Search string syntax

When you enter the search terms for a global search, you can use logical operators to construct search strings that enable the search engine to find exactly what you need.

Use this operator... To do this:
None Perform a standard search.
Example: Lotus Notes
Quotation marks around a term Search for an exact phrase.
Example: "Lotus Notes"
Question mark Perform a single-character wildcard search.
Example: Lo?us Notes
You cannot use a question mark at the beginning of a search term.
Asterisk Perform a multiple-character wildcard search.
Example: Lotus*
You cannot use an asterisk at the beginning of a search term.
Tilde at the end of a single term Perform a fuzzy search, which finds terms that are similar to the term you enter
Example: Lotus~
OR Search for records that contain one or all of multiple terms.
Example: Lotus OR Notes
AND Search for records that contain all of the terms.
Example: Lotus AND Notes
Parentheses Search for records that contain a specific search term and one of a range of other terms.
Example: Lotus AND (Notes OR Password)
NOT Search for records that contain one or more search terms but not another term.
Example: "Lotus Notes" NOT Password
OR and AND Search for records that contain either of two terms and another term.
Example: Lotus OR Notes AND Password