recording switch

Records invocations of Callable Library (C API) routines


Records invocations of Callable Library (C API) routines

API Parameter Name
C++ IloCplex::Param::Record
Java IloCplex.Param.Record
.NET Cplex.Param.Record
OPL record
Python parameters.record
Interactive record yes
Identifier 1162


This parameter determines whether CPLEX records invocations of routines in an application of the CPLEX Callable Library (C API). This choice applies implicitly to all other application programming interfaces (APIs) of CPLEX (C++, Java, .NET, Python) as those APIs wrap routines of the CPLEX Callable Library (C API).

This parameter can help in technical support or debugging. For example, in a custom application, the recording allows technical support to replay the CPLEX-specific function calls without needing access to your original source code and data.

This parameter is off by default, that is, 0 (zero). (When this parameter is off initially, it has no effect.)

When this parameter is turned on, that is, 1 (one), it records all invocations (function calls) of C routines in a file named cplex.db.XXXXXX, where XXXXXX is replaced with a unique string appropriately. The record includes input and output arguments as well as return values. Recording continues until you close the CPLEX environment or your application terminates. That is, after you turn on this parameter, it is not possible for you to turn off recording until you close the CPLEX environment or your application terminates.

When you want to record, set this parameter immediately after your application creates the CPLEX environment.

Alternatively, you can also turn on this parameter by setting its value in a formatted PRM file of CPLEX parameter settings, and then using the environment variable ILOG_CPLEX_PARAMETER_FILE to specify that file. CPLEX applies the settings it finds in a PRM file designated by that environment variable as early as possible. For more detail about that environment variable, see the topic Using environment variables in CPLEX in the CPLEX User's Manual. For more information about creating a file of parameter settings (that is, a PRM file), see the topic Saving parameter settings to a file in the C API in the CPLEX Parameters Reference Manual.

Table 1. Values
Value Meaning
0 Recording is off by default
1 Turn on recording