRRL('01020304'xn,8)       /* produces '04010203'xn */