What's new

Running a different version of IBM Blockchain Platform? Switch to version 2.1.3, 2.5, 2.5.1, 2.5.2

March 25, 2021

IBM Blockchain Platform 2.5.2 is now available with support for:

January 19, 2021

The IBM® Blockchain Platform extension for VS Code V2.0 is now available for download from the Visual Studio Marketplace. This new version includes support for Fabric v2.0 lifecycle along with updated tutorials. Download the extension from the marketplace to get started then visit our Developer Tooling topic for more information.

November 02, 2020

IBM Blockchain Platform now supports the Fabric v2.x smart contract lifecycle that allows for decentralized governance of smart contract definitions on a channel. The platform has been updated to support Kubernetes v1.17-v1.19 and OpenShift container Platform 4.4, 4.5.

Support for Fabric v2.x lifecycle

The series of processes around installing, managing, and using smart contracts, collectively known as the "lifecycle" of the smart contract, has been updated. This new lifecycle allows organizations to collaborate in the channel-level decision making process regarding smart contracts, eliminate the need for smart contract fingerprint matches, and allow smart contracts to be written with only the code relevant to an organization's business role.

The IBM Developer tooling has been updated to support generation of Fabric v2.x smart contract packages as well as testing smart contracts by using the new lifecycle process. Learn more about how to deploy a smart contract using Fabric v2.x and how to write powerful smart contracts that leverage the new governance.

New process for enabling Hardware Security Module (HSM) support

A new process for configuring an HSM to work with your blockchain nodes is available and offers faster performance over the use of the existing HSM PKCS #11 proxy which is now deprecated. Current customers who are using the PKCS #11 proxy should check out the new process in the Advanced deployment options.

Ability to upgrade existing nodes and channel application capability to Fabric v2.x

You continue to have the option to select the Fabric v1.4 or v2.x image when creating your CAs, peers, and ordering nodes. However, you now have the ability to upgrade your existing nodes that are running Fabric v1.4.x to the Fabric v2.x image. If you have peers using the Fabric v1.4.x image, you must upgrade your nodes and update your channel capabilities to take advantage of the new smart contract lifecycle.

For information about upgrading nodes, check out Upgrading to a new version of Fabric. For information about updating the capabilities of your channels, check out Capabilities.

Enhancements to the certificate renewal process

Because all actions on a blockchain network depend on the existence of valid and verifiable certificates, renewing certificate is vital to avoiding network outages. To streamline the certificate renewal process, the console now allows you to renew your CA TLS certificate, and peer and ordering node enrollment and TLS certificates. While it is preferable to renew certificates before they expire, it is possible to restore components whose certificates have already expired in many cases. Learn more about the new options in Certificate management.

See the Release notes for more details on the new features that are included in this release.

August 27, 2020

The IBM Blockchain Platform can now be deployed onto OpenShift clusters from the Red Hat Marketplace, an open cloud catalog that makes it easier to discover and access certified software. Red Hat certified IBM Blockchain Platform operator images are available in the marketplace and accessible from your OpenShift web console. This new deployment option is immediately available to deploy on any Red Hat OpenShift 4.3+ cluster, and provides a fast, integrated experience for deploying the blockchain console that can be used to create Certificate Authorities (CAs), peers, and ordering nodes, in the public cloud. See Deploy from Red Hat Marketplace to learn how.

June 18, 2020

IBM Blockchain Platform provides tighter integration with Red Hat solutions, including additional integration with Red Hat OpenShift 4.3. This latest release also makes available a set of Ansible Content Collections to help accelerate the deployment of blockchain solutions.

IBM Blockchain Platform Ansible Playbooks

The IBM Blockchain Platform improvements are designed to enable enterprises to launch production blockchain networks faster. This release helps organizations accelerate deployment through support of Ansible, an open source tool that automates provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment. Ansible Content Collections are packages of modules, plug-ins, and other Ansible content that automate these processes. The platform has published a set of Ansible Content Collections to help organizations deploy blockchain components and networks with greater speed. See Getting started with Ansible playbooks on the IBM Blockchain Platform to learn more.

Hyperledger Fabric 2.0 images

This release also includes improved usability and security by using Hyperledger Fabric v2 and introduces the capability to deploy new peer and ordering nodes based on either Hyperledger Fabric v1.4.7 or v2.1.1. While all of the new Fabric v2 capabilities are not yet available on the platform, when you deploy a peer based on the Fabric v2.1.1 image, smart contracts are deployed into their own pod rather than inside a container on the peer pod, eliminating the dependency on the Docker daemon. Deploying peer and ordering nodes with the Fabric v2.x images is recommended to ensure that going forward you have access to the latest Fabric fixes and features. It is not currently possible to migrate existing nodes to Fabric 2.1.1 images. The ordering service requires that all ordering nodes be running either Fabric v1.4.x or Fabric 2.x. Mixing ordering nodes with these different Fabric versions can introduce problems when attempting to update the consenter set. Peers, on the other hand can coexist on a channel even when they run different Fabric levels, as long as the channel application capability is not higher than the lowest peer Fabric version. Customers running OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 in IBM Cloud should upgrade their clusters to 4.3 now to fully take advantage of these new features.

See the Release notes for more details on the new features that are included in this release.

May 20, 2020

In addition to being able to link your IBM Blockchain Platform instance to an IBM Cloud Kubernetes service cluster, you can now also link your platform service instance to a Red Hat OpenShift cluster that is running in IBM Cloud. The process is identical, the only difference is that when you link a cluster, you can now select your OpenShift cluster from the list of available clusters. See Getting started with IBM Blockchain Platform for IBM Cloud to review the deployment process.

If you are an Enterprise customer who is migrating to the IBM Blockchain Platform, you must link your blockchain service instance to an IBM Cloud Kubernetes service cluster. OpenShift clusters are not supported for Enterprise migration.

March 24, 2020

The following enhancements are included in this latest release:

See the Release notes for more details on the new features that are included in this release.

We've streamlined the documentation. If you are an existing customer, you might notice that a new Tutorials section was added in the table of contents under Learn. We've aggregated all of the tutorials in a single location under the Tutorials heading to make them easier to find.

February 14, 2020

Enterprise Plan users can now upgrade their networks to the latest version of the IBM Blockchain Platform, IBM Blockchain Platform for IBM Cloud. As part of the upgrade process, IBM will upgrade your Enterprise Plan network from Fabric v1.1 to Fabric v1.4.3 and migrate your ordering service from Kafka to Raft consensus. You can then use the self guided upgrade tool to create new nodes on the IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0 side by side with your Enterprise Plan network.

If possible, Enterprise Plan customers are encouraged to migrate to the IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0 right away. If you do not need to preserve your ledger data on Enterprise Plan, you are encouraged to skip the upgrade process and create a new network on the IBM Blockchain for IBM Cloud. If you are ready to create a new network, go to Getting Started with IBM Blockchain Platform for IBM Cloud.

Since the Enterprise Upgrade documentation was released as a preview, version 1.4.5 of the Fabric Node SDK has been released. If your application uses the Node SDK, you need to upgrade the SDK to version 1.4.5 before you start using the upgrade tool.

February 06, 2020

Service availability in a new region

The IBM Blockchain Platform for IBM Cloud is now available to be provisioned in one new region: UK South (London). Refer to the locations information to see the data centers that are available in those regions.

October 02, 2019

Reminders for Starter Plan users

Admin certificates for Starter plan instances expire one year from date of service instance creation.

There is no migration from Starter Plan to the next generation IBM Blockchain, but your chaincode can be reused.

The IBM Blockchain Platform console UI has been updated

Review the release notes to see the latest features available for your network.

August 27, 2019

The process to view logs for Starter Plan nodes has changed. Instead of viewing Starter logs by using the IBM Log Analysis service and Kibana, you can now use the Open Dashboard service in IBM Cloud to view the logs of your CA, peers and ordering nodes.

August 7, 2019

Networks on Enterprise Plan will soon be upgraded to Fabric v1.4.3. The Upgrade allows your network to be migrated to a Raft based ordering service from Kafka.

This upgrade may cause breaking changes in your applications if they still use the peer based EventHub class of the Fabric SDKs. The peer based EventHub has been removed in Fabric v1.4.3. You must update your applications to use the new channel based event service. Because you can use channel events on Fabric v1.1, you can migrate your application at any time. For more information, see How to use the channel-based event service in the Node SDK documentation.

If you are using Hyperledger Composer v0.19.x, upgrading your network to Fabric 1.4.3 will disrupt your application. You need to plan on shutting down your application before upgrading your network. When your upgrade is complete, you can upgrade your application to Composer v0.20.8.

Fabric v1.4 is the first long term support release of Hyperledger Fabric. You can learn more by visiting the Whats new in v1.4 in the Fabric documentation.

June 18, 2019

The IBM Blockchain Platform for Multicloud, which enables the use of the second-generation IBM Blockchain Platform in your own infrastructure and the Kubernetes cloud provider of your choice, becomes generally available. This release allows the user interface console to be used to deploy and manage blockchain components in your own environment using IBM Cloud Private. The IBM Blockchain Platform for Multicloud uses Hyperledger Fabric v1.4.1 code base and supports deployment on IBM Cloud Private v3.2.

This IBM Blockchain Platform release includes the following key features:

BUILD ---- Integrated developer experience

OPERATE --- Total control of your deployments

GROW --- Scalability and flexibility

Instructions for deployment are in Getting started with IBM Blockchain Platform for Multicloud.

For more information about Hyperledger Fabric v1.4.1, see Hyperledger Fabric documentation. For more information about IBM Cloud Private, see IBM Cloud Private v3.2 documentation.

May 31, 2019

The second-generation IBM Blockchain Platform, which enables you to deploy, operate, and monitor your blockchain network, becomes generally available. This release includes a new user interface console that can be used to deploy and manage blockchain components in your own IBM Kubernetes Service cluster on IBM Cloud.

This IBM Blockchain Platform release includes the following key features:

BUILD ---- Integrated developer experience

OPERATE --- Total control of your deployments

GROW --- Scalability and flexibility

May 9, 2019

IBM Blockchain releases version 1.0.0 of the IBM Blockchain Platform Visual Studio (VS) Code Extension. This developer toolkit contains the following key capabilities:

A reconfigured user interface for simpler navigation

Prescriptive and detailed tutorials that cover how to:

All the popular features from previous releases, including:

For more information, see Developing smart contracts with Visual Studio Code extension.

April 23, 2019

IBM Blockchain Platform for IBM Cloud Private releases v1.0.2, which uses Hyperledger Fabric v1.4.0 code base and supports deployment on IBM Cloud Private v3.1.2.

For more information about Hyperledger Fabric v1.4.0, see Hyperledger Fabric documentation. For more information about IBM Cloud Private, see IBM Cloud Private v3.1.2 documentation.

February 8, 2019

IBM Blockchain Platform releases a free 2.0 beta, the next generation of IBM Blockchain Platform solutions that enables you to deploy, operate, and monitor your blockchain network. IBM Blockchain Platform free 2.0 beta includes a new user interface console, that can be used to deploy and manage blockchain components in your own IBM Kubernetes Service cluster on IBM Cloud. The IBM Blockchain Platform free 2.0 beta will allow you to:

Build your network faster and easier within a seamless experience

Operate and govern networks with total control

Grow distributed networks with ease with newly enabled multicloud flexibility

The table of contents is enhanced by grouping all getting started topics together into a section called Getting started tutorials. Additionally, each of the IBM Blockchain Platform offerings is described in the About IBM Blockchain Platform subsections are now contained under the LEARN section.

Note: Free cloud credits are no longer available for users of Starter Plan.

December 7, 2018

The Operate Starter Plan Network and Operate Enterprise Plan Network topics are combined and replaced by a single tutorial about Using the Network Monitor.

November 27, 2018

IBM Blockchain Platform releases IBM Blockchain Platform for IBM Cloud Private. IBM Cloud Private is an application platform for developing and managing containerized applications that are based on Kubernetes and it allows users to deploy Certificate Authorities (CAs), orderers, and peers on x86, LinuxONE and IBM Z. IBM Blockchain Platform for IBM Cloud Private is based on Hyperledger Fabric v1.2.1 and is deployed by using Kubernetes Helm charts. After you install the Helm chart, you can find it as a bundled service in the IBM Cloud Private Catalog. Note that this offering is more suitable for experienced Fabric users.

For more information about IBM Cloud Private, see IBM Cloud Private v3.1.0 documentation.

The release of IBM Blockchain Platform for IBM Cloud Private also marks the end of the IBM Blockchain Platform Remote Peer (Beta) program. It is still possible to deploy a peer in IBM Cloud Private or in AWS and connect it to a Starter Plan or Enterprise Plan network.

This release also debuts some improvements to the documentation table of contents. If you are a Starter or Enterprise user, your content can still be found in the LEARN, HOW TO, REFERENCE, and HELP sections, and the links are still the same. It might just be in a different subsection in the table of contents.

November 13, 2018

IBM Blockchain Platform releases IBM Blockchain Platform for Amazon Web Services (AWS).

IBM Blockchain Platform for AWS enables you to run peers in the AWS Cloud and connect the peers to existing blockchain networks in IBM Cloud. Your peers in AWS can leverage the connection profile and other blockchain components in the existing networks, while giving you more flexibility to colocate your peers with other applications outside IBM Cloud.

October 4, 2018

IBM Blockchain Platform upgrades Starter Plan from Hyperledger Fabric v1.1.0 to v1.2.1.

Important: Fabric v1.2.1 is currently not compatible with the Remote Peer beta, which uses a v1.1.0 peer. Starter Plan networks, which are created before October 4, 2018 and are based on Fabric v1.1.0, are not impacted and can still be used with the Remote Peer beta. IBM Blockchain Platform will update the Remote Peer beta to use the v1.2.1 peer, which will be compatible with new Starter networks, which are at Fabric v1.2.1 level, and Enterprise networks, which are at Fabric v1.1.0 level. Until the Remote Peer beta is updated to Fabric v1.2.1, do not attempt to deploy a v1.1.0 remote peer with a new v1.2.1 Starter network.

September 4, 2018

IBM Blockchain Platform releases Remote Peer offering Beta. Remote Peer offering is based on Hyperledger Fabric v1.1.0. By using the Remote Peer, you can run IBM Blockchain Platform peer nodes in your own IBM Cloud Private or Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud environment.

June 15, 2018

IBM Blockchain Platform releases Starter Plan GA.

May 15, 2018

IBM Blockchain Platform upgrades Enterprise Plan from Hyperledger Fabric v1.0.0 to v1.1.0.

March, 18, 2018

IBM Blockchain Platform releases Starter Plan Beta. Starter Plan offers you a development and testing environment to learn and practice in an IBM Blockchain Platform network.

August 11, 2017

IBM Blockchain Platform replaces IBM Blockchain on Cloud and releases Enterprise Plan.