OPL keyword to specify CP.


OPL keyword to specify that the model must be solved by the constraint programming engine.

Model files (.mod) - Constraint programming


using CP;


Use this keyword at the beginning of your model to specify that it must be solved by the constraint programming engine. This engine can solve models with complex combinatorial constraint such as allDifferent or allowedAssignments / forbiddenAssignments. It uses powerful constraint-propagation and branch-and-bound techniques.

Use the CP engine to solve scheduling problems. In the OPL Language Quick Reference manual, keywords and functions that are useful with scheduling problems contain “scheduling” in the Purpose statement and in the Keyword Summary Table.

To specify the constraint programming engine CP Optimizer, start your model with the statement

using CP;

The other engine supported by OPL is CPLEX.


using CP;

int n = 5;

range R = 1..n;
dvar int x[R] in R;

subject to {
  allDifferent(all (i in R : i%2 == 0) x[i] );
  allDifferent(all (i in R : i%2 == 1) x[i] );