maximum number of solutions kept in solution pool

Limits the number of solutions kept in the solution pool


Maximum number of solutions kept in the solution pool

API Parameter Name Name prior to V12.6.0
C++ IloCplex::Param::MIP::Pool::Capacity SolnPoolCapacity (int)
Java IloCplex.Param.MIP.Pool.Capacity SolnPoolCapacity (int)
.NET Cplex.Param.MIP.Pool.Capacity SolnPoolCapacity (int)
OPL solnpoolcapacity solnpoolcapacity
Python parameters.mip.pool.capacity mip.pool.capacity
Interactive mip pool capacity mip pool capacity
Identifier 2103 2103


Sets the maximum number of solutions kept in the solution pool. At most, SolnPoolCapacity solutions will be stored in the pool. Superfluous solutions are managed according to the strategy set by the solution pool replacement strategy parameter (SolnPoolReplace, CPX_PARAM_SOLNPOOLREPLACE).

The optimization (whether by MIP optimization or the populate procedure) will not stop if more than SolnPoolCapacity solutions are generated. Instead, stopping criteria can be specified by these parameters:

The default value for SolnPoolCapacity is 2100000000, but it may be set to any nonnegative integer value. If set to zero, it will turn off all features related to the solution pool.

If you are looking for a parameter to control the number of solutions generated by the populate procedure, consider the parameter maximum number of solutions generated for solution pool by populate.


Any nonnegative integer; 0 (zero) turns off all features of the solution pool; default: 2100000000.